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Pokemon Omega Ruby Alpha Sapphire Thread - The Game's out, go get it!

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Just realized: Grass really got shafted again. Unless the mega evolution gives it some huge stat boosts, Mega Sceptile will suck.

Lightningrod is both situational and reliant on good predictions. In order to really make use of it in a single battle, Sceptile either has to take an Electric type attack when the opponent already knows it is in (bad idea, already resists), or switch into a predicted electric attack after having previously mega evolved, which not only means Sceptile was in and switched out, but also that the opponent already knows about it. Its best use will be in double or triple battles.

All Dragon typing does is eliminate its Fire weakness. It also adds two more weaknesses (Dragon and Fairy) to a type that already has a lot of weaknesses and enhances one more weakness (Ice). It doesn't even add any new resistances, for Christ's sake; it only enhances them. Since it's not Dragon type otherwise, it probably won't have access to a lot of Dragon attacks, though I guess if it at least gets Dragon Pulse, that will be something.

And its signature move is Leaf Blade, a physical attack, despite it being special based (most of its move pool is also physical). Sure, mega evolution might change that, but Lightningrod raises Special Attack. gg.

I mean, shit, Blaziken and Swampert both get Speed boosting abilities and have decent/good type combinations already, and Sceptile gets this? Game Freak hates Grass types.

I-I didn't even realize Tabitha was a man until just now.

brb gonna go cry and feel like an idiot


(But yeah, same character. They have the same JP name.)

I was confused about his gender for a while, as well, but I figured it out a while ago. Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I do kinda agree that outside of doubles, Lightning Rod really blows on Sceptile.

Meanwhile, Charizard gets 2 mega-evos and the Mega-Char X is omnipresent.

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I hope Sceptile gets Deoxys level stat distribution.

If all the points go into Special Attack and Speed, it might be threatening.

Knowing Gamefreak they'll probably throw 30 points into Attack.

Having more weaknesses doesn't mean much when you have Sceptile's defenses. Getting three 4x resists is a net positive since it actually has more things to switch into.

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I hope Sceptile gets Deoxys level stat distribution.

If all the points go into Special Attack and Speed, it might be threatening.

Knowing Gamefreak they'll probably throw 30 points into Attack.

Having more weaknesses doesn't mean much when you have Sceptile's defenses. Getting three 4x resists is a net positive since it actually has more things to switch into.

That's probably the only way Sceptile could work...

It'd be better than Mega Absol, at least. :P

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let's not forget that sceptile has swords dance, dragon claw, and outrage, so all hope is not lost. dragon pulse isn't too bad either. mega sceptile'll probably be like mega aerodacyl; a 'mon with increased stats that make it very threatening.

Edited by Comet
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I knew he was a guy because I watched the anime. xP

But I still don't believe that fat ugly guy is Tabitha. If it is, I'm not getting the game. They utterly RUINED one of the only Hoenn characters I ever liked.

What an awful thing to say.

How does being "ugly" ruin a character?

If you actually liked Tabitha's character, then his appearance should be trivial.

How shallow must you be to say such a thing?

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What an awful thing to say.

How does being "ugly" ruin a character?

If you actually liked Tabitha's character, then his appearance should be trivial.

How shallow must you be to say such a thing?

How rude must you be to practically insult me?

Tabitha was never a fat ugly dude. He was thin and fairly attractive. I simply see NO reason for his design to change so drastically. And his original design suited him, as did his voice. They took a good design and turned it into rubbish.

Edited by Anacybele
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What an awful thing to say.

How does being "ugly" ruin a character?

If you actually liked Tabitha's character, then his appearance should be trivial.

How shallow must you be to say such a thing?

I must ask: are you trying to provoke a fight?

If so, why? Ana's reasoning is justified and her opinions won't change. No one can make her do anything.

I apologize if I sound too defensive in this post.

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It seems like each interpretation of Tabitha differs from time-to-time. In the game, he looks like an average Magma member, but with a unique sprite pose. In the anime, he looks like a decent enough character design. In Special, well...


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At least Tabitha is still decent-looking in the manga, even if his hair is stupid. XD

But yeah, I'm still pretty upset over the redesign for Tabitha. It's not really him being fat that bothers me, it's that.. He's ugly now. Characters can be fat and still be attractive! This just.. Isn't the case for ORAS!Tabitha. Which frustrates me beyond belief, because I really, really liked him before, because hey, he was pretty cute. :D And a Team Magma admin! Of course I'd love him. Now.. I just don't know what to think.

And to be fair, I don't see why it's a bad thing to be upset over this. We're disappointed a character isn't aesthetically pleasing anymore. Nothing "shallow" about that, really. It's kind of human nature to be attracted to, well.. Attractive people, even if they're video game characters. XP And while I don't think that a character being ugly "ruins" the character, but when a character goes from being attractive to being NOT.. Then yeah, people who liked that the character was attractive in the first place will be upset! And there's nothing wrong with that. fun fact that I just thought of thanks to this discussion, I don't think I've ever seen guys being called out as shallow for having an opinion on female characters being attractive. when a girl expresses any interest in male characters being attractive? Shallow. Way to have double standards, people.

I'm actually somewhat curious as to what ORAS!Tabitha will be like in the actual game... I guess I'll be finding out myself, since I'm getting Omega Ruby. (I also can't wait to see Maxie in-game. He's such a huge nerd now with this redesign, it's amazing. XD)

I may or may not care a bit too much about Team Magma oops

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fun fact that I just thought of thanks to this discussion, I don't think I've ever seen guys being called out as shallow for having an opinion on female characters being attractive. when a girl expresses any interest in male characters being attractive? Shallow. Way to have double standards, people.


I'd call anybody, be that someone male or female, shallow if he's interested in someone purely for their looks.

But that's just me.

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I'd call anybody, be that someone male or female, shallow if he's interested in someone purely for their looks.

But that's just me.

I've personally never seen a guy called out on it, honestly. I'm sure some have, but I just see it far less often than the other way around.

And to be fair, when it's a fictional character in question, I don't think it's necessarily shallow to like them solely people they're attractive. Real people? Yeah, definitely more valid to say it's shallow in that case. Not as big as deal with fictional characters, in my opinion. They're just fictional characters, after all. I prefer liking characters for their personality as well, myself, but I don't think it's really an issue to just like a character because they're attractive?

Regardless, on a more on-topic note, thinking about it, I'll probably end up liking ORAS!Tabitha anyway, particularly once I get to see him in-game. (And when we get better quality art for him! Admittedly, it's a bit hard to see exactly how he looks with the current Corocoro scans..) I think the change was just more jarring than anything, when I think about it. I'll miss RSE!Tabitha, sure, but aw well. You win some, you lose some. (And I gotta say, we did win some with Courtney's new design! She's so awesome looking. <3)

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[spoiler=My Thoughts]

  • MegaTile is pretty awesome looking, though I have a bad feeling he'll be one of "those" megas, like MegaDoom and MegaTric (I think they qualify), the megas who, while are still mega and so are pretty cool, aren't that good. Oh well, being able to (from what I have heard and seen on Smogon) counter Rotom-W and having good synergy with Talonflame and Gyarados is pretty cool, you know, when the games come out. Anyway, Lightning Rod is pretty nifty and hopefully he gets even better Speed and Special Attack, and a better special movepool.
  • MegaPert lifts. Like he could very easily pass as a Water/Fighting. Swift Swim is pretty interesting, and his physical stats are gonna be great.
  • MegaCie looks alright. I wanna know what her ability is. It has gotta be better than Clear Body. I can see it getting something like +40 Sp. Atk and +30 to its defenses.
  • Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon is pretty interesting, and it's technically not a mega evolution, though how it happens needs to be known.
  • Steven! My precious! Weird how he has a MegaZardX, you'd think that he'd have some other Mega, like a MegaGross (if it happens, which I think is likely). And if they wanted to keep that a secret, they would have not mentioned any megas for him.
  • Yay Acro and Mach Bikes. Hopefully they're easier to switch between.
  • I absolutely love the new Team Magma and Team Aqua designs. Maxie and Archie look freakin' sweet. Maxie looks like a researcher/scientist, and seems a bit more refined, and Archie just looks badass. The grunts look cool (especially the Aqua grunts).
  • The admin redesigns look pretty cool. I don't mind Tabitha's new design and to be honest, he reminds me of something, but I don't remember what. Courtney looks hot (geddit?). Matt looks even more buff than his look in the originals, but the Aqua logo on his chest/stomach looks weird. Shelly is pretty nice looking, and just like Matt, the Aqua logo being on her chest looks a little weird.
  • Brendan looks really excited over something just off screen. His obvious brown hair bugs, if only because it was black before.
  • May's redesign is really nice looking. Her top reminds me a lot of Serena's.
  • Mega Bangles instead of Mega Rings is interesting, making me think that you'll get a different accessory in each game for mega evolutions. Wonder how you get it. Maybe you get them from Mr. Stone when you get the Pokenav, or at some interaction with Steven.

Edited by Konnor97
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To be fair, none of the grunts or admins ever seemed to be very deep characters.

I can understand how jarring the change in character design for Tabitha is though. When I first played Ruby, I thought he was a the most intimidating enemy in the game, with the crazy face and the cape. The new look doesn't really replicate this (still has the crazy smile though). The other redesigned characters still seem in character though (Shelly is still flamboyant, Matt is still a meathead, Maxie always seemed uptight and snobby.)

They probably made him tubby to match his Numel.

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I do kinda agree that outside of doubles, Lightning Rod really blows on Sceptile.

Meanwhile, Charizard gets 2 mega-evos and the Mega-Char X is omnipresent.

What do you mean lightning rod is bad? Think about it. You are facing Generic team #43225. They have Rotom-Wash out. They are about use volt switch. You switch to Mega Sceptile, and you get a free special attack boost.

Edited by Kamina
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