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NFL 2014-2015 Season: Super Bowl Champion Patriots


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yeah i remember last year we had one of the best guards in the league (Yanda) and they claimed he was regressing, aside from the fact that he manhandled Suh against Detroit. People forget that our RT, LG, and C were duds

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41-14 Chiefs blowing out the Patriots makes me realize, AFC East will truly be Bills' as it is up for grabs for them...I don't think the Patriots will be Wild Card...

Edited by Vermilia Scarlet
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Picks for this week:

Minnesota at Green Bay- Both teams looked good last week. going with Rodgers at home

Chicago at Carolina- These teams have been all over the place, but the Panthers look worse lately I guess

Buffalo at Detroit- Bills already replacing their starting QB, though they can't get much worse there. Lions defense has been tough, especially at home.

Houston at Dallas- Cowboys have a strong running game and face a weak run D- and Texans still have Fitzpatrick at QB.

Baltimore at Indianapolis- Luck has looked excellent so far this year and they're at home against a suspect secondary

St. Louis at Philadelphia- Rams defense hasn't looked that good, so look for the Eagles offense to bounce back here

Cleveland at Tennessee- Can't believe I'm picking the Browns on the road, but the Titans haven't looked good at all

Pittsburgh at Jacksonville- Jaguars still not a safe pick, although they look a bit better on offense with Bortles

Tampa Bay at New Orleans- Saints at home should still be a good pick, though not too confident with how they've been playing

Atlanta at New York Giants- Falcons have looked bad on the road, Giants have looked good recently

Arizona at Denver- Nice season for the Cardinals so far, but hard to pick against the Broncos at home

New York Jets at San Diego- Chargers are playing well on both sides of the ball, Jets aren't.

Kansas City at San Francisco- Both teams looked good last week, I'll pick the home team I suppose

Cincinnati at New England- Don't normally pick against the Patriots at home, but they look bad and the Bengals have looked very good

Seattle at Washington- Seahawks are better on both sides of the ball

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Add to that that the Ravens don't exactly have an awesome record on the road. :P

Another thing in the Steelers' favor besides the Jaguars being pretty rubbish is that Tomlin's giving his players an earful about all the BS that happened in the game against the Bucs. And from the interviews I saw, they're going to listen to him. So they'll be ready to do better this Sunday, most likely. We're counting on you to get through to these guys, Tomlin. Especially the defense. PLEASE. LeBeau HAS make them go after the QB more.

Poor Panthers though. I can't see them winning much in the future now either, what with all the injuries and Cam Newton still only being at like 60% of his full strength. :(

Edited by Anacybele
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Yeah I'm not excited for the Colts game because our secondary is not good enough to match up with Nicke, Wayne, and Hilton all at once.

I think we can win, but that's my job as a fan. If we do win then the only way we can take it is in a shootout and jamming the run game down their throat. Colts run D is bad and this isn't 2013...

And finally marlon brown had passed jacoby jones in the depth chart. Marlon tied Torrey's rookie franchise record for TDs in a season (7) and is effective despite his draft status. Jacoby is a dud and even when he's open he's not targeted cause 4 drops and 3 receptions on the season... Two drops being sure touchdowns that landed in his hands.

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Every big play is flukey. It relies on busted coverage, a perfect read, etc. Are you going to call a bunch of Ed Reed pick sixes flukey too? What about Devin Hester's return TDs? Any deep passing touchdown or any 20+ yard run play? Fumble recoveries too? Come on, man.

Are you sure it's not just injury? Was your OL really that bad or did EJ have bad pocket presence? I know EJ was injured a considerable amount of time last year. I don't even know what the Bills were thinking drafting him.

No, Im not saying that all big scoring plays are flukey, however most fumble recoveries come down to luck because of the way the ball bounces. Only plays with abnormal tips/deflections, like Steve Smith's 1st TD rec this week. You cant deny that it was a flukey catch. I am by no means discrediting the amazing athletic performances after the luck factor. The JJ Watt pick-6 was flukey because it hit him in the forearms close to his elbows and it dropped right into his gut where he could secure it. 95% of the time on plays like that the ball will bounce off the defender's arm and they wont make the interception. It wasnt a good read by Watt in coverage, he was rushing the passer, saw that EJ was about to throw the ball and he put his hands up in hopes of deflecting the pass. The INT was lucky/flukey; the return wasnt.

EJ is 100% healthy, but the O-line isnt. They played like shit because of it. EJ rarely had a pocket to throw from and he was hit a lot in the game. He has only had 14 NFL starts and his play against the Texans shouldnt have gotten him the bench. I still think the Bills will have a winning season this year. I just hate the idea of having to get a new QB. Probably 2 years from now since we dont have a 1st round pick in next years draft at the moment.

I've watched every New England game this year. They are not a good team. I could tell from week 1. Even their blow-out win against the Vikings left me thinking that they werent good. If Kyle Orton is even slightly more effective than Manuel, the AFCE is going to be won by the Bills. Our Defense is dominant, and we play the Browns and the Jags where the Patriots play the Bengals and Indy.

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Bills don't play the Jaguars, they played the Texans (Texans and Bills were 4th, Dolphins get the Jags).

I probably still like the Patriots to win the AFC East, because I see the Patriots passing offense improving before Manuel/Orton, Tannehil, or Geno Smith suddenly become good players.

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Well technically Tannehill did much, much better against the Raiders than the Pats did. Just sayin', Tannehill's had less bad games than Brady this season.


Could not be happier about a free agent pickup :') I can admit I was very very wrong and was incredibly pessimistic about him coming into the season - after all, Derrick Mason was his age when we released him. Hopefully his age doesn't catch up to him.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Penalty-heavy Steelers invite officials to practice.

Now this is what I call getting shit done. Let's go, black and gold! No more ridiculous penalties! But they still can't forget to fire that defense up. It's already agreed that we've got the best offensive weapons in the AFC North (Big Ben, Le'Veon Bell, and Antonio Brown as a trio like to break defenses hard). That D just needs to fix its issues, injuries or no injuries.

Edited by Anacybele
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Steelers have the worst points per game average in the AFC North (probably that 6 point performance against Baltimore didn't help), so not sure I can agree with that.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I wasn't referring to the o-line. I'm saying that Ben, Bell, and Brown together are the best offensive players in the AFC North. Not saying that the Steelers have the best offense all around. They DO still have problems at the o-line. Besides, I was mainly just saying I agree with NFL.com, as they also said that these three are the best trio in the division.

Edited by Anacybele
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Bad OL at bens age isn't good cause if he keeps shaking off rushers then he's not gonna last the season

Yeah, I'm aware of that. It sucks too, because our o-line started looking better and now it's not. >.>

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Dang, that's like almost all of your starters. That really sucks. :(

On another topic, check this out. Big Ben, Le'Veon Bell, and Antonio Brown ranked the second best QB-RB-WR trio in the league! Hell yeah, go Steelers! :D I just also agree that they haven't been productive enough to show off that amazing talent. This needs to be fixed!

lol Ravens though. Ever-changing RB. Haha, I guess that happens when the former top RB gets the boot. :P

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I don't know why people shit on our RB corps lol they've managed to average a good chunk of rushing yards/game... Our only game with low rushing was he Bengals game which was a clusterfuck anyway (and even then Forsett got 6 ypc)... Most teams have an RB by committee anyway and they tend to use the guy who is doing better as the primary back. On top of that we've been using a mix of Forsett and Taliaferro. Homeboy has no idea what he's talking about. I'm not even sure why that list is ranked the way it is considering the top 2 guys are nowhere near performing at the level he suggests they are.

Dave Dameshek is generally a poor writer lol I don't know why you'd link him. Just goes to show Ana doesn't know anything about football

Edited by Lord Raven
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First of all, I never said the Ravens had bad RBs.

Second, basically calling me stupid when it comes to football was uncalled for. I know plenty about the sport and the NFL. Just because I might not know quite as much as you doesn't mean I know nothing. So stop acting like you know everything.

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First of all, I never said the Ravens had bad RBs.

lol then what do you call laughing at the fact that we run an RB by committee

Second, basically calling me stupid when it comes to football was uncalled for. I know plenty about the sport and the NFL. Just because I might not know quite as much as you doesn't mean I know nothing. So stop acting like you know everything.

prove me wrong bruh
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I call it laughing at the fact that none of your RBs are good enough to be called the go-to RB.

I've proven it many times already. I know some of the history, the different kinds of terms and penalties, lots of player names, and current news since I go to NFL.com a lot. This counts as knowledge.

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Is it that they're not good enough or is it because they're both different kinds of backs to be used in different situations? Hence "running back by committee." Lots of teams use these. Dave Dameshek is not a good writer on nfl.com anyway (lots of football writers on nfl.com and espn.com are pretty bad in terms of power rankings) and if you had any idea of how football worked then you'd actually use critical thinking skills and non-Steelers knowledge to conclude that, oh wait they have some pretty good running backs and the only issue was that Pierce had a pretty bad start to the season and Forsett/Taliaferro are proving to be more valuable than him (and putting up pretty great rushing yardage - look it up and look up some of their runs).

still have yet to prove me wrong, history, penalties/terms, etc don't mean anything. Can you tell me the offensive system that the Steelers run?

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The Steelers used to run what Ben called a "dink and dunk" system and he didn't really like it. They had serious offensive problems because he and Haley just couldn't be on the same page. I believe that "dink and dunk" system involved a lot of quick, deep passes and not as much running and Haley called most of the shots. Ben really couldn't have a say in it at all, the poor guy.

Now, however, Haley has been letting Ben call more plays and the offense runs the ball a lot more than before. Haley also tries to protect Ben better so he doesn't take a lot of sacks anymore. The system now has Ben getting the ball out of his hand fast, either to an RB or a WR. This way, a bad offensive line won't get in the way so much. Sometimes Ben is forced to spend more time holding onto that ball though, so the o-line still needs to step up.

This is all I can say, if it's what you're referring to. If not, then I guess I know less than I thought. ._.

Also, what you're saying about your RBs is pretty much the same as what Dameshek said. That Pierce USED to be the go-to RB, but the other two guys are changing that.

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