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The First 2014 FE11 Draft


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Umm Shin, I have Lorenz so it's your pick.

Even though none of the remaining units will get used we still need to finish drafting.

When my pick comes back around just give me Bantu or whoever else is at the top of the list. It doesn't matter to me.

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Maria, I really don't care at this point! I might have to go back and redo chapter 3, the Devil Axe probably wasn't worth two turns.

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Chapter 1 – 7/7

It was a bad start for Cain.

Chapter 2 – 4/11

Arriving at the boss, Jagen made the first two moves and the boss misses in between. Then Cain comes in to finish him off.

Chapter 3 – 6/17

The idea was to have Jagen to crit the boss for Cain so he can kill him.

Chapter 4 – 7/24

Recruited Merric, and he and Navarre attack the boss.

Chapter 5 – 4/28

Merric manage to kill the boss in one hit.

Chapter 6 – 7/35

Again Merric killed the boss with a crit.

Chapter 6x

Both Navarre and Merric battle against the boss.

Chapter 7 – 6/41

Since Cain’s sword level wasn’t in level C, I rely on Merric to defeat the boss.

Chapter 8 – 5/46

It took about a few hits for Cain to defeat the boss.

Chapter 9 – 5/51

Both Cain and Merric took on the boss.

Chapter 10 – 8/59

Cain leaded so he can battle against the boss.

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Chapter 11 – 9/68

Jagen, Cain, and Wolf lead towards the seize point so Marth can seize the castle.

Chapter 12 – 8/76

Just took down the boss and got the boots.

Chapter 12x


Chapter 13 – 3/79

Cain moved to the boss and crit’ed him.

Chapter 14 – 6/85

I have Navarre and Jagen clear the path for Rickard to get the silver card.

Chapter 15 – 5/90

Changed Cain into a dragonknight so he flies to the boss.

Chapter 16 – 7/97

The only thing Jagen did in this chapter was get some items and battle once in the arena.

Chapter 17 – 3/100

Another one shot kill against the boss with Cain.

Chapter 17x

Cain, Navarre, Wolf, and Jagen were with Marth to head to the boss.

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Chapter 18 - 6/106

Cain leaded to clear most of the enemies.

Chapter 19 - 5/111

Got both spheres.

Chapter 20 - 5/116

It was easy for Cain to fly towards the seize point and Navarre and Marth followed behind.

Chapter 20x

Recruited Ymir

Chapter 21 - 3/119

The chapter was too easy.

Chapter 22 - 7/126

Cain was OP

Chapter 23 - 7/133

I was lucky I pass through the fake Gharnef on my way to the throne.

Chapter 24 - 4/137

Clearing the gap was the most important thing to do.

Chapter 24x


Endgame - 5/142

Cain rushed towards to Medeus and kills him with a crit.



Marth - B: 65 W: 28

Jagen - B: 105 W: 44

Cain - B: 230 W: 172

Navarre - B: 108 W: 56

Merric - B: 76 W: 51

Wolf - B: 87 W: 32

Rickard - B: 31 W: 8

Boah - B: 16 W: 7

Horace - B: 64 W: 27

Ymir - B: 17 W: 11

Edited by MJThom_2009
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  • 2 weeks later...

Restarting due to stoopid Devil Axe not being worth it. Currently on Chapter 3, hopefully the next few are possible without it.

Screw that, I can save a turn at best and I end up with worse units! Also I didn't like the sheer amount of luck I needed... plus Marth was one square from a 5 turn.

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Chapter 5: U-ho! - 4 turns

Barst and Jeigan do their thing whilst everyone else scraps for kills... man my team sucks!


Chapter 6: This was the butts - 6 turns

I literally had to murder all my mooks. Barst decided to refuse to dodge one out of 3 60's so this took a while. Still, my dynamic duo managed to kill the boss. Roshe and Biraku basically just murdered thieves for XP.


Chapter 6x: All da swords - 20 turns

Basically everyone reclasses to swordie to try and gain some speed! Biraku and Roshe actually manage it and hit D swords! Athena is recruited and Gordin decides to give healing a try!

Chapter 7: Gordin too pro - 6 turns

Gordin took down the Whitewings, that's all that can be said. However, strength still eludes him, maybe one day he'll be able to carry the Steel Bow without AS loss.


Chapter 8: Running is the best - 5 turns

Gordin stays priestly as he heals Biraku through the arena. Roshe and co. try to get some XP whilst Barst cuts the boss in half! Neat!


Chapter 9: The Pie - 5 turns

Standard stuff, the gang all pick up swords and break stuff. Julian gets some swag for all it's worth.


Chapter 10: Lots of mooks die - 8 turns

Everyone who can ride a horse gets on one to help Marth take the throne. Jeigan's enough of a bro to 2HKO the hero and takes the crest. Meanwhile, Roshe discovers the joys of C lances and pokes some horses. Meanwhile, Barst hits D swords and Gordin fails to get strength again. Maria is ignored because even Gordin can outheal her at this point.


[spoiler=Shin's chumps]


Does the job.


Moves like Jagger.


Seems to think he's a Thwomp. He's borderline useless against non-fliers.


Devil Axe has proved clutch for the earlier bosses. In all honesty, Ogma might be better by virtue of having an extra move and C swords.


He sometimes saves for me.


Too slow for life, probably a good wings candidate.


Can't really double either! Although he avoids being doubled!


She kinda exists and deals damage sometimes!

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  • 1 month later...

Chp 4: 7/22

Recruited Merric for Wendell.

Chp 5: 4/26

Wendell get. Sedgar get.

Chp 6: 6/32

Sniper!Wendell is a beast. killed all the thieves.

Chp 6x: free/32

trained my weaklings.

Chp 7: 6/38

Jags got a great Lv. Draug goes hunter to kill some Whitewings. His SPD is the only stat that is consistently growing.

Chp 8: 5/43

Bord and Jags kill the boss.

Chp 9: 5/48

Easy with my beastly Abel.

Chp 10: 8/56

Sniper!Wendell and General!Sedgar go North to get the Hauteclere and Master Seal. Abel and Jags clear the way for Marth to get to the throne.

Chp 11: 9/65

Abel, Jags, Wendell, Bord, and Sedgar clear the way for Marth. Draug goes Merc to kill some Mercs for exp. His SPD is now 20 at LV 13. Mage!Wrys hits LV 10.

Still hording my statboosters and master seal.

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