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Staff Animation glitch


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Hi guys, I discovered that I got a problem with staves in my hack. I really don't know where it comes but whenever a unit uses a staff the game freezes before the "battle" begins. It doesn't matter if the animation is set on OFF or 1 or 2 or solo, the game still freezes like this :

And every staff is making the game crash.


I know there's not many details about it. But that's about all I can tell since I really don't know where this comes from...

Just in case somebody already encountered this glitch and found out the solution. Thanks !

Edited by Solum
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Up ! I found the <<Reason>> why this glitch happens. It's because of an image insertion that it's screwing all staves.

The weapon image to be correct. In my case this one :


So... I don't know what is messing with this image.

With this new information maybe someone may be able to tell me what's this image's problem.


Edited by Solum
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I'm guessing (but could be wrong) that you overrode stuff by inserting the item icons in which case you have two choices to fix it:

1- resort to a backup

2- open a clean rom in a hex editor and copy the data from the start of the item icons (0xCBEA4 I think) for a good long while ; maybe until about 0xCD000 and write it to the glitches rom in the same location.

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The item icons are at 0xC5EA4, 0xCBEA4 is the palette.

I solved the problem. The image I put before was just an edit of the icons that was already in the rom. So I just saved the original image as a bitmap with GBAGE and modified the stuff without external add. And it worked. I think it's my Usenti that was screwing the palette or something... Well I'm not really sure. The problem seems to be solved so thanks for your help =)

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