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ATTN: Writers

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This topic applies to writers in the creative section who have a fanfic or original story. So if you only have poems, songs, etc then this doesn't apply to you.

For a while now, we've had a problem. There's an oversaturation of stories in our written works section, and we need to decide on a fair way to clean up this sewage of topics. (I'm of course using a metaphor. I'm not insulting anyone's work.) You should care because it's proven that the influx of topics has lessened the number of people reading a story. Why would you write if noone will read it?

Some ideas that we've come up with are as follows:

-We only allow a writer to have one story open at a time (poems, songs don't count)

-we can limit the number of stories in general, as in only a few can be active at a time

-we can reccommend the best stories to anyone willing to read something exceptional

If you have ideas, please contribute (if this applies to you).

Remember that I don't want to infringe on anyone's freedoms... so I'm doing this in the most democratic way I can.

Edited by Metal Arc
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Im for having a limit of active stories. theres WAAAAAAYYYYYYYY too many stories that are started then just dropped (like gaitre's:"Seven part saga") which probably hasnt even passed chapter 5. If theres too many stories then the actual good ones (such as guardian soul, season sagas, and radiance slumbers) get over shadowed by the ones with more posts (The quest for Lyle and Tales of Serenes) but if there were less stories then ppl could read more than just the popular stories.

Edited by MaSu
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Im for having a limit of active stories. theres WAAAAAAYYYYYYYY too many stories that are started then just dropped (like gaitre's:"Seven part saga") which probably hasnt even passed chapter 5. If theres too many stories then the actual good ones (such as guardian soul and radiance slumbers) get over shadowed by the ones with more posts (The quest for Lyle and Tales of Serenes) but if there were less stories then ppl could read more than just the popular stories.


Edited by Nei
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that is a good idea.

its becoming hard to keep track of all that is posted in the creative forum so much that i tend to avoid it nowadays


That. Too much stuff=ppl avoiding the creative forum

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Yeah seriously, some of the great stuff is being ignored because of the over-saturation of stories. :(

like the live action movie,radiance slumbers,season sagas and guardian soul. I would definitely recommend these to ppl who read stories. But as said earlier, they get overlooked sadly.

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like the live action movie,radiance slumbers,season sagas and guardian soul. I would definitely recommend these to ppl who read stories. But as said earlier, they get overlooked sadly.

Especially by a certain writer...

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The ideas all sound good. I really don't care which route you take, as I stopped caring about readers reading my story (here that is). So if my Pokemon fanfic gets deleted, then wup-dee-fuckin-doo.

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nothing is going to be deleted but once a decision is made there may be a limit on the number of stories that can be active. I also think that ppl should have to update regularly in order to keep their story in the active queue, since lots of ppl will start a story, then stop 2 chapters in which is wasting a spot for a story for someone who actually wants to write.

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Expanding on the ideas for reccommended works, we could actually rate stories.

the only thing with that is some people will go "MY ISSUE WITH THIS IS THAT IM NOT UBER OR PORTRAYED AS THE GOD PIMP WHO HAS ALL THE WOMEN AND CAN BEAT ANYONE" like how Lyle ranted on for three chapters in my story since I had Ike beat him and branded in training and he flipped about it.

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That is why I think a combination of the first and third suggestion is the best way to go with it. You only have one story at a time, and you can add to it at your leisure. The best of the best will be pinned and will stand out.

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