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Extension of greetings.


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Hello. In so much as I like to lurk, I find it highly rude to not give myself a proper introduction and continue doing so. I do not play Fire Emblem, which may leave many you with the fairly direct quandary as to what my intentions are. Forums, to be frank disturb me. They shouldn't any longer, as I've spent many years on others in the past, but as we've moved away from an anonymous web I find myself once again unfamiliar with the territory they produce. While places have grown for anonymous social outlets on the internet, they exist for the masses, and trolling is seemingly their primary output. The ammount of noise you have to sift through to find an actually valuable tidbit of conversation is tiring. But in a forum, if not for everyone many people act purely as they think in their own minds. An entirely different world to what you expirience naturally reveals itself, and describes the philosophical landscape of the individuals you're speaking to.

Well that's fine and peachy, but why this particular forum? I am quite busy with work on top of school these days, and so I find myself following one of my most active forum dwelling friends through the internet from place to place as they see fit to move. They choose a board and I follow suit. They has a knack for finding communities with a diverse range of individuals from different backgrounds. That user goes by the Handle Makaze. It seems to me they have already cemented themselves with a reputation here, quite possibly negative, although I encourage you to give them benefit of the doubt. they are stubborn at times, and can be read as mean, but actually quite an amicable individual if you get to know them.

I like to keep introductions brief. If you care to speak with me about something, I'm sure my character will become clearer through conversation. I will likely spend most of my time in the chat, rather then the forums. My actual username reads "Kinoko" , but I have already been labeled as "Shro" , "Mushroom" , and perhaps more strangely "Moonspeak" by some of you, so I'll leave it up to you as to what you choose to call me. I am used to many nicknames. It's a pleasure meeting you all, and I look forward to the coming season.

Edited by キノコ
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Welcome to the forest then.


If not, sorry... your sig and username made me think so. xD


Edited by shadowofchaos
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Posted (edited) · Hidden by Tangerine, April 28, 2014 - No reason given
Hidden by Tangerine, April 28, 2014 - No reason given

Hey Moonspeak. Please don't throw walls of text at us. We're stupid. Anyway, go play FE. NOW.




Just copy and paste it. The forum is too dumb to show long links or something.

Edited by HeavyBrawlsGuy
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