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Two Questions


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Hello everyone whats up? well today I have 2 questions concerning nightmare again heh I was gonna do it the long way but I am too lazy to do it that way Lol my original plan was to just write them all down in my note book one by one but I see each list is quite long and they always seemed incomplete to me since they are blank. Although looking at FE4 cheat codes I see the cheats list and nightmare list are almost one and the same except the cheat codes list is missing any skill combos that include the unused skills in the game Darkness Sword and Holy Sword I want to do more good combos with those skills.

1.FE4 skills editor yes FE4 again haha well I wanted to play around with unit skills more than I`ve done now but there is a problem half of the skills in the lists are blank does anyone have a FE4 nightmare module with them all filled in? or have a text list with them all filled in? I was going to write them down by hand at first but that seems it will take very long. Here is an example of it. I will go with hmm let`s use Noish for this. It says in nightmare Noish then you have his equipment slots etc. holy blood then skills you see skill 1 0x09 Critical+Shooting Star Sword then about 95% of the list after that looks like 0x0C - and nothing is there Anyone got a clear list? if not i will continue how I was doing it and write them down.

2.FE5 yep I`ve moved on to the next I want to play my FE5 again but with different classes the issue is promotion editor won`t work thats it. It just says error loading module. I usually just ignore those but this is in the promotion editor I really want to use that so I can explore the rest of the FE5 classes I am curious of many of them.

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just so you know, things like skills owned and holy blood are handled in a binary fashion


skills use three bytes, and each byte holds 8 bits of skill info

look at it this way, using Critical as an example:

0000 0001

each number is represented by a skill being switched 'on' by selecting the hex equivalent

in order from left to right, it's 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01

0001, or 0x01, is the Critical skill switch

counting up in binary will be 0010, or 0x02 in hex, but it will be the second skill in the list that will be enabled, while the first is disabled

however, going to 0x03 will look like 0011 in binary, so both are switched 'on'

in the case of adding Astra + Critical, it will be 0000 1001, or 0x09

to enable multiple skills, all you'd have to do is combine them appropriately; the easiest way is to add the hex numbers together

alternatively, the real easiest way is to open the nightmare module in notepad, scroll down to Skills (in character/class/item editors) and change the NDHU to NDDU

it's a lot easier to add in decimal than hex

as for missing skills, please read my FE4 stuff topic, it really is required reading and resources for any FE4 hack; the skill table editor fully handles that problem

Edited by Lamia
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Oooh Lamia thank you so much! you are such great help thank you!! now I can mess around with the skills more I was getting tired of using only the critical skill and the handfull of others that were listed properly and not blank heh i can`t make many good skill combos with those few now I can see what combinations I can come up with with all of them.

just so you know, things like skills owned and holy blood are handled in a binary fashion


skills use three bytes, and each byte holds 8 bits of skill info

look at it this way, using Critical as an example:

0000 0001

each number is represented by a skill being switched 'on' by selecting the hex equivalent

in order from left to right, it's 0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01

0001, or 0x01, is the Critical skill switch

counting up in binary will be 0010, or 0x02 in hex, but it will be the second skill in the list that will be enabled, while the first is disabled

however, going to 0x03 will look like 0011 in binary, so both are switched 'on'

in the case of adding Astra + Critical, it will be 0000 1001, or 0x09

to enable multiple skills, all you'd have to do is combine them appropriately; the easiest way is to add the hex numbers together

alternatively, the real easiest way is to open the nightmare module in notepad, scroll down to Skills (in character/class/item editors) and change the NDHU to NDDU

it's a lot easier to add in decimal than hex

as for missing skills, please read my FE4 stuff topic, it really is required reading and resources for any FE4 hack; the skill table editor fully handles that problem

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