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Survey for gamers


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Hey all. My best friend is going for her Master's degree in nutrition and is doing a project about eating habits among various groups of gamers. We'd really appreciate it if you'd take the time to fill out this survey.


Huge thanks to all participants.

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Per week would probably work better for me consider I only play on certain weekends

My gaming habits during the school semesters and during breaks are drastically different

but oh well

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Ah, yes, I was not aware that only US residents could respond. See, I was part of the pilot study which had slightly different questions, so for procedural reasons I can't take the final survey. Truthfully I know very little about the project, it's all a favor for a very good friend.

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completed it!

also, one of those answers were inputted incorrectly. i'm the dude that's 5'8", 192 lbs. the question that asked how often i play games is inaccurate, as i was moving too quickly and said i play 10 hrs a day; however, i assumed the question asked per week (as most surveys i have taken do). really i mean 1.5 hrs a day.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Survey complete.
"What is your martial status?" could probably have used an option in between "single" and "living with a partner"...

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Well I am 18 but it didn't seem to include 18 in the bracket, probably just the age range of the survey I guess.

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