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Any Tactics Ogre Players?


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I've recently started playing Tactics Ogre Let Us Cling Together for the PSP, and I'm finding it to be quite enjoyable. I've heard that there are other Ogre series games, as well as Final Fantasy Tactics games which play similarly. What would be your recommendation for me to play, especially since I'm new to the series?

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I'd recommend the Knight of Lodis on the GBA.

As well as the original Ogre Battle series before they made their tactics style gameplay, the original SNES and 64 OB games are some ofmmy absolute favorite games. Tactics Ogre is fun but like my feelings on FF tactics I got a little bored with em after I played Disgaea and Phantom Brave or Eternal Eyes.

Both tactics series are grand I just find them a little dull personally but that's just me

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I really enjoyed Knight of Lodis on the GBA, but I haven't played it in more than a decade. I gave the PSP Let Us Cling Together a try a few months ago, but I couldn't stand the camera being so far out, and the blurry "zoom" alternative.

One of these days, I'll give the original SNES/PSX port a try.

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I really enjoyed Knight of Lodis on the GBA, but I haven't played it in more than a decade. I gave the PSP Let Us Cling Together a try a few months ago, but I couldn't stand the camera being so far out, and the blurry "zoom" alternative.

One of these days, I'll give the original SNES/PSX port a try.

It's not hard for you eyes to get used to this "blur" if you gave it more than say 10 minutes. Also, the ps1 version is inferior to the PSP version in everyway. If a character loses all their HP in the ps1 version, they die for good. Now you might think that's just like Fire Emblem. No. Characters in FFT or TO die way easier and more frequently. PSP version lets you revive them in 3 turns just like FFT and if you don't they have 3 hearts so they can die 3 times in battle and they're still good. After that then they're gone forever. Also, PSP version has CODA and the Chariot system. You can beat the game then go through the whole game again doing different story paths with the characters you already recruited and keeping their levels, equipment and skills. The replay value is amazing in the PSP version. Think of it like being able to grind your characters in FE Awakening then being able to go through the whole game again with those awesome characters. Oh and the enemies scale to you so it's not going to just be a walk in the park on another playthrough. None of that is in the ps1 version. There's alot of other things like better artwork, new characters, attacks, classes. CODA is extra chapters AFTER the main story that is not in the Ps1 version either. Oh yeah and the music is FAR better in the PSP version.

There is absolutely no reason to play the ps1 version over the PSP version. None. And honestly, your reasons for not playing the PSP version are stupid. Because it's "Blurry"? Sorry if this sounds harsh but it's the truth. It's gonna look FAR worse on the ps1 version. And the only reason TO looks "blurry" is probably because you're going back and fourth between zoomed out and zoomed in camera where you will notice it easily. That's like going from 30 fps to 60 fps over and over again. Keep it zoomed in and get used to it in like 10 minutes.

Edited by MKDestroyer117
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It's not hard for you eyes to get used to this "blur" if you gave it more than say 10 minutes. Also, the ps1 version is inferior to the PSP version in everyway. If a character loses all their HP in the ps1 version, they die for good. Now you might think that's just like Fire Emblem. No. Characters in FFT or TO die way easier and more frequently. PSP version lets you revive them in 3 turns just like FFT and if you don't they have 3 hearts so they can die 3 times in battle and they're still good. After that then they're gone forever. Also, PSP version has CODA and the Chariot system. You can beat the game then go through the whole game again doing different story paths with the characters you already recruited and keeping their levels, equipment and skills. The replay value is amazing in the PSP version. Think of it like being able to grind your characters in FE Awakening then being able to go through the whole game again with those awesome characters. Oh and the enemies scale to you so it's not going to just be a walk in the park on another playthrough. None of that is in the ps1 version. There's alot of other things like better artwork, new characters, attacks, classes. CODA is extra chapters AFTER the main story that is not in the Ps1 version either. Oh yeah and the music is FAR better in the PSP version.

There is absolutely no reason to play the ps1 version over the PSP version. None. And honestly, your reasons for not playing the PSP version are stupid. Because it's "Blurry"? Sorry if this sounds harsh but it's the truth. It's gonna look FAR worse on the ps1 version. And the only reason TO looks "blurry" is probably because you're going back and fourth between zoomed out and zoomed in camera where you will notice it easily. That's like going from 30 fps to 60 fps over and over again. Keep it zoomed in and get used to it in like 10 minutes.

Actually, the SNES/PS1 version is far harder until you obtain the Ressurection Spell. Then it became far easier.

And the SNES/PS1 has Petraborym (AS i like to call him), and the broken Necromancy, too.

Still, not worth missing the PSP version.

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I gave the game a week on the PSP, and it was too blurry for my tastes. I also didn't care for the covered music. I don't care about any of the new or altered content. I'm glad you enjoy it, but have some respect for other perspectives and opinions.

I'm not gonna force myself to play through a game that isn't enjoyable for me in its current state (I already did that with Bioshock Infinite, and that hardly made the game better). Rather, if I ever gather interest again, I'll play either the SNES or the PS1 port, and if I thoroughly enjoy it, I'll probably try out the PSP one to appreciate the remake even more.

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I gave the game a week on the PSP, and it was too blurry for my tastes. I also didn't care for the covered music. I don't care about any of the new or altered content. I'm glad you enjoy it, but have some respect for other perspectives and opinions.

I'm not gonna force myself to play through a game that isn't enjoyable for me in its current state (I already did that with Bioshock Infinite, and that hardly made the game better). Rather, if I ever gather interest again, I'll play either the SNES or the PS1 port, and if I thoroughly enjoy it, I'll probably try out the PSP one to appreciate the remake even more.

You're passing off a game just because it's blurry. But you say you played older games like Knight of Lodis, ps1 and Snes games. So I don't see why graphics would bother you this much. The PS1 version is going to look alot worse. It's also going to be annoying when your characters die when they reach 0 HP.

The soundtrack is good but you probably didn't get far enough to hear anything good. I thought the music was meh in the beginning too.

How about this?

Or this?

The part at 1:20 to 2:20 isn't even in the Ps1 version and that's the best part.

That is good.

Edited by MKDestroyer117
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