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Pokemon Anime Discussion


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So, if a general Pokemon thread doesn't make enough sense to people, how about one for the anime? I haven't seen one around here, so yeah. Or would this be better off in Entertainment since it's a TV show? I don't know, cause it's still Pokemon...

Anyway, which anime generation is your favorite, who are your favorite characters, favorite episodes, that kind of stuff goes here. And of course, follow forum rules.

I've watched the anime since it began, pretty much. But I have to say Sinnoh is my favorite because it has a lot of my favorite characters and episodes, and Dawn was always my favorite female, though I like Iris too (her hair is awesome lol). I also like Paul, though at the same time I don't like him. He's so mean sometimes, but at least he's not a flat out bully like Gary was for awhile. He's more like way too blunt and doesn't treat his Pokemon right. Sometimes though, he's cool and he really pushed Ash. Sinnoh Ash also came up with some cool tricks like the Counter Shield. And Dawn had some amazing contest stuff going on like her Flame Ice and Ice Chandelier. I'm so glad she kicked May's butt in the Wallace Cup too. Dawn is better than May any day. May's combinations were just eh most of the time. Dawn even did amazing shit in the beginning of the series like subduing the rampaging Aerodactyl in Oreburgh City. I also kind of have gen 4 bias. xP

Hoenn is my least favorite because it's just eh. I found May boring, and Max is okay at best. And there's a bit of Hoenn anti-bias since I didn't like the region. I do like Brandon and his flying pyramid though, wow. o.o And Juan is awesome.

X/Y is really awesome so far though. Ash isn't a dummy every now and then like he was in B/W. In fact, he's more epic than ever. The writers really know what they're doing. And early on, Clemont gets nice development. He gains more courage and confidence in himself and sticks with Ash to continue doing that. Serena is eh right now though. I thought by now she'd figure out what she wants to do. She seems to be there just for the sake of Ash having a female traveling companion. :/ I hope this changes soon, because I'd hate to dislike a character that looks so much like me! :P (seriously, if I take my glasses off and put on her outfit, I'd look like her twin aside from eye color). Bonnie is cute. ^^ Clemont is really funny. lol

Oh, and we start seeing this mysterious dude with a Mega Blaziken every now and then. But it isn't long until we find out that....

He's Clemont and Bonnie's dad! I was wow'd. THAT guy? He had an Ampharos and worked in some electric shop, so I thought he was an Electric type trainer!

Although, my favorite Pokemon anime character EVER is actually from the BW series. Cilan! Omigosh I fangirl over him so hard. He's amaaazing. :wub: I wrote a oneshot about him and his fear of Purrloin. ^^

My favorite episode so far is also from BW. Scare in the Litwick Mansion. Mostly because of Cilan's screaming in it. That part is just OMFG LOL. XD Oh, but I also liked the part in that one Beheeyem episode where the guys were wondering why their spell didn't work on Ash and Team Rocket and they replied "hypnosis doesn't work on idiots." LOL!! XD

But damn it, I LOVE CILAN. x3

I also like Brock (he was my favorite before just because he's so damned funny. His shenanigans did get a little old after awhile though. I like Roark too, he's my favorite gym leader after Cilan and Brock. He has such a funny relationship with his dad and I just like him a lot for some reason. xP

EDIT: Sigh... For some reason, nothing happens when I click the manage poll button. So no polls, I guess... >_>

Edited by Anacybele
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i never had too much of a thing for any of them, but johto, the battle frontier, and late sinnoh were all good. johto because of the shiny noctowl, hoen because charizard beats articuno, and late sinnoh for the pokemon league that was done pretty well. i just feel really disappointed that tobias (the darkrai trainer) didn't get any backstory. there was SO MUCH potential in him, but nothing happened...

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Yeah, Tobias was interesting, because he's the only trainer we've seen so far that used LEGENDARY Pokemon. I don't count what's his face from the Battle Frontier because the Articuno was just his friend and didn't actually belong to him.

The one thing I don't like about X/Y so far is that Team Rocket went back to their goofy selves for the most part. I thought that got real old and liked seeing them change to a more serious and threatening group in BW. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

She had the best personality and development of the females and the Contests were much funnier and enjoyable when she was doing them. While Dawn's appeals were prettier, the Contest battles were a lot more engaging when May was battling her rivals.


Edited by precita
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Shauna, Tierno, and Trevor appear and each have a Kanto starter? Ooh, I'm intrigued. o.o

And Ash gets a Hawlucha? Interesting, yet again. :o

But what's the Japanese say? Ughhh. DX

Precita; I found May boring, that's that. You can't force me to change my opinion. And I've watched the whole Hoenn saga. I just didn't like it as much as the others.

Edited by Anacybele
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Precita isn't forcing you to change your opinion, they were asking why you had such a beef with her (and the region too, I guess). Hell, I hate the Sinnoh region and yet it's my favorite saga of the series.

And all the Japanese is is the lyrics of the song, with the bits at the top being the credits. It is the opening, after all.

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Oh, well, I didn't know where the clips came from exactly. xP

Well, Precita kept going on about how May and the Hoenn saga are so great and stuff like he/she wanted me to change my mind.

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They were pointing out that May was a good character and that the Hoenn saga in general is great (both are totes true, btw). They asked you what your problem with them are specifically. How is that trying to make you change your mind?

Seriously Ana... >_>

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I JUST SAID. I find May boring. How many times do I have to repeat it? I never found her character or her design interesting. That is that.

Serena doesn't seem anything like Dawn, imo. No contest motive or anything of the sort. She's less optimistic too (Dawn always went "no need to worry" and Serena seems like she's always afraid of messing up). Serena also seems like she's there just for the sake of having a female companion. I don't see the point of her being around. As of now, I like her about as much as I like May.

Which is a shame, because she looks so much like me. :(

I liked Iris. She was cool. Never liked Misty though, she annoyed me a lot.

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I used to watch the anime a lot, but its fallen of my radar ever since the Shinoh arc. I stil watch the occasional episode when I see if pass on tv, but nothing more then that.

I did't really like Cilan from what little I saw of him. I thought his game personality was better then what was shown here. I may just not have seen enough of him though.

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every time i heard iris say, "you're such a kid" i wanted to shoot the freaking tv. YOU'RE THE SAME AGE, DANGIT. and cilan's food puns were awful, and not in the good way. i also wanted to shoot the tv when he couldn't shut up about food. it's like they made another brock but left all the good parts out or did a really bad job with it.

i hate the black and white anime with a passion.

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Yeah, the BW saga really took a nosedive into shit after the awesomeness of Sinnoh. I get that they were trying to go back to how it was with Kanto, but they seemed to forget anything that made it good (though to be fair it wasn't too amazing in the first place...). Misty and Brock were genuinely interesting characters that got just as much development as what Ash did. They didn't spout off the same lines and they didn't rely on a single gimmick all the fucking time. The fact that Ash was dumbed down a lot just made me sad. He was finally learning ;o;

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The big reason why BW sucked so much was because they tried to appeal to the older crowd and failed miserably at it.

The more threatening Team Rocket ended up having them revert back to normal fairly quickly.

The Team Plasma vs Team Rocket subplot got cancelled and wiped out of canon resulting the main evil team of the generation reduced to arc villains.

Ghetsis and N showed up as watered down theme park versions of themselves. Colress turned into an asshole. The (justified) postponing of the Plasma two-parter was probably why the Plasma arc was such a mess. We never even get to see Zekrom which is just not cool.

Reintroducing Charizard and Mewtwo was a disaster since Charizard never did anything and Newtwo wasn't fleshed out enough to justify having a new Mewtwo.

Edited by Spaceman Craig
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Iris also wasn't as interesting as she could have been. I thought she had a lot of potential at the beginning since she was a change from all the similar girly female leads we've had...but she overall just became rather meh over the course of the region and then obnoxiously mary sue-ish.

Sadly Serena in XY isn't much better because its just the opposite, she's literally a bland girly clean slate and there's nothing else to say about her.

I wonder if May will get another cameo for the Hoenn remakes, or maybe a standalone special episode.

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Personally, my favorite part of the anime is the Kanto-Orange Islands-Johto arc. It's been awhile, but looking over it again, it feels like Ash had a lot more character in those days, and he went through a clear character arc. He started off as a lazy, hotheaded trainer who became arrogant and complacent during the journey through Kanto, who then got a rather unpleasant wake up call during the pokemon league. He then, while still remaining a hothead, learned what he was doing wrong, and corrected himself during the Orange Islands. In Johto, (please do correct me if I'm wrong) he didn't make half as much newbie mistakes as he does at the start of each region nowadays in the anime. (Although using a Charizard against a girl who only had a Chikorita, Rattata, and Pidgey was kind of a dick move)

I think the anime would have benefited greatly Ash had won the Silver conference in Johto, and then switched to a new main character for Hoenn and each following region they had switched to a new main character, as Ash's character arc had completed and nowadays each new region is basically a reset button for him skill wise. (I would be fine with him making an occasional appearance though)

Also dat soundtrack:

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The problem with Johto is it had way too many terrible filler episodes, and Misty just got boring as she lost all her personality.

If Johto wasn't such a poorly done saga of the anime I would have been content with Ash being written out then and there.

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