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FE8 Phantoms.


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Hm, there's a module for this? Could you let me know what the module's called/where it's found? I don't imagine wanting to use it all that often but might be useful...

Edit: Maybe it's the "Summon Editor" folder Tables. Maybe you should look at your modules every now and again :facepalm:

Edited by Tables
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Mmm, my random testing stuff out file definitely got more interesting now that Eirika can summon Franz back from the dead again and again. While Franz can summon Lyon. Who can summon a summon. Good stuff.

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Lol I never thought of that. Just chain summon a bunch of people who the last person summons the first to have endless army.

Well, my random testing has actually let me work out a few of the mechanics a little better, so I've found out things like you can't summon a character if they already exist. So if you have real Franz, you can't summon fake Franz. Also if you do summon fake Franz before he joins, interesting things happen during chapter 1 (if you summoned him in the prologue, he's on the map from the start of chapter 1, off on the left hand side, unselectable. If you summoned him during chapter 1... fake Franz teleports to real franz's location when Franz arrives).

So yeah, you can't summon infinite people, but you can summon a chain of them, so long as they're people who aren't currently alive in your army.

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Just FYI, in FE a character is considered "generic" by the game until they join your army, at which point they become a proper character. As long as a character never joins the player army they are considered generic and can have multiple versions of themselves summoned/spawned/etc.

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