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Boops on a Canvas


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You need to get the frame timings right for the map animations if you want a real idea on how they're going to look.

Standing is: 52/7/52/7

Focus is: 32/7/32/7

Movement is: 22/10/22/10

As for the hair of your character you're honestly just better off copying and pasting the frames from an existing map sprite. They all have the same sort of movement and no one will know.

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how many frames per second does the map animate at, though? I'd guess 30/45..?

i mean, if i'm getting the proportions right, i should get the speeds right too, shouldn't i?

...wait, really, movement isn't equal for all frames? huh. welp.

i did copy... and edit extensively because the hair was the wrong length and inconsistently voluminous

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how many frames per second does the map animate at, though? I'd guess 30/45..?

i mean, if i'm getting the proportions right, i should get the speeds right too, shouldn't i?

...wait, really, movement isn't equal for all frames? huh. welp.

i did copy... and edit extensively because the hair was the wrong length and inconsistently voluminous

I think each frame is 1/96 of a second (don't quote me on this)

The speeds will affect the way you do your motion blurs and certain errors become more obvious when you have the speeds applied. Just trust me on this,



I reanimated yours to let you know what I mean. The standing animation looks a bit funny now because the transitional frame between the two longer ones has less time to be seen. So the bow almost looks a bit jittery and awkward. The focus stance is not too bad but it highlights how little the animation moves, not to mention the character's arm gets completely outshone by the light. I'm curious as to why the light wasn't placed at the arrowhead and at the hand instead?

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I think each frame is 1/96 of a second (don't quote me on this)

(this is me quoting you on this)

The speeds will affect the way you do your motion blurs and certain errors become more obvious when you have the speeds applied. Just trust me on this,

Yep. I feel bad for forgetting them, honestly (I swear I ask the question every time I start doing a batch of map sprites).

I reanimated yours to let you know what I mean. The standing animation looks a bit funny now because the transitional frame between the two longer ones has less time to be seen. So the bow almost looks a bit jittery and awkward. The focus stance is not too bad but it highlights how little the animation moves, not to mention the character's arm gets completely outshone by the light.

Would it be better if I removed or lessened the shining light?

I'm curious as to why the light wasn't placed at the arrowhead and at the hand instead?

The arrow is generated from the hand; so I did try doing a small flare at the arrow tip and it looked bad to me*, so I instead went with a "retroactive gate" from her critical animation--


(instead of the arrow being sent from the gate, the gate builds around the arrow, that is)

*a huge part of that was:

But also because at first I was trying to make all of her idle and focus frames only 16 pixels wide, it wasn't until after I had already finished the smaller flare (which is the one that covers the body) that I remembered that the focus frames share a sheet with the movement frames and thus can be 32x32 without any consequences...

...Would it be better if I moved the large shine to the arrow tip?


Standing is: 52/7/52/7

Focus is: 32/7/32/7

Movement is: 22/10/22/10

i just opened my game and it animates:

standing 32/4/32

focus 20/4/20

moving 13/6/13/6

edit2: yeah, it definitely doesn't animate at that speed in-game, having checked my rom and my actual cart against my screen-- the animation always slips out of sync.

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  • 5 months later...

well it's been way too long


icons icons icons these are my favorite thing in the history of ever

i still don't really do tomes


nearly done with this magethief animation that I've been tinkering with for over two months :/

(I restarted the custom parts over three times. It was pretty disheartening each time.)


Trying to condense the statscreen down to only 2 pages, while also adding essential features (skills / Talk)

it was a dumb idea but i succeeded (even if I never bothered finishing) so I can be happy with that


o look it's a master knight, only closer to gba fe style and in my horrendous lus palette


Lestra wip, she will have hair that is like space (including the stars)


New class still, I was building class tree for my project so it became a necessity

Class is "Astra" and is Sword/Light to fit with mythos (this is also why the sword is fire).


A map, you're holed up in the bottom right and must push out, but are given generic reinforcements every so often, either by area event or just by turns

and finally


a Cynthia wip

1. not sure which archer/sniper palette to use (or if I should use a different one than I have present at all)

2. How abysmal is the face / hair so far?

3. How 2 archer armor? should I go for something a bit heavy because she's supposed to be a very hardy person, something light because archer armor tends to not be heavy? Should I make it like Wil's-- sorta-casual clothing and a pauldron? I just have no idea how to tackle it.

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Pretty boring t0 archer class

Planned to have a sword/axe/lance set with a sameish visual appearance.

Animated to show the two possibilities-- with pure white and with 100% separation of the colors.

Hopefully, these 6 palettes demonstrate how open they are to recoloring in either case.

...Are there any super dumb tiny things I missed? Shading errors/issues, proportions, angles? If not, I'll start getting on some sticks C:


battle sprite competition, lord lief of lensterdel

and now for battle frame spam




FE12 A


FE12 B


mockups for the last two, including the extra tiles on the ends for the screenshake effect (too lazy to crop).

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Neat, but they still need to be smaller for a tier 0 class imo. Check the other tier 0s for height.

Also the leg on our right, currently the angle the foot is connecting looks broken. The ankle and foot appear to be seperated almost... try a different angle for that foot, maybe more towards the screen like the thief.


Battle Gui looks interesting but a little busy. Even the simpler one appears that way to me win it's super gradient going on.


Your mugs seem to be getting better, still need some work with proportions and anatomy though. The colors and designs are usually pretty spot on though. :)

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The mugs and stuff are great, but the GUI stuff is sooooo busy and it's too much. Instead of complimenting and framing the battle scene, it looks like it just gets in the way and personally, I think the gradient is a bit eye-rape-ish.

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the GUI stuff is sooooo busy and it's too much.

Yeah, probably

I like overdesigned gui hehe; I'll make simpler ones eventually

Instead of complimenting and framing the battle scene, it looks like it just gets in the way and personally, I think the gradient is a bit eye-rape-ish.

what do you mean

i don't know what you mean when you say this

is it that there's too much contrast, the colors are too bright, that the pieces just smash out at you and look awful?

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I think they mean the contrast and lines in the gradient is a bit much, something more subtle would more pleasant to the eye.


It's just way too bright and it's like a camera flash when compared to everything else in the FE games.

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