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Should I play mystery of the emblem even though theres remakes?


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The remakes are enhancements, but it's not 100% the same game. I'd say play FE3 and enjoy it!

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The translation doesn't even compare. Let's get that out of the way. The remales are far superior.

But the game itself is definitely worth playing, even if you've played the remakes. Dismounting really does change the way certain maps are played because you don't have mobility on your side. The statboosters are ridiculous. The Star Shards are crazy too.

They may seem like the same game but they're very different. Both the remakes and Mystery are completely worth playing.

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FE1 is pretty funny if you want to see the archaic beginnings of the series.

FE3 being divided into two books, the first one barely offers any challenge while the second is quite interesting then hilariously gets out of hand with the orb shards. There's even two arenas within the first five chapters of the game.

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Additionally, the mechanics are often different enough to play differently(although i have not played myself to know for sure). (For example fe3 has dismount, weapon level instead of rank, no weapon triangle(which is a positive because the enemy distribution was not designed with the triangle in mind), star shards give growth increases instead of static stat increases when equiped, fewer characters ect. ) Additionaly, many people do not like some added subplots in fe12. (this is not true of fe11. Although the gaiden chapters of 11 have absolutely ridiculous requirements, these chapters are not in 3 anyway, so no loss either way). However, note that in adittion to the bad translation, the fe3 patch contains bugs, like the geosphere crashing the game.

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So mystery of the emblem is old and has a rough translation but how does it compare to fe 11 and 12?

The translations aren't really important, since there are no supports and all important dialogue does it's job.

Personally found Book 1 of FE3 to be superior to Shadow Dragon, but SD is more humble to the source material. (and all that it implies)

FE12 is better than Book 2 by a lot, but it's still enjoyable, and once you get the shards, you win the game.

And should I play it I enjoyed 4 and 5?

Yes to FE4. Try out FE5 if you think you can handle a challenge and revamped gameplay.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Really, the "better games" in my opinion are Shadow Dragon and New Mystery, but I'd say play all five: yes five, I'm counting BS FE.

FE1 is bloody hilarious and is nodded to a lot in FE6 and 7.

FE3's Dismount is unique.

BS FE is a Sattelaview game (That alone should show how unique it is)

Shadow Dragon's advantage of being a remake is that it can reference PoR and it's Prolouges are interesting. Just sacrifice Frey instead of anyone else at the start and you are good to go. There weren't any Gaiden chapters in the game, which is strange but... What's that? There are? Whaaat Gaiden Chapters IDK what you are talking about!

New Mystery has to be the best of all. Not only does it have a remake of BS FE in the extras, But the script is re-written to incorperate New Characters, and for the entire game unlike Frey and more sensibly than those Gaiden abominations in SD. Starting with the Avatar, and including characters that only appeared in FE1, BSFE, and Shadow Dragon, New Characters altogether, and a plethora of new chapters. The DLC you may hear about is actually a prequel that takes place before the game making it technically the first three chapters. Be warned, they are hard, and the second one ruins a major plot twist in the prologe. Yea, a major plot twist in the prologe, they start out with the big guns! The second DLC chapter is interesting because 4 units from that chapter are unrecruitable bosses in tha main game, and it's the only time Gharnef is playable! He's invincible like in Shadow Dragon, but he does not come in until a freakin army comes from the top of the screen, so... but the Gaiden Chapters in this game are the best part. It's a subplot revolving around the character Katarina that has some of the most emotional moments in the series to me. Completing the Gaiden chapters and The Binding Shield with all units recruited and 0 deaths gives what may just be the most satisfying end to an FE game yet IMFOA.

But if you dont play FE1+3, you at least have to play 11 and 12. But I say play all 5.

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But if you dont play FE1+3, you at least have to play 11 and 12. But I say play all 5.

For a second I thought you said play all but 5 and was about to get booty bothered.

FE1 is the best game.##FAKT


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  • 1 month later...

The translations aren't really important, since there are no supports and all important dialogue does it's job.

Personally found Book 1 of FE3 to be superior to Shadow Dragon, but SD is more humble to the source material. (and all that it implies)

FE12 is better than Book 2 by a lot, but it's still enjoyable, and once you get the shards, you win the game.

Yes to FE4. Try out FE5 if you think you can handle a challenge and revamped gameplay.

How good are the shards exactly? I played fe12 and they gave plus 2-4 total in stats. I'm considering importing fe3 for the super famicom, so I'm curious.

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How good are the shards exactly? I played fe12 and they gave plus 2-4 total in stats. I'm considering importing fe3 for the super famicom, so I'm curious.

The difference is that in FE3, they give a bonus to GROWTHS. If you know what the scrolls are in fe5, you know why this breaks the game. (simply fill someone's inventory with them, and have him solo a chapter/abuse the arena. Repeat as nesesairy.) Keep in mind that this game is otherwise LESS dificult than fe5, a game that scrolls already break in half. (diclamer: i have not played fe3, but have completed fe5, read the fe3 portion of the website, and read parts of the lp on something awful.

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The only thing scrolls do better than shards is negate criticals. You basically have 12 Iron Runes that also give +30% overall growths.

FE3 orbs give 40%, but you can only hold up to four instead of six or seven. First orb isn't all that overpowered, but the second one makes Strength a non-issue for almost everyone and increases Defense a lot easier.

Furthermore, the completed Star Orb, present in BOTH books, gives +30% across the board and makes whatever weapon equipped indestructible. Really handy with the Miracle Sword or the Parthia, which also happen to double experience gain.

Edited by Woodshooter
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I must say that 12 is definately worth playing. Supports in 12 is also a huge plus. I haven't quite finished playing 3, (just finished the first book) so I can't really speak from experience. But if you don't mind the age of the game then give fe3 a try.

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Even thought my favorite is FE3, if I had to recommend one, I would say go with FE12. If you are willing to play both, they both play rather differently though. FE3 book 1 kind of sucks I'll be the first to say it.

FE1: Patience is a virtue.

FE3 Book 1: I won't lie, it kind of sucks, still worth playing if you have the time.

FE3 Book 2: Much better then book 1, my personal favorite.

FE11: A nice remake of the first, pretty good although for whatever reason I never got in to it.

FE12: Excellent remake, and the added BS remakes, and what is it like 65-70 characters? Makes it quite fun.

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