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Dawn of Sorrow: Hard Mode Level 1 Cap


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A while ago I hacked hard mode level 1 cap for Dawn of Sorrow.

As I was playing I discovered that the complete lack of balance for players capped at level 1, presumably due to the feature not being in the original game, meant that loads of farming would be needed to even get anywhere.

So now I'm playing the hack with 100% soul drop rates and 10 million gold to start with.

However, I just got to the Puppet Master and I dunno if I have the skills (or if it's even possible) to defend against his iron maiden teleport when there's loads of seemingly unkillable dolls flooding the room.

You can see where I'm at in the archives of my stream


and possibly give some advice, or just comment on how bad ass it is that I both made this hack and am actually trying to play it.

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Finally killed Puppet Master, at Gergoth now. Used Manticore soul's tail to help with the puppets. Probably wouldn't have ever used that soul if not for this hack lol

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