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Should I get Path of Radiance or Skyrim: Legendary Edition?

Cowboy Karimov

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I can't imagine that Oblivion is better then Skyrim. Oblivion is like a game engine with a bunch of scripts that spam the same stuff over and over to give the illusion of actual content. An illusion which doesn't last very long.

Anyway, regardless of the quality of the games, one thing to consider is that PoR is rare. If you are interested and there is a good opportunity, it might be wise to take it. Not sure if I would grab it for 60$ though.

But by contrast, if it's predecessors are anything to go buy, Skyrim will be widely available for a long time and will only get cheaper as time goes on.

Edited by BrightBow
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Having not played Skyrim, things that seem cool to me about it in comparison to Oblivion:

-"some enemies scaling with you in level" sounds better to me than "literally the entire game is easier if you keep yourself at a low-ish level, such is the level-scaling situation" (which encouraged things like effectively living a tortured insomniac existence and IIRC gaming the class/skill training stuff)

-it's hard to think of many more immediately but that's a big one for me, I started to find every fight that I didn't sneakshit into/around tiresome just during my first playthrough, because it didn't so much feel like "the game is constantly challenging me with bigger and better enemies tailored to me," as it did "am I even getting stronger? I feel like every fight is just as hard as the last, or even harder, yet the enemies I'm facing haven't changed that much, and I know I've been training so what gives"

-oh yeah I like killcams and have nothing to say in my defense

-I also like perks and also have nothing to say in my defense

-dragons are cool

Things that seem uncool in comparison to Oblivion:

-no hand-to-hand? boo

-the class implementation in Oblivion and its ties to the (IMO borked) leveling system aside, doing away with it so completely that your character starts out as Joe/Jane Schmo as possible seems a bit much, to the point I kind of find it detrimental to the whole "role-playing" deal

-the treatment of the lore+the plot+the writing in some number of things don't sound as interesting (haven't heard all that much in detail, though)

All of that aside though Skyrim should indeed go on massive steam sales periodically, you could probably save a good deal of money to wait to pick it up.

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At the recent Christmas sale, Skyrim: Legendary Edition was $20 at 67% off when it hit daily/flash/community sale. Yes, the whole package for $20.And Skyrim's modding community is enormous. There are, quite literally, over 30,000 mods for it on NexusMods. I don't know what modding on consoles is like, but to my knowledge it's quite a bit harder (modding from PC is very easy and intuitive), so I have no idea why anyone would want this on console unless you're just a disc purist."Steam is kinda expensive" has to be the most false statement I've ever heard.

Whoa. Guess I'm using Steam after all! Now I have nothing to do with my $55 in Amazon gift cards. Maybe I'll get PoR!

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Whoa. Guess I'm using Steam after all! Now I have nothing to do with my $55 in Amazon gift cards. Maybe I'll get PoR!

You might have to wait until the Summer sale for that price, but it should definitely happen then (if it doesn't get even cheaper) since it's always one of their biggest sellers, so keep checking back.

Just buy and play PoR in the meantime.

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Path of Radiance will almost surely go *up* in price as it becomes more rare.

On the other hand, Skyrim is almost guaranteed to go on sale eventually. Likely for not much money if Steam decides to throw a huge sale.

I'd get Path of Radiance and then wait out Skyrim, especially if you're playing on PC.

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Path of Radiance will almost surely go *up* in price as it becomes more rare.

On the other hand, Skyrim is almost guaranteed to go on sale eventually. Likely for not much money if Steam decides to throw a huge sale.

I'd get Path of Radiance and then wait out Skyrim, especially if you're playing on PC.

Yeah, that a much better idea. Now I can use my gift cards.

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