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NFL 2014-2015 Season: Super Bowl Champion Patriots


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how are the jags beating the browns idgi

EDIT: rams in scoring position... i kinda wanna see the seahawks go 7-9 or 8-8 or something

EDIT 2: the falcons just mauled our long snapper wtf

Edited by Lord Raven
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38-10, god damn it... This is definitely worse than any playing the Steelers have done. -_-

At least the Browns and Bengals are losing, I guess. Too bad everything just has to go more in favor of the Ravens...

Edited by Anacybele
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so we put in haloti ngata for long snapper on the PAT, but we went for it on fourth down because we couldnt really trust him to snap it to sam koch

it worked out beautifully

ravens won 29-7 woo... our defense was on point, but they need to stop dropping these damn ints lol haloti ngata should not be our interception leader

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how are the jags beating the browns idgi

Jaguars defense played very well again, defensive front shut down the run and got a lot of pressure. We also ran the ball well, which never happens.

Woo not winless!

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welp our long snapper has officially torn his ACL, here's hoping we can find another one lol

shouldn't be too bad, i'm sure theres a bunch sitting at home jerkin it waiting for an opportunity

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...Alright, WHAT THE FUCK, REFS. I know this likely wouldn't have made any difference in this game, but after looking at this video, this article is damn right. Kuechly didn't do ANYTHING wrong to get himself ejected. He was yanked off a guy and shoved to the ground for no reason and then yanked up by a ref. He had no idea it was a ref, he was facing the other fucking direction. That Packer that jerked him around should've been flagged, not Kuechly. And now he has to pay a bullshit fine for this.

Way to make this loss even worse for the Panthers, officials. Way to fucking go. It's just lucky he's not getting suspended. I'd be really pissed if that happened. And I bet other Panthers fans would too.

But still, Kuechly leads the team in tackles and stuff and does his job while the rest of his team mates wouldn't. And THIS is how he gets repaid for it?!

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Eh, the "no contact with officials" rule is a good one because if players feel they can get physical with the refs then things would get ugly very quickly. He won't get suspended so it's not too bad.

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People never get suspended for contact with refs unless they do it all the time. A one time incident for someone with as clean a slate as Kuechly won't get anything close.

EDIT: Woooow Chiefs had a 14 minute drive.

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Yeah, a lot of funny and unexpected stuff has happened lately. The Jags beat the Browns who beat the Steelers who beat the Jags. The Rams beat the Seahawks. The Chiefs beat the Chargers who also beat the Seahawks. And of course, the Bengals getting shut out, even if it was by a good team. The Ravens played better against the Colts and the Bengals managed to beat the Ravens. xP

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I know that, but I didn't exactly find that really unexpected or funny. Granted, I didn't exactly expect it, but I still felt that it was possible.

On another topic, that one punt return play the Rams did was omg wow. Totally sweet. They fooled EVERYONE, even the camera guys!

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ESPN as usual shows no love for the Chargers. After our winning streak is over xD.

"Philip Rivers shows he's mortal."

"Chargers' injuries are catching up to them."

EDIT: At least it's good we get no praise, we work under the radar. Though I would love to have them get credit where credit is due.

Edited by Vermilia Scarlet
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OMG wow, Carson Palmer and some guy on the Raiders got their cleats stuck together. Just lol. XD

Steelers gotta win tomorrow. They'll put the Browns right back in the AFC North basement if they do!

Edited by Anacybele
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