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【東方】 Touhou draft the nth (Now with Hard and Lunatic!)

Komeiji Koishi

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Proto's highly subjective shot type analysis

[spoiler=EoSD]ReimuA (Wen Yang, Jprebs) - Homing shots may seem useful if you have trouble hitting the boss, but they're so weak that bosses tend to take quite a long time anyway. Reimu is also really slow. Don't really like this shot type much.

ReimuB (Puku, Tonton) - Spreading shots instead of homing shots. Better than ReimuA imo, but not too great. The bomb is pretty bad too. It's pretty good for shotgunning, but that's usually quite risky for newcomers. I don't like Reimu in EoSD actually.

MarisaA (ZM, Metalsnowman) - Marisa, on the other hand is awesome. She lacks spread, but magic missiles hit really hard. She can burn through bosses really fast if you can maintain your position under them, which is usually not very difficult in EoSD. Her bomb could be a bit better though.

MarisaB (Zak, Kay-nee) - Best scoring shot type imo. Her lasers do nice damage and pierce, though they're not always active. She has a little bit of spread, but eh, it doesn't matter much. What does matter, is that she has a really powerful bomb in Master Spark, which is usually strong enough to skip just about any spell. It lasts for quite a while too, so more annoying stage parts are skipped, and it quickly kills enemies that appear for a brief moment before they leave.

[spoiler=PCB]ReimuA (Tonton) - Don't really know much about PCB Reimu, but her homing shot type is apparently really weak, so uh, have fun killing bosses. Stage parts should be easier though. She also get three bombs per life, which beats Marisa's two bombs per life. I'm not sure how good the bombs are. In terms of cherry loss (scoring), she doesn't get punished as badly as Marisa for dying/bombing, but she can't afford to screw up as often as Sakuya.

ReimuB (Puku) - Forward-focus persuasion needles, I'm guessing it does more damage, but lacks spread. Again, I don't know much about Reimu. Scoring should be the same for both Reimus, I think.

MarisaA (Zak) - Supposedly hits extremely hard, making boss battles very trivial. However, as usual, Marisa has a very narrow scope, so stage parts can get really tough. And then there are spells like Fatal Sin where you don't get too many opportunities to sit under the boss. She also only gets two bombs per life, but using them would kinda annihilate your cherry. Which is bad for scoring purposes, but I'm not sure Zak cares about that. The high power is enough to redeem her anyway.

MarisaB (Jprebs) - From what I heard, it's a slightly weaker version of MarisaA but with the awesome Master Spark. Which makes it more bomb-friendly, I guess. Like MarisaA, she can rack up really high scores, but bombing would cut your score growth severely.

SakuyaA (Wen Yang, Metalsnowman) - Best beginner shot type imo. Unfocused spread is useful for stage parts, focused homing knives helps damage bosses while dodging anywhere. The bombs aren't particularly spectacular, but she does get four bombs per life, which should be more than enough to cover up most of the troublesome parts in the game. Furthermore, while she doesn't really rack up very high scores, she also doesn't suffer as much when she dies/bombs, so silly deaths and panicbombs are much more forgiving.

SakuyaB (ZM, Kay-nee) - The shot type is a bit tougher to use, but can yield even better results than SakuyaA once you learn to utilize it well. The bomb apparently does 0 damage, so it isn't as easy to bombskip stuff, but having 4 bombs/life still helps. Scoring-wise, same as SakuyaA.

[spoiler=IN]Border Team (Wen Yang, Tonton) - Most balanced shot type, I think. Reimu is kinda weak but has homing shots, while Yukari has a powerful forward focus while still having a weak homing attack via Ran. As for the shot type perks, not being hurt by spirits isn't as great as it sounds, since you'll want to remain as Yukari for bosses anyway. Being able to unleash Last Spells while having only one bomb remaining is really great though. There is no point in using solo characters here btw.

Magic Team (Puku, ZM) - Both Marisa and Alice have pretty narrow ranges (especially Alice), which can make it pretty hard to hit enemies. Their damage is quite decent though. If you try the Malice Cannon (constantly shifting between Alice and Marisa), it hits extremely hard, but it's also not that easy to pull off while you're trying to concentrate on dodging bullets. Marisa is also excellent at destroying familiars, which is a great strategy for several spells that would be much tougher otherwise. In fact, Marisa Solo is actually quite a solid shot type, but Alice's presence in the team is still useful for Malice Cannon purposes and for passing through familiars.

SDM Team (Zak, Jprebs) - Sakuya is probably the worst character in the game. She gets spread, yeah, but the damage output is pathetic. The spread is still useful for stages. Remirya, on the other hand, is an absolute monster. She hits really hard, ESPECIALLY if you position your familiar right. Basically, go in front of the boss unfocused and then focus to place the familiars right in that position. As long as you stay focused, the familiars will not move. You can unfocus and focus again to place the familiars in a different position if you want. But anyhow, if you make good use of the familiars, Remirya can unleash some pretty crazy damage output. Too bad most spells have armor >_>

Netherworld Team (Kay-nee, MetalSnowman) - Best shot type for clearing AND scoring imo. Youmu hits pretty hard even if Myon is looking in the wrong direction. Moving down, or simply tapping the focus button should position Myon to shoot forward. More importantly, however, is Yuyuko. Her butterflies have such ridiculous spread that she completely trivializes the stage parts. Especially since she's a youkai and outright ignores familiars. Please abuse Yuyuko during stage parts. For bosses, she may not hit THAT hard but Youmu's bomb does good damage. As for why this shot is best for scoring, Youmu only has a 50% human gauge, so it's easier to rack up Time points on the human side than with other teams. And if you're willing to sacrifice Yuyuko's amazing stage utility, then you can go Youmu solo who gets 50% on both human side AND youkai side, making it incredibly easy to rack up Time points on either side!

For all shot types, I would recommend trying to clear Kaguya route. The relative difficulty of the two routes are subjective, but Kaguya tends to generate higher scores, so try to go for a Kaguya clear. If you can't clear Kaguya route, just try to attempt both routes and go for whatever gets you a higher score.

[spoiler=MoF]ReimuA (Wen Yang, Tonton) - Homing Reimu again... oh, wait, it's actually good this time. The damage isn't crap anymore, so ReimuA is quite great here. Homing shots help a lot with stage parts and those moments where you're not under the boss.

ReimuB (Puku, Jprebs) - ReimuB, however, hits really hard. The damage output here is really good, but the scope is really narrow. Not very useful for stages, but it can decimate bosses quite quickly if you can maintain your position under them.

MarisaA (ZM, Zak) - I honestly don't know much about MoF MarisaA. So I'm just going to assume that it's Marisa-ish enough to be characterized entirely by high power and narrow scope. Which sounds like ReimuB, except Marisa's hitbox is huge, she moves too fast, and her bomb hits harder.

MarisaC (Kay-nee, MetalSnowman) - My favorite MoF shot type, but not the easiest to use. Sorta like IN Remirya, in that you can place your options when you focus, and they will remain in their position as long as you remain focused. The options also cover quite a wide area at full power, so they're still useful during stages. In fact, a common strategy is to place the options on one side of the screen while Marisa goes to the other side, thus eliminating enemies that come from both sides. And it's really great when you can place the options in front of bosses while you dodge wherever you want.

[spoiler=SA]ReimuA (Puku, MetalSnowman) - This shot type is amazing. While the unfocused shot isn't that wide, the narrow focused shot has an incredible damage output. The bomb is also really useful, lasting for quite a while, and erasing ALL bullets and damaging ALL enemies regardless of your position. It also lets you rack up a lot of Graze. Warping to the other side of the screen might sound gimicky, but it can be very useful during certain parts, such as some of Parsee's spells and Stage 6 spirits. Her only flaw imo is that Yukari!Satori is pretty difficult without sufficient practice.

ReimuB (Tonton) - Anyhow, ReimuB is the homing shot type, but the shots aren't that spectacular otherwise. Her bomb's effectiveness depends on the density of the bullets, which is not going to be much in Easy Mode, sadly. The auto-collection is nice though, which lets her recover lost Power easier after dying. It doesn't raise the Comm Gauge though, so it's not really relevant to scoring. Not sure how Suika!Satori is like.

ReimuC (Wen Yang) - The direction the options face depend on the direction you moved in. Sounds like IN Youmu? Well, IN Youmu's shots actually did good damage without Myon. On the other hand, SA ReimuC's normal shots actually get weaker as her Power rises (well, this applies to all shot types, but the options prevent it from being much of an issue). Which means you pretty much HAVE to rely on the options to deal any significant damage. Note that the options in the back actually reach full power at 3 Power, so try to utilize the back options instead of the front options at 3 Power. While being able to hit in all 360 degrees sounds cool, having to aim them is a real pain in the neck. Her bomb, however, is imo the best bomb in the game, and lasts for a long time. During stages, it's best used in conjunction with her high speed ability to terrorize enemies no matter where they are. Outside of the bomb though, the high speed ability is not very useful since it's difficult to control and you can't fire during those moments. Maybe for auto-collecting during safe moments, I guess.

MarisaA (ZM) - 8.00 Power sounds awesome! Unfortunately, maintaining that 8.00 Power is easier said than done. Her bomb is pretty weak at anything but shotgun range, so you'll likely want to spend multiple bombs to deal with troublesome spells, reducing your Power down to abysmal levels. You have to build up all that Power all over again. That being said, this is one of the only two shot types in SA that actually have a spreading shot, which is VERY useful. However, the spreading shot is achieved by focusing, whereas the powerful narrow shot is achieved by being unfocused, which I find to be quite disorienting. Also, no, 8.00 Power doesn't mean that she gets to be twice as powerful as the other shot types. While the unfocused shot is certainly the strongest shot type at long range, it's not as significant a difference as you'd expect for 8.00 Power.

MarisaB (Kay-nee, Jprebs) - My personal favorite shot type. You need to learn the order of the five elements and be reasonably quick in switching between them. At the very least, you should be able to switch between Fire Sign and Water Sign. Fire Sign looks like a powerful forward focus, but it's actually not very powerful for a shot type with such narrow range. Still her best choice at long range though. Water Sign, however, has great spread (like focused MarisaA) and is incredibly useful in this game. Wood Sign does insane damage at shotgun range, which won't be easy to achieve except during a bomb. It's not very useful at long range. Metal Sign is pretty weak, but could be useful during a few situations, like killing enemies from both sides of the screen while auto-collecting. Earth Sign is overpowered as hell, but there aren't a lot of situations where you'll want to be above your target. Her bomb is really powerful, but only does damage at close range. It depends on how many rings the target is inside of, so it is best used at shotgun range to get all five rings in. With a lot of planning the five shot types and the bomb can be abused to yield amazing results. Even without planning or abusing the extra shot types, Water Sign utility is still great.

MarisaC (Zak) - Why, Zak, why? Anyhow, MarisaC has high-powered missiles but uh, they're kinda slow. But more importantly, her specialty is in her bomb. It doesn't clear much, but it restores half of the lost Power if you don't actually get hit in the next ten seconds. In other words, you can recover from unneeded panic bombs. If you do get hit during those ten seconds, your bomb will end (no compensation) but you won't lose a life. In particular, if you can deathbomb with this shot type, you can avoid the death and still afford to get hit again in the next ten seconds or receive 0.50 Power back. Unfortunately, this bomb doesn't really do much damage, if at all. It's useful if you tend to panicbomb a lot, but it's not that great even then.

[spoiler=UFO]ReimuA (Wen Yang, Jprebs) - Forward focus. Does good damage when under the boss, but I personally had a hard time sitting under the boss during plenty of spells. The bomb does incredible damage in a vertical line (that moves with you) but it reduces your speed a lot, which can sometimes be troublesome during UFO summons.

ReimuB (Puku, Zak) - Homing shots. Like in MoF, they're decent here. Haven't tried it, but I can imagine them being quite annoying during UFO summons, hitting enemies when you're trying to go for the UFO instead as it flies away with all your items >_<. No clue about the bomb btw, but it's probably just Fantasy Heaven, which doesn't really care about positioning and shouldn't impair your mobility.

MarisaA () - Wait, what's with all the MarisaA hate? :(

SanaeA (Kay-nee, MetalSnowman) - The snakes go straight up and move horizontally when they reach an enemy's y-coordinate. Which makes it kinda like homing, except I think it hits harder than ReimuA. Can't remember what this bomb does.

SanaeB (Tonton, ZM) - Has a nice unfocused spread, which is nice for stage parts. Also has a stupidly overpowered bomb, that hits the entire screen for high damage (not as high as ReimuA though) and grants an incredibly long period of invincibility. Long enough to melt bosses with that unfocused shotgun anyway.

[spoiler=TD]Reimu (Tonton, Jprebs) - Finally, a Reimu that actually has both homing shots AND forward focus. Should be self-explanatory at this point. Unfocused shot is homing, good for stages and when you're not under the boss. Focused shot is narrow but hits hard, good when you're under the boss or a big fairy. Fantasy Heaven doesn't impair mobility (so you can run to the boss's face for rapid spirit generation) and doesn't care about positioning. She also doesn't need to worry about collecting spirits during Trance Mode, since they'll be drawn towards her for that delicious +100 point value.

Marisa (Puku, Zak) - Her lasers don't pierce anymore >_>. Her focused magic missiles do good damage though. Master Spark also slows her down a lot, so you can't really exploit it to go in front of the boss. It does last for quite a while though. Also, Marisa is super-deadly during Trance, in both speed and power.

Sanae (ZM, MetalSnowman) - She has some spread, I think? Not really sure, haven't used her much. I don't think her bomb impairs mobility or cares about positioning though. Her unique attribute is being able to fill the Spirit Gauge faster (less spirits required), which should lead to more Trances.

Youmu (Wen Yang, Kay-nee) - Quite versatile when unfocused, actually. The Myons line up in a queue as you move. Horizontally aligned, they can cover quite a wide range. Vertically aligned, their shots stack up to yield good damage output. Focused is when she becomes quite hard to use though. She charges up while focused. When fully charged (use your ears to identify this), releasing either the shot button of the focus button allows her to unleash a powerful slash. At full Power, she can slash across the whole screen. However, it is pretty tough to use effectively, especially when you just want to focus for dodging purposes and have to deal with the annoying charging that you'll want to release regularly if you want to deal any damage at all.

[spoiler=DDC]ReimuA (Wen Yang, Zak) - Technically a homing shot, but with a stronger gohei instead of homing amulets. The rod doesn't move quite as fast, but hits harder. I think.

ReimuB (ZM) - Proper homing shots when unfocused, with powerful focused shots. I never really used this shot type, so idk how it's like.

MarisaB (Jprebs) - Magic Missiles hit hard, but have narrow range. The bomb doesn't actually damage, but it converts bullets into items, making it capable of generating more fragments. Hiding behind the shield would also keep you safe from bullets too.

SakuyaA (Puku, Kay-nee) - Best shot type for survival. Focused shot sends knives that are aimed at the enemy and explode after a while. Rapid transition between focused and unfocused can send multiple knives to be distributed to multiple targets, making it easier to kill multiple enemies as the knives explode. Still does good damage to bosses when all knives are stuck on them. The bomb is similar to SA MarisaC's, where you are given ten seconds to get hit or else be compensated for 60% of the bomb. Getting hit while the bomb is active also auto-collects items, allowing you to rack up more items.

SakuyaB (Tonton, MetalSnowman) - Best shot type for scoring. Getting close to enemies generates point items. The bomb converts bullets into point items. Is there anything special about this shot type that isn't related to scoring? Absolutely not. It's really lame for survival

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so i uploaded a replay to gensokyo.org, but when i select download it just gives me a nonsensical screen, how are you supposed to do it?

This happens a lot. Just right-click and Save Page As. Trust me, if the upload was smooth, that nonsense is actually the genuine replay that can be downloaded and viewed.
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This happens a lot. Just right-click and Save Page As. Trust me, if the upload was smooth, that nonsense is actually the genuine replay that can be downloaded and viewed.

so i would just save the link in the replay folder with like my other ones and watch it in the game?

Okay, so, like, Progress report of super special awesomeness. How is everyone doing in their draft attempts.

Well the one I uploaded I did really well, probably the best I've done, on the first 4 stages. Unfortunately that doesn't count for stage 5 T_T. I'm still undecided if I want to try again or just move on to the next one.

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so i would just save the link in the replay folder with like my other ones and watch it in the game?

Pretty much. Rightclick on the download link, choose "save as" or something along those lines and put it into your replay folder.

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Also. I just realized. For people playing EoSD on easy (Read, almost everyone), would beating stage 5 count as a clear?

Oh dear, I wish I had noticed this earlier lol ._.

Sorry dood.

Well the one I uploaded I did really well, probably the best I've done, on the first 4 stages. Unfortunately that doesn't count for stage 5 T_T. I'm still undecided if I want to try again or just move on to the next one.


I say keep going as best as you can

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Also. I just realized. For people playing EoSD on easy (Read, almost everyone), would beating stage 5 count as a clear?

I would guess so! Having a whole stage less to work with has a big impact on your scoring potential, though, so people playing it at a higher difficulty will naturally have an advantage (provided they can still 1cc the game).

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I would guess so! Having a whole stage less to work with has a big impact on your scoring potential, though, so people playing it at a higher difficulty will naturally have an advantage (provided they can still 1cc the game).

Alrighty then. That will do. *awaits the replays*

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MarisaA (ZM, Metalsnowman) - Marisa, on the other hand is awesome. She lacks spread, but magic missiles hit really hard. She can burn through bosses really fast if you can maintain your position under them, which is usually not very difficult in EoSD. Her bomb could be a bit better though.

SakuyaB (ZM, Kay-nee) - The shot type is a bit tougher to use, but can yield even better results than SakuyaA once you learn to utilize it well. The bomb apparently does 0 damage, so it isn't as easy to bombskip stuff, but having 4 bombs/life still helps. Scoring-wise, same as SakuyaA.

Magic Team (Puku, ZM) - Both Marisa and Alice have pretty narrow ranges (especially Alice), which can make it pretty hard to hit enemies. Their damage is quite decent though. If you try the Malice Cannon (constantly shifting between Alice and Marisa), it hits extremely hard, but it's also not that easy to pull off while you're trying to concentrate on dodging bullets. Marisa is also excellent at destroying familiars, which is a great strategy for several spells that would be much tougher otherwise. In fact, Marisa Solo is actually quite a solid shot type, but Alice's presence in the team is still useful for Malice Cannon purposes and for passing through familiars.

MarisaA (ZM, Zak) - I honestly don't know much about MoF MarisaA. So I'm just going to assume that it's Marisa-ish enough to be characterized entirely by high power and narrow scope. Which sounds like ReimuB, except Marisa's hitbox is huge, she moves too fast, and her bomb hits harder.

MarisaA (ZM) - 8.00 Power sounds awesome! Unfortunately, maintaining that 8.00 Power is easier said than done. Her bomb is pretty weak at anything but shotgun range, so you'll likely want to spend multiple bombs to deal with troublesome spells, reducing your Power down to abysmal levels. You have to build up all that Power all over again. That being said, this is one of the only two shot types in SA that actually have a spreading shot, which is VERY useful. However, the spreading shot is achieved by focusing, whereas the powerful narrow shot is achieved by being unfocused, which I find to be quite disorienting. Also, no, 8.00 Power doesn't mean that she gets to be twice as powerful as the other shot types. While the unfocused shot is certainly the strongest shot type at long range, it's not as significant a difference as you'd expect for 8.00 Power.

SanaeB (Tonton, ZM) - Has a nice unfocused spread, which is nice for stage parts. Also has a stupidly overpowered bomb, that hits the entire screen for high damage (not as high as ReimuA though) and grants an incredibly long period of invincibility. Long enough to melt bosses with that unfocused shotgun anyway.

Sanae (ZM, MetalSnowman) - She has some spread, I think? Not really sure, haven't used her much. I don't think her bomb impairs mobility or cares about positioning though. Her unique attribute is being able to fill the Spirit Gauge faster (less spirits required), which should lead to more Trances.

ReimuB (ZM) - Proper homing shots when unfocused, with powerful focused shots. I never really used this shot type, so idk how it's like.

EoSD: I submitted my replay earlier and 1cced Easy. MarisaA is the best in the game.

PCB: Probably won't download due to flash drive space, so SKIP

IN: Probably won't download due to flash drive space, so SKIP

MoF: Actually practiced using MarisaA a bit. She's alright, and reminds me of MarisaA from EoSD, but I prefer ReimuA. Should've picked her. :/

SA: lol I'm gonna suck at this regardless

UFO: Best shot type in the best Touhou game. SanaeB and I go hand-in-hand. Might even try 1ccing Normal for this, but will have an Easy 1cc backed up in case.

TD: A'ight.

DDC: I have no idea what it's like either, so OH WELL. OH CRUD.

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OKay so. That concludes the first round of our fabulous Touhou draft. Anyway, here are the scores, in order of higest to lowest score.

1. Jprebs: 73742070 - 15 points

you made a big power fall in stage 1, which made me sad, but over all good job.

I think those bomb in stage 2 was kinda over doing it, but whatever. Nice job against Cirno, getting that full power and that point extend.

Nice job getting through Meiliing's midboss spell for the extend, looks like you were kinda close to getting hit now and then. Nice death bomb save against Meiling's first spell, I kinda get why you got hit by it. You were close to getting hit by the third non-spell, so wise choice to bomb. You died to the last spell, but that's kinda understandable.

Good idea bombing against those books, you would have gotten overwhelmed. Beat up Koakuma easily. Got that second (third?) point extend, which is nice. Bombed to those fairies near the end, but again it's understandable. Bombed to the fire spell, but you looked like you were getting boxed. Died to NON DIRECTIONAL LASER. :< Died to Fire and Earth sign, which sucks, but still, good job.

Got boxed by SAKUYA CHAN, ouchie. The extra life helps, though. Died to clock corpse. What happened? Either way, you got another Score Extend, so yay. Probably a good idea to bomb to Marionette. Good job over all.

Remirya. Holy crap her spells look different then I remember. Died to first non-spell. :< Good job with Star Of David. Good bomb to second non spell. Netherworld. :< Those bullets in Vlad Tepes mang. :( You last bomb was kinda wasted because of timing. STill, good jyob.

2. Tonton: 69754110 – 12 points


So much graze.

WHy'd you bomb in stage 2's start? Beat up Dai-chan like a pro. Got the score Extend. I find you death to Cirno disturbing.

Your death in Stage 3 is disturbing too, you gotta watch your movements man, and use your bombs when you need them man. Better to use a bomb then to die. Double extend on midboss Meirin, nice. But... why did you die at the last second to Meiling's last spell? Still, uh, good jyob.

That dodge and graze and extend and bomb. Good. Although that death to the books hurt me a bit. PRincess Undine killed you. TWICE. AND YOU DIDN'T BOMB. SERIOUSLY MAN. You got a point extend, so I GUESS it's okay. Water elf killed you. :/ Nice job against Mercury Poison.

Stage 5. NOW you start bombing. That could have helped you a lot man. >_> You had a quick and painless death to a stray bullet.

You HAVE TO REMEMBER TO BOMB. Other than that, you were on the right track for a 1cc. Keep it up.

3. Kopfjager: 62569480 – 14 points

Wen Yang. Alrighty.

So pretty normal stage 1. Not too shabby, decent graze. Rumia only has 1 spell?

That bomb was... I dunno, was it to collect items? You didn't seem in danger there, so I'm guessing it's for that. It makes sense, I think. Nice job against Daiyousei. Another bomb? I'm guessing you like items. Alright, full power, and you use the PoC too, which is nice. You do nicely dodging the Ice Shotgun, so yeah. You make use of the OBVIOUS WEAK SPOT of the infamous Icicle Fall Easy, so yeah. No problems at all with Perfect Freeze.

You make nice use of the PoC, it's pretty cool. You go near danger now and then, but you survive, so eh. SUPRISE DEATH against Poison Sweat Flower, although I get where you're coming from. Still got the extend to make up for it. nice job against Meiling's first boss spell, snagging that point extend. THAT DEATH BOMB WAS COOL. Good job dispatching Colorful Rain.

I'm not sure how much you praticed before hand, but you got the gimmick to those fairies down well. ANOTHER GREAT DEATH BOMB. Ouch, killed by a book, sounds like something out of Super Mario 64. You gotta take it slow, man.Good job bombing and stuff, etc. Another point exten, good. OUch, that Non-directional laser death. It took reimu a week to wash up those burn marks. Just avoided another death to NDL, Did fine dodging the fire sign, but the death to Fire and Earth sign made sense.

ANOTHER DEATH BOMB. DUDE. WOW. I feel that the regular bombing after that was kinda uneeded though. Sakuya got you with those knives :< but you found a weak point, so no worries? Although, no extend... You got rather bomb happy, so... Point extend was nice, good job dodging the knives, by the way. You look like you got those down. Although the death to CLock Corpse surprised me. I bet you were panicked, since you were on the line of life and death. Thankfully you got a point extend, and it couldn't have come sooner! :< Marionette seems simpler, but still, better safe than sorry. "Come back two hours earlier." Scathing Sakuya. :<

You did really well, I think. With some more practice, I think you can easily make it to stage 5 in normal. Keep it up.

4. ZM: 54736190 – 12 points


Good job getting... stuff. It might just be because I'm fast forwarding this but Wow! MArisaA really DOES cut through bosses.

THe extra speed totally helps getting items, because you got to full power right after Dai-chan, sweet. You didn't use the safe zone in Icicle fall. Were you trying to rack up graze? Good job making my ice fairy explode. :<

You got the point extend a bit later than most, but still, goood. NIce job against Mid boss Meiling. Death to meiling's non-spell made me sad because resources.The point extend made it better. Pretty sweet.

A murder! It was Mrs. Peacock in the library with the revolver. Seriously ZM, boooomb. Your dodging is pretty good, you just don't bomb, which makes me sad. Beat up Koakuma well. You did prett well over all. You taught Patchouli a lesson, which was funny.

Stage 5 with five lives sounds good. And you started bombing, yay. OUch, death to clock corpse. Twice. :( Remember to bomb. :( Marionette also hurt. :( But you made it.

So you need to bomb more. A LOT MORE. You still did well, but seriously, bomb and you'll get far, maybe even stage 6 normal. Andgood news is that You earned you Maid.

5. Kay: 35439780 – 10 points

Marisa La

It's been so long since I've used Illusion LAser Marisa in EoSD, hmm... Anyway, You played it safe, and there's nothing wrong with that.

nice job, although I think you could have maxed your Power by the end of the stage. Hmm. ANyway, using the safe spot near Cirno, good choice. Nice dodging and stuff.

You got full power in stage 3, and you started using the PoC. which shows that you know what you're doing. Nice dodging on Meiling's midboss spell. Although the death to the fairies was kinda... surprising. Don't forget to bomb, Kay. Another death to the Meiling's first non-spell. Ow. Another death to rainbow windchime. Don't forget to bomb, it could really help. Still, you did well after that.

Got a score extend, yay. A note, the single fairy shooting many bullets while standing in place clears all bullets on screen when killed. You started bombing, which probably helps. Ouch, death to Non-directional Laser. That must have hurt... Master Spark is as good as I remember, wow... Anyway, good job.

You get the extend from sakuya, and dodge well. You do well against Sakuya, and the bomb was probably to get it over with. I bet you were feeling pressure after you got down to your last life. It was probably a good idea to use master spark to finish it.

So, you did pretty well, but I think that Master Spark could have saved you every once in a while. STill, keep it up.

6. Metalsnowman3: – 25074340 – 3 points

Such Marisa.

Alright. So.. looks like you're still getting used to Touhou as a whole, hope that this draft will help you improve. :) You almost died to Rumia, but you were able to death bomb, saving you.You chose to bomb to Rumia's spell, but that was probably because you wanted to get it over with. Either way, good job.

You do well dodging and collecting items in stage 2. You didn't use the safe spot for Icicle Fall (Right in front of Cirno, only exists on Easy). It probably helped you improve dodging, but that's more risk. You use Bombs when you feel like you're in trouble, so that's alright. Although doing so when you'refacing a spell robs you of the spell bonus, so you have to decide when it's best.

You get to full power, and you use the PoC (possibly by accident?). NIce job again the midboss spell. Then you got the point extend, which was sweet. You died, to a non-spell. I didn't catch it, was it because you ran into a bullet? You aced wind chime, so cool, but did you get the spell bonus? Still, nice job.

You almost got hit by the fairies with the rotating bullets, but you death bombed. If you kill one of those red stationary fairies, they clear the screen. You cut through Koakuma, and death bomb another time. You died, because you were cornered. Don't forget to bomb and stuff. Patchouli. And you seem to react well to her... and then you got killed. lame. You use your bombs well though. You bomb kill Patchouli, but that was probably for the best.

You die in stage 5, probably due to no bombs. You die.. again. you had bombs, although you probably didn't expect it. You died to Sakyua. Man.

You were doing really well, and I bet you could have gone farther if you had more resources. Keep going bro.

7. Zak: 24594220 – 6 points

I hope this helps you too. :) so like... uh.. you did pretty good and stuff. Dat Rumia clear.

You did well against Dai-chan, but I don't really get why you bombed. Nice job dodging Cirno's stuff. Using the safe zone, nice. Master spark against CIRNOOO. Nice job over all.

Good job against Meirin. You died to her first spell, like.. most people. Owie. You got an extend and Master sparked so it's okay. You beat her, and that's good. Umm. Like... Uh.. yeah. *can't think well* Pretty good dodging against the fairies in stage 4, although you didn' kill any of the stationary red fairies. Um. well.. owie, patchouli death. and another. :( Use your bombs, you've been doing well with that up until then so... Only two deaths is good?

Uh. Bomb. And. Uh. Stuff. And. Yeah. A life. Good Sakuya. SPark. Uh. Death. Uh. Spark and cool stuff. uh, barely made it.

Keep practicing Zak. The road to success is long, but you'll make it with effort!

(unranked) Bal, Puku (Asumming Bal would have taken first, Puku started with extra starting lives)

So that ends EoSD. Next up is PCB.


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