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Hey, I'm just searching for a kind person to help me with this mug (because this forum has good spriters, for what I've seen)


I'm trying to do some kind of magnifying glass on his hand, but I suck spriting accesories. It has already 16 colors, so I can't add any other :(


Here's the thing in detail.

Can someone give me a hand with this issue, please? :c

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Atey! Nice to see you here. If it really is you~ :3

The glass effect seems pretty well executed, all I can think of if you were to keep the colors as-is would be to try different textures on the lens rims and see if one works for the right depth-play. Right now it's kind of flat/one-dimensional.


One thing I really noticed, though, is that the color you used just for the magnifying glass doesn't really seem to do much for the palette. I'm guessing it was supposed to be a between for the lightest purple and lightest teal? My suggestion would be to make a teal/purple/mix to add a new lighter or a darker value to those particular color ramps. Then you should be able to pull a lot more textures and smoother transitions of depth.

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I was about to note the palette, as well. A few of the colors could be reworked or combined to allow for additional wiggle room in the palette for the magnifying glass - in particular: the additional blue on the sleeves could be combined with the darkest hair color, and the darker brown on the hat and shoulders could simply be replaced with the darkest skin tone, using the second darkest in place of where the darkest originally was on the hat only. The darkest purple could also maybe be tinted a bit more blue, to help the transition between it and the sleeves.

The shading style tends to rely really heavily on the third/darkest color, as well, which sort of makes things feel really cartoony, but that's a stylistic choice as opposed to an actual issue, I guess. It's just that it sort of makes it a little difficult to maneuver your colors around when everything is so firmly based around the darkest shades.

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