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DSP and "This is how you DON'T play"


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DSP (DarkSydePhil) is pretty much the best player of video games in general that I've seen.

Worth it for the laughs, I've been watching a lot of these videos recently, he's too good. Couple of examples:


And for the braver of us, here is an 8 hour compilation of his finest moments.

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I'm not going to watch all the vids, but tell me the part where he goes up against The End is somewhere in there.

The game literally tells him that he's gonna have to go up against a master sniper and his first thoughts were: 'Ok, where's my shotgun' XD

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I'm not going to watch all the vids, but tell me the part where he goes up against The End is somewhere in there.

The game literally tells him that he's gonna have to go up against a master sniper and his first thoughts were: 'Ok, where's my shotgun' XD

Start watching at around 33:25.

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I remember when 4chan's Dark Souls community decided to invade him as much as they could when he did his Demon's Souls playthrough.

Fun times!

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I remember when 4chan's Dark Souls community decided to invade him as much as they could when he did his Demon's Souls playthrough.

Fun times!

Though I'm usually not a fan of 4chan, that was pretty funny. Especially when one of the guys brought the toxic cloud and scraping spear out.

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I was so satisfied to hear about that!

I didn't watch his stream or whatever, but apparently they broke all of his stuff. Is that true?

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I was hoping "DSP" was short for "dressphere" and that this would be a compilation of mascot abuse in FFX-2 making the game too easy and I have to admit that would be more interesting than watching some random guy suck at literally everything.

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I was hoping "DSP" was short for "dressphere" and that this would be a compilation of mascot abuse in FFX-2 making the game too easy and I have to admit that would be more interesting than watching some random guy suck at literally everything.

playing ffx-2

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I tried watching some of his Dark Souls videos. Keyword tried.

I guess it's just a special type of humour it takes to find these videos funny, I must have some sort of sickness, but it's just too funny to me.

And there's like 90 of these videos and counting.

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I guess it's just a special type of humour it takes to find these videos funny, I must have some sort of sickness, but it's just too funny to me.

Honestly, it's even worse when I'm the guy that doesn't play like 80% of the games he fails at, and CAN STILL tell he's doing it.

The gameplay part is hilarious, but the way he blames the game for his mistakes... that attitude is even more hilarious.

I mean if he was just bad at the game and ACKNOWLEDGED it, it would be a given that people would try to help him, and therefore he would naturally improve.

Nope, he kills every attempt to help him by treating that everyone that wants to help him like crap.

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xin brought to my attention that the Kojima World Order youtube account (the one that did the 8 hour compilation and also did a bunch of other videos on dsp) was taken down.

rip in peace.

there's still a bunch more of those videos by other people still up, though.

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I'm beginning to think he plays like crap in order to get attention.

While it would be more fulfilling to believe, I have my doubts that someone could act for that long and that well.

Other people have said he pretty much acts that way in real life. He might exaggerate, but he's pretty much like that.

I love this video.

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