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Shall we beat a dead horse some more?

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Alright, I know this has been done over and over again. After reading "Ask the Fire Emblem Awakening Experts" and actually following their guide, until I saw them so boldly posted the url to your forums basically disproving everything they said, sadly this is now my THIRD reset of the game starting from scratch.

Now, please be patient with me, as this is technically my first play through so far. The furthest I have gone is chapter 10 before each reset, trying to get this whole Marriages and 2nd Gen issue hammered out. Now, after reading ANOTHER tumblr page, called "Awakening Support: Optimized Marriages", I am hoping I am on the right track this time. It also brought up something I was kind of curious about. So, without getting any MORE longwinded, here is what I have taken from that page, and plan to utilize:

Chrom!Lucina/Inigo: Lucina can gain Galeforce, and Olivia can pass down Vantage. This seems like the go-to for Olivia. Any arguements on this pair?

Ricken!Owain: Apparently, Owain already has an amazing Skill Set to begin with, and the only thing he could really want from a father is Luna, which Ricken can give him.

Lon'qu!Brady: Brady already has access to Galeforce, Luna and Agressor apparently, so Lon'qu is just there for the stat mods he can offer. (Or so this guide says. Again, PLEASE tell me if I am being misdirected here.)

Donnel!Kjelle: While the guide says that Gaius would offer Kjelle Galeforce and Sol, Donnel gives her a huge amount of class choices(Specifically Mercenary, Pegasus Knight and and Troubadour). Yummy Armsthrift?

Henry!Cynthia: Chrom is already taken with Olivia, and apparently Cynthia already has everything she really needs. She just needs a father so she can -EXIST-. Henry offers her an expanded class selection, according to this guide.

Stahl!Severa: Vantage/Vengeance and Luna. Again, this guide says Severa already pretty much has all she really needs other than Luna, which Stahl provides.

Freddy!Gerome: Frederick offers a Pavise/Aegis combo to make Gerome a super tank unit. The other suggestion was Stahl, to make him either super offensive or super support, but as seen above, Stahl was given to Cordelia.

Kellam!Yarne: Dual Guard+ 'Zerker. The other suggestion, giving Cordelia Frederick, obviously can't be done with this setup since he's been given to Cherche (Otherwise, the page suggests Frederick!Yarne to take advantage of the Pavise/Aegis/Luna combo)

Gregor!Laurent: Armsthrift, Sol, Vantage = Sorc Tank?

Gaius!Noire: Galeforce, Vantage, Vengeance. Misses out on Armsthrift, which Donnel would have offered her. Donnel is shacked up with Sully already, though.

The Vaike!Nah: Vaike gives Nah access to Armsthrift, Luna, Sol, Pavise and Dual Guard+.


So, that is all the second gen characters, save for one. Morgan still needs to be made into existance, and this is another question completely. For those who got lost with all the typing above, the first question was: Is the above pairings really 'optimized'? Or is it another supposed 'expert' who has no idea what they are talking about?

The second question being:

MyUnit(F)(+Skill, -Mag)


Does this pass down both Ignis AND Rightful King, with MU also passing along her added Skill to Morgan(M) to make a Morgan with a VERY high Ignis activation?

Anyway, please let me know your thoughts. AGAIN! Be kind. I am still new to the game, and am just trying to figure out a good build for End Game.

(Note: I do not have access to DLC, so really I am hoping the above pairings are good enough to bash Grima around.)

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Lon'qu!Brady: Brady already has access to Galeforce, Luna and Agressor apparently, so Lon'qu is just there for the stat mods he can offer. (Or so this guide says. Again, PLEASE tell me if I am being misdirected here.)

it's a good pairing but from what i can recall what really makes people like it is that brady gets vantage.

ingame, pairings don't matter. it's not that hard to kill grima, at least if you're not on lunatic (+). those are good pairings though.

Edited by Comet
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Freddy!Gerome: Frederick offers a Pavise/Aegis combo to make Gerome a super tank unit. The other suggestion was Stahl, to make him either super offensive or super support, but as seen above, Stahl was given to Cordelia.

The Vaike!Nah: Vaike gives Nah access to Armsthrift, Luna, Sol, Pavise and Dual Guard+.

Switch the two. Gerome benefits from Vaike a *LOT* more than Nah would, because he's already essentially doomed to being a support unit. Vaike gives him 'Zerker, Axefaire, and a high +Str mod to make the most of it. Only useful skill out of those you posted for Vaike!Nah was Luna, and Fred offers that too (And superior mods, imo, 'cept for that -2 speed).

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Honestly, don't trust the articles. Go on over to the Wiki, look over character growths(G2's growths are the mean of the parents', right?), calculate, and find the best parent for each child. Or you could post a pairing thread and get it done quicker.

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(G2's growths are the mean of the parents', right?)

It's really more about the mods and the class set. And of course, the pairings themselves.

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Thank you all for the quick replies!

However, my second question still remains unanswered. Can Inigo pass Rightful King down to a Morgan(Male) so you can still have a Rightful King + Ignis combo unit even if you don't decide Chrom + M.U.? I am also afraid that you are kind of lumping all your L33TAWESOMES into one clump here, with Chrom being Morgan's Grandfather.

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Outside of Fred!Gerome they are good. Gerome really wants Vaike, Gregor or Henry. You could go Vaike!Gerome, Fred!Yarne and Anyone!Nah (depends on who Nah is marrying). Or else you could go Libra!Brady, LQ!Laurent and Gregor!Gerome.

You shouldn't worry too much about ignis or RFK (although he gets both with that pairing) on Morgan considering he generally won't run either of those.

Actually you might care about the above if you don't have DLC, but yes he gets both.

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Thank you all for the quick replies!

However, my second question still remains unanswered. Can Inigo pass Rightful King down to a Morgan(Male) so you can still have a Rightful King + Ignis combo unit even if you don't decide Chrom + M.U.? I am also afraid that you are kind of lumping all your L33TAWESOMES into one clump here, with Chrom being Morgan's Grandfather.

Yeah. Same thing can happen with Brady. Adding to that, both Cynthia and Kjelle can pass down Aether if you want a Female Morgan to have that skill. At any rate, I wouldn't worry too much.

Edited by Just call me Al
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Yeah. Same thing can happen with Brady. Addin to that, both Cynthia and Kjelle can pass down Aether if you want a Female Morgan to have that skill. At any rate, I wouldn't worry too much.

don't forget lucina

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One piece of advice I might offer, though unrelated to the question posed, is to settle down and take it easy, allow yourself to enjoy a playthrough or two before you get TOO serious about the pairings and stuff. If you have at least one extra file available, you can just do a casual playthrough on Normal to feel out the story and pair who you like without worrying about all the inheritance nonsense. That's what I'd recommend, anyway, but it sounds like you're very into the competitive stuff.

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Well, again I appreciate the quick responses. It was quite impressive. However, I just realized that I -thought- Ignis was Aether. So while I am a little bummed about this realization, the whole reason I wanted to get Morgan(Male) with both Rightful King and Ignis, I feel that all is not lost... -as long as-: Will the pairing of MU(Female) + Inigo equalling Morgan(Male) give him access to Swordmaster, to gain Astra? If so, I could simply just pass down Galeforce from MU(F).

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Well, again I appreciate the quick responses. It was quite impressive. However, I just realized that I -thought- Ignis was Aether. So while I am a little bummed about this realization, the whole reason I wanted to get Morgan(Male) with both Rightful King and Ignis, I feel that all is not lost... -as long as-: Will the pairing of MU(Female) + Inigo equalling Morgan(Male) give him access to Swordmaster, to gain Astra? If so, I could simply just pass down Galeforce from MU(F).

I'm a bit confused about what you're asking, but both Inigo and Morgan will always get Swordmaster, and thus, Astra.
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It seems like you're taking this optimization thing way too seriously. Just play through the game and enjoy it. Besides the whole point of optimization is to beat the postgame dlc which you said you don't have so there's basically no point to optimizing your pairings.

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It seems like you're taking this optimization thing way too seriously. Just play through the game and enjoy it. Besides the whole point of optimization is to beat the postgame dlc which you said you don't have so there's basically no point to optimizing your pairings.

I like the idea of also having a very powerful Streetpass team, so optimizing the pairings comes into play there. (In which case, I would likely not equip Galeforce since most players will reset the game anyway if they lose a unit, rendering Galeforce useless.) But anyway, yeah. Wanting some strong 2nd generations to become nasty StreetPass marauders as well.

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Streetpass is an immensely different beast.

Frankly it's not something to optimize for, especially if you're lacking DLC, and therefore Limit Breaker. [Your team has a very low chance to begin with. It's flat out zero if you're lacking LB.]

And then really the best SP teams are mostly piles of MUs because:

1. Logbook Unit = Boots.

After having 200 hit, and Limit Breaker, mobility is huge in Streetpass. Basically the only way you accomplish anything is by getting EP engages. Higher mobility lessens the ability for the player to be able to control fights.

Remember a rule: If the player gets to attack: Your Unit Dies.

2. All Skills Access.

A team of MUs can always use complete set ups.

The Defacto Lethality Rushes only have the three Lethal+RFK units [Olivia!Lucina, Chrom!Inigo, Chrom!Inigo!Morgan] and the rest are gonna be MUs.

Counter-aggression teams are 10x MU.

Everything else is just showing off.

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I prefer Libra!Owain to Ricken!Owain personally even though most don't agree. Owain really loves Sorcerer and Vengeance doesn't hurt at all, especially since he has access to both Wrath and Vantage. And Vengeance at low health does more damage than Luna except against certain DLC enemies and also sometimes Grima depending on mode and how low heath is.

Nah should be tanking and even though DG+ is nice for her she shouldn't be wasting a slot on it when it could go to something better. Kellam!Nah is better than Vaike and Gaius!Nah is IMO the best because of Sol/Galeforce/Lifetaker combo.

I'd give the Vaike to Gerome. It's an old gun but Vaike!Gerome is a pretty amazing support unit as a Berserker and he's nothing to scoff at as a support Wyvern Lord either. Frederick is amazing for children that want to tank because of PavGis combo that only MU can provide besides. Gerome should always be support unit so you're wasting some amazing front line abilities on a unit that should be hiding behind his girlfriend's apron no matter what.

I agree that Freddy!Yarne is great but you're right in thinking Kellam is better for him.

Noire and Nah both really want Gaius but I gave MU to Noire so that Nah could have him. If you don't want that then you'll have to settle for a different Nah (I'd advise Kellam for her really, he gives her anything she could ever want bar GaleTaker)

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don't forget lucina

I didn't count her because of the fact that she passes down Aether no matter what you do. (Which I thought was kinda obvious, considering what Chrom passes down to which child.) Whereas with Chrom's other Children, you have to set it up so that they do pass down the skill they get from Chrom.

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I didn't count her because of the fact that she passes down Aether no matter what you do. (Which I thought was kinda obvious, considering what Chrom passes down to which child.) Whereas with Chrom's other Children, you have to set it up so that they do pass down the skill they get from Chrom.

So, are you saying that if Chrom is also Inigo's father, he won't automatically pass down Rightful King unless you have it learned from Great Lord and in the fifth slot? I thought this was automatic just like Lucina's Aether? Or did you mean if he marries, say, Sumia and begats Cynthia, you have to set up what skill she learns from him?

Edit: Nevermind, now I get what you mean. I.E., Inigo won't automatically pass down Rightful King to if you pair him with M.U.(F), and Lucina won't pass down Aether if you pair her with M.U.(M), correct? You have to put either in the fifth slot before the Paralogue.

Edited by IratusAngelus
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Um, yeah, I think he will. Chrom's inheritance is set to be Aether for girls and RFK for boys, IIRC. I think Lucina works the same way (AKA, she passes Aether to her daughter since she can't have a son?), but I'm not 100% on that.

Edited by BANRYU
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I like the idea of also having a very powerful Streetpass team, so optimizing the pairings comes into play there.

Your team will lose. Period.

Pair Up and the Dual System pretty much screws your team over.

If people beat Apotheosis which has the most unfair skill caps and skills in the game... what chance will your streetpass team have?

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Edit: Nevermind, now I get what you mean. I.E., Inigo won't automatically pass down Rightful King to if you pair him with M.U.(F), and Lucina won't pass down Aether if you pair her with M.U.(M), correct? You have to put either in the fifth slot before the Paralogue.

No. What I was trying to say was "Inigo or Brady, as Chrom's son, won't be able to pass down Rightful King unless if it's in the fifth slot. Cynthia or Kjelle, as Chrom's daughter, won't be able to pass down Aether unless if it's in the fifth slot. Lucina will pass down Aether regardless of skill setup. The thing is, Morgan's the only child that can get something from either one of Chrom's possible kids. And since Morgan is Robin's kid..."

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In other words, the Lord characters are the only ones that will pass a default skill of Aether or Rightful King. For everyone else, regular inheritance rules still apply.

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