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Which class should I set as final for MU and Morgan?


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Sorry for the silly question :( My last playthrough was with a Hero Chrom!Morgan and Dark Flier FeMU (+Def -Lck) and I was pretty content with DF. This time I run a +Skl -Lck FeMU and pair her up with Fred!Gerome.

1. (is a Fred!Gerome Wyvern Lord alright? Or Paladin better?)

2. FeMU's current job is Bride. I would run another FeMU Magical Dark Flier but Gerome's support stats don't seem to sync well with it : ( Should I reclass her to another or Bride works well with Gerome?

3. As for Morgan I don't really know what's his mods with a Gerome father, so I'm not sure about his class - or skillset yet. I have Dual Support+ and Galeforce passed down to him (I'd pass Gerome's Pavise/Aegis/DG+... but I reloaded since Morgan can get them on his own). I suppose with Gerome fathered Morgan the child should end up with a physical class, so should it be Hero, or Paladin, Bow Knight, Swordmaster, Assassin or Wyvern Lord? (and my FeMU has +Skl -Lck, does it affect Morgan's stats as well?)

4. Unrelated, but who's the ideal father for a physical/or Dread Fighter/Dark Knight Owain?

And another silly question from me if you wouldn't mind : ( Um, anyone with a FeMU marries Gen 1 character in Lunatic+? Does it work well? I haven't tried L+ yet, my playthroughs are mostly Lunatic. Actually, I tried L+ but couldn't get pass Chapter 2 :'( I was thinking of trying L+ and if I survived through the first 5 chapters I'd pair FeMU with Lon'qu - if it doesn't bench male Morgan, that is. A MaMU sure has good options, but the Female Avatar pairing kinda worries me, especially if I was to play artificial difficulty like L+ >_<

Thank you kindly for your suggestion!

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1. Not really, Wyverns are slow and Fred!Gerome is even slower, and he has neither Axefaire nor Lancefaire. Gerome really needs a father that passes Barbarian, because Berserker is the best physical support class and he doesn't get it naturally (that would be Vaike, Gregor and Henry).

2. Gerome doesn't care for Bride's pairup boosts, their main niche is a +Mag support that uses Bows. She'd do better as a Hero, perhaps.

3. Mods are 5/-2/2/-2/0/9/1. Make him a support Berserker to make use of that Str and mask his Spd shortcomings.

4. Owain doesn't have any ideal physical sets, he should always be magical. Ricken and Libra are his preferred magical fathers.

Anything works in L+ if you grind, if you don't grind then Gen1 is usually easier. L+ doesn't change postgame except for FP3, so if you only care about that it doesn't matter.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Thank you for your answers! Everything was clear only that I don't really fancy Zerks, perhaps because they... uh, are (or looked) brutal to me :< Is there any other way for Gerome and Gerome!Morgan?

Also, where can I find the mods and pairup boost if you don't mind me asking?

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Gerome's strengths lie in... well, in strength. So zerk is his best class, but any class with high STR will do. So warrior, wyvern lord, and even great knight or general will also allow him to capitalize on his natural STR from Cherche, just to a lesser degree than zerk would.

Edited by Rollertoaster
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L+ doesn't change postgame except for FP3, so if you only care about that it doesn't matter.

The content is paid for. So...therefore they arent allowed to have Lunatic+ skills.

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Thank you for your answers! Everything was clear only that I don't really fancy Zerks, perhaps because they... uh, are (or looked) brutal to me :< Is there any other way for Gerome and Gerome!Morgan?

Also, where can I find the mods and pairup boost if you don't mind me asking?

I'm on my 3ds right now and can't link, but there's a character maximum stats page complete with a gen 2 mod calculator on the SF mainsite in the FE13 section.

Hero is a decent physical fallback that can lead better in Morgan's case, they've got nice Skl and give +Skl/Spd boosts. Gerome still won't get a Faire though.

The content is paid for. So...therefore they arent allowed to have Lunatic+ skills.

Apo says otherwise.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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1. Frederick!Gerome is best suited to be a support character. For a support character, first priority is hitting hard. Second priority is giving good stat boosts to the primary character. Wyvern Lord is better than Paladin because Wyvern Lord has better str. Paladin's spd is good, but an assassin FeMU should be fast enough without needing the paladin spd mods.

2. For FeMU, assassin works well because a. It can bypass Pavise and Aegis (not at the same time) and b. it has high class caps for skill and spd, so you can focus your support on doing damage.

4. Stahl. He gives Owain Luna and +2 str without killing his spd.

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