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[FE8] Affinity Spam Draft

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Was itchin' to get started on this, so I did.

Prologue: 2/2

Wouldn't be so tempting to shame myself and my family if it wasn't also necessary to get Eirika a not-terrible first level...

Character  Lvl  HP  St  Sk  Sp  Lu  Df  Rs
Eirika       2  16   5   8  10   6   3   1

Ch.1: 5/7

Eventually found a way to kill the idiot soldier with Eirika for extra exp. Got two terrible levels and one godly level.

Character  Lvl  HP  St  Sk  Sp  Lu  Df  Rs
Eirika       5  18   6  10  11   7   4   1

Ch.2: 5/12

I knew the 5-turn was possible, but it took me a while to find it. The trick was to get Seth to stand on the Red Gem village, heh. Seth: so good he saves turns even when he's banned. Eirika got two broken good levels, as well. Down to 18/40 on the Rapier, though; hope that won't bite me later on.

Character  Lvl  HP  St  Sk  Sp  Lu  Df  Rs
Eirika       7  20   7  12  13   8   6   2
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I guess Marisa for Assassin utility? I think that's more useful than Amelia's inferior pony.

Ch. 3: 9/21

I might have been thinking Chapter 4 came before Chapter 3 >.> Owell Eirika solo, and she continues to get great levelups. Colm got his Lockpick stolen before he could actually steal anything. He's so good at his job! Rapier at 11/40 :|

Character  Lvl  HP  St  Sk  Sp  Lu  Df  Rs
Eirika      10  22   8  14  16  11   7   3
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gonna be at work all day tomorrow so my picks are Neimi > Ewan > Amelia in that order

don't really care if people know, they're all horrible but neimi gets me the OP COLM NEIMI SUPPORT

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I decide that Horace would rather have Ewan, because I'm taking Neimi. If she proves really valuable in chapters 3-4 or the Guiding Ring is too hard to get I might use her over Lute.

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So what'd you guys think of this draft structure? I was trying to emulate a MTG draft a bit, particularly in there being a small uncertainty in whether you'd use your first pick at all. I think it wouldn't have worked as well with different or less experienced drafters, as there were several points where I was tempted to hatedraft. My MTG experience has taught me that hatedrafting is a losing strategy, though. As this was my first draft, I don't really have a point of comparison, but how do you think the complexity/difficulty of picking compared to a standard style?

Oh, and I'm aligning with Ice and Thunder, btw.

Ch. 4: 8/29

Artur GET! Eirika took left and Artur took right. Artur's Lightning broke on the final hit on the final enemy, but I got by without using any more of the Rapier.

Character  Lvl  HP  St  Sk  Sp  Lu  Df  Rs
Eirika      12  23   9  16  18  12   8   4
Artur        7  23   9   8   9   4   3  11
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Prologue 2/2

Chapter 1 5/7 couldn't do it faster unfortunately, I mean is there a way?

Chapter 2 5/12 here too, damn mounts (lol Garcia and Ross didn't die, I got the Hatchet!

Chapter 3 7/19 I'm kind of regretting picking Gilliam but whatever. Vanessa is indeed very nice and Moulder is DA BOULDER

Chapter 4 5/24 Geez, I have never realized how Vanessa is good. I guess that's becaused I have never LTCed FE8 lol. Gilliam reached 4 SPEED

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Ch. 5: 12/41
Natasha GET! Uggh this chapter. Had to clear a path so Seth could buy Artur some new tomes, but he didn't get em until like turn 9. Artur kept getting hit by multiple 40%'s and dying while Eirika kept dodging 70%'s so Natasha got almost no experience. Got the Guiding Ring for Artur, but I think that cost two turns. Might not've been worth it.

Character  Lvl  HP  St  Sk  Sp  Lu  Df  Rs
Eirika      16  24  11  19  20  15   8   4
Artur        8  24  10   9   9   4   3  11
Natasha      1  18   2   4   8   6   2   6

Eirika's HP, res, and luck are below average, but her strength is +1 and both skill and speed are +2. Looking pretty solid, provided her defenses keep growing.

Artur's turning out great, with only his speed being below average. When I picked him I had screwed up in my head and thought a level 16 Artur would be on par with Saleh, which seemed reasonable, but he actually needs to hit level 18 on average.

Edit: Blugh I just can't figure out the 7-turn for chapter 5x. I know it's possible with just Ephraim and Orson, plus I've got Kyle as well. Found a video of a full-party 7-turn, but that one needed both Forde and Kyle in order to rig enough dodges/crits for Ephraim to survive; don't think it's replicable with only one cav. Any pointers? I prefer avoiding arrow-abuse if possible.

Ch. 5x: 7/48
Finally found a route; some of the risks taken in that video could be mitigated in exchange for less xp on Ephraim. Kyle got the Killer Lance and a +HP level -.- Ephraim got some shiny ups though.

Character  Lvl  HP  St  Sk  Sp  Lu  Df  Rs
Eirika      16  24  11  19  20  15   8   4
Artur        8  24  10   9   9   4   3  11
Natasha      1  18   2   4   8   6   2   6
Ephraim      7  26  10  11  11   9   9   3
Kyle         6  26   9   6   7   6   9   1
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I like the draft structure, it somewhat changed the order of the picks (and made franz slightly worse)

as for 5x, an easy way to 7 turn is for kyle to kill the archer and shaman over the wall like in the picture below, because otherwise I think they block Orson. You might have to drop Ephraim on turn 3 when he's at the top of the narrow corridor, I think otherwise Orson gets blocked off.


Eph does need some luck to survive on the last turn in the throne room though.

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I like the draft structure, it somewhat changed the order of the picks (and made franz slightly worse)

as for 5x, an easy way to 7 turn is for kyle to kill the archer and shaman over the wall like in the picture below, because otherwise I think they block Orson. You might have to drop Ephraim on turn 3 when he's at the top of the narrow corridor, I think otherwise Orson gets blocked off.


Eph does need some luck to survive on the last turn in the throne room though.

Posted while I was updating. I gave Orson the Javelin so he could kill the Monk through the wall. That makes some room to the left of the throne where Ephraim could theoretically survive every attack coming his way (and he wound up not dodging anything >.<) The shakiest bit was in the middle; Eph had to crit or dodge a fighter that's blocking the path and then dodge one of the two soldiers that pokes at him. Kyle was taking some major chip from the archer and knight down south, so I didn't want him anywhere near that shaman if I could help it.

Edit: Random (evil) thought. If Kyle had died, would he come back higher level in chapter 8? Hey, it works for Rath!

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Go Eirika go.


Eirika went LEFT and Franz killed the reinforcements.


Is possible in 4 with my team but Eirika's stats were too lame, and Franz's hitrates aren't that swell regardless. Ross got quite a bit of exp as a result.

EIRIKA  05.84  19 05 09 12 07 03 02 D SWORD
FRANZ   03.74  21 07 05 09 02 06 01 D LANCE E SWORD
ROSS   -02.55  16 06 02 03 08 04 00 E AXE
GARCIA  04.00  28 08 07 07 03 05 01 C AXE


Wanted to get Franz more exp but iazy.

All my units busted down walls, and Franz carried Eirika ahead a little farther than normal. She stole the bosskill from him with a crit, the jerk.

Colm collected loot up north and killed the one bandit.

Ross is growing strangely, dat defence.

EIRIKA  07.41  20 07 11 13 09 03 02 C SWORD
FRANZ   04.19  22 08 06 09 03 06 01 D LANCE E SWORD
ROSS   -04.42  17 06 03 03 08 06 01 E AXE
GARCIA  05.45  28 08 08 07 03 06 01 C AXE
COLM    02.57  18 04 04 10 08 03 01 E SWORD


Franz charged down south, while Garcia hung out to take out the Skeleton reinforcements from the east. Ross stayed near the start and sat on a forest to kill the dudes that spawn near the start. Eirika and Colm smashed the snag, allowing Eirika to kill the enemies down there so Franz could focus on the boss area.

Ross and Garcia both got speed but Colm didn't...

EIRIKA  08.23  21 07 11 14 10 03 02 C SWORD
FRANZ   07.83  25 09 07 10 03 07 01 C LANCE E SWORD
ROSS   -08.52  18 09 03 07 10 06 01 D AXE
GARCIA  06.52  29 09 09 08 03 06 01 C AXE
COLM    03.62  19 05 04 10 09 03 01 E SWORD


Deployed Seth, he's like the best banned unit ever.

Seth rescue dropped Natasha ahead with Franz while Eirika trailed behind. Colm headed for the dragonshield village, while Garcia and Ross tried to get exp on the left half of the map. Franz sat on the bush on turn 2, with Seth next to him with his silver lance equipped (so he wouldn't be attacked, all the enemies attacked Franz) and Natasha hung behind Seth, out of range of all enemies. Joshua attacked Franz, and was recruited on turn 3. Eirika killed the archer, allowing Franz to run ahead to take care of the soldiers and fighter near the boss. Eirika nabbed the armourslayer on turn 4, and Seth brought it up to Franz with the help of Joshua, and Franz vulneraried (is that even a word) and sat next to the boss with the Armourslayer, and he ORKO'd him on the enemy phase. Ross hit level 10 too, so he'll become a pirate in chapter 6! No stats because 5x happened :(

Didn't both with the Guiding ring, my magic users come late and low levelled.


Enemies actually attacked Orson instead of Ephraim in the throne room if he's shoved on a piller, haha,

Standard 5x with Eph Orson happened, I guess. No chests were gotten obviously.

EIRIKA  09.32  22 07 12 15 11 04 03 C SWORD
EPHRAIM 08.20  27 10 12 14 11 09 02 C LANCE
FRANZ   10.28  27 11 09 12 05 08 01 C LANCE D SWORD
ROSS    01.00  22 13 05 08 10 07 01 C AXE
GARCIA  07.73  30 10 10 08 03 07 01 C AXE
COLM    04.25  19 06 04 10 10 04 02 E SWORD
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Ch. 6: 5/53
Eirika rushed, Natasha sat in a corner and played with her Torch, and Artur was a BEAST.

Character  Lvl  HP  St  Sk  Sp  Lu  Df  Rs
Eirika      17  25  12  19  20  15   8   4
Artur       12  27  13  12  11   4   3  14
Natasha      2  18   3   5   9   7   2   6
Ephraim      7  26  10  11  11   9   9   3
Kyle         6  26   9   6   7   6   9   1

Ch. 7: 7/60
Eirika took top; Artur and Natasha took bottom. No Energy Ring sosad =[

Character  Lvl  HP  St  Sk  Sp  Lu  Df  Rs
Eirika      19  27  12  20  20  16  10   5
Artur       14  29  14  14  12   5   3  15
Natasha      2  18   3   5   9   7   2   6
Ephraim      7  26  10  11  11   9   9   3
Kyle         6  26   9   6   7   6   9   1

Ch. 8: 8/68
This chapter turned out to be not nearly as bad as I was worried it would be. Artur kept the path clear (like a BEAST) so Eirika could full-move each turn. Natasha am useful! Kyle and Ephraim didn't do much. Didn't get any of the chests because no keys. A 7-turn was possible if Artur hit two 11% crits in a row without Tirado proccing Great Shield; the 8-turn just required Eirika to dodge the boss's displayed 51% and one of the two mages' displayed 55%s. Hopefully with Kyle now I can promote Artur and get him staffing. Eirika route Rally Ho!

Character  Lvl  HP  St  Sk  Sp  Lu  Df  Rs
Eirika      20  28  13  20  20  16  10   5
Artur       18  31  16  16  14   5   3  17
Natasha      3  19   4   6   9   8   2   7
Ephraim     10  29  10  13  12  10  11   4
Kyle         7  27   9   7   7   6   9   1
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Gave Franz the dracoshield, helped a lot. He went up the middle, (nabbing the halberd, its key for next chapter) while other units picked up his scraps and such.

EIRIKA  10.62  23 07 13 16 11 04 04 B SWORD
EPHRAIM 08.20  27 10 12 14 11 09 02 C LANCE
FRANZ   12.27  28 11 10 13 05 10 01 C LANCE D SWORD
ROSS    02.96  22 14 05 08 11 07 02 C AXE
GARCIA  09.59  32 12 11 08 04 08 01 C AXE
COLM    04.92  19 06 04 10 10 04 02 E SWORD


Ross the PIRATE!

Garcia and Franz rescue dropped Colm onto the river, and Ross ran a space further than him on the river, further up. They passed Eirika onto Colm on turn 2, who gave Eirika to Ross on the same turn, dropping her further up. Eirika made Murray Javelin her on turn 3, so Ross could OHKO (!) him with the Halberd on turn 4. Franz got a lot of levels, and Colm stole the energy ring.

EIRIKA     11.47  24 08 14 17 11 04 05 B SWORD
EPHRAIM    08.20  27 10 12 14 11 09 02 C LANCE
FRANZ   15/01.00  32 14 11 15 07 12 03 C LANCE C SWORD
ROSS       04.92  23 16 06 08 11 07 02 C AXE
GARCIA     10.53  33 13 12 08 04 08 01 B AXE
COLM       05.68  20 06 05 11 11 05 02 D SWORD


Franz promoted and charged the throne while Ross cleared out the knights in the chest room, Garcia killed enemies near the start, and Colm got the Robe. Ephraim got some levels too, which is good since we're going his way!

EIRIKA     11.47  24 08 14 17 11 04 05 B SWORD
EPHRAIM    11.47  30 12 14 14 11 10 03 B LANCE
FRANZ   15/02.85  33 14 11 15 07 12 03 B LANCE C SWORD
ROSS       07.68  26 17 07 08 13 07 02 C AXE
GARCIA     11.52  33 14 13 08 04 08 02 B AXE
COLM       06.73  20 06 05 11 12 05 02 D SWORD

Look at that, Ephraim had the same amount of exp as Eirika did before the chapter.


Yeahhhh Fort Rigwald is long

got Ross's Ocean Seal. Colm is out of luck.

EIRIKA     11.47  24 08 14 17 11 04 05 B SWORD
EPHRAIM    12.80  31 13 14 15 11 10 03 B LANCE
FRANZ   15/05.13  35 17 12 17 08 13 05 A LANCE C SWORD
ROSS       10.02  28 18 10 08 14 08 05 B AXE
GARCIA     13.21  35 15 13 08 06 09 03 B AXE
COLM       08.57  22 07 06 12 14 06 02 D SWORD

I also recruited Amelia, I have a feeling Ross would love a speedwing but I think I need to save it for Cormag.

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Chapter 5 5/29 that was pretty hard, mainly because of Gilliam's lame move and Eirika getting too many enemies. I had to give the Dragonshield to her, too. I managed to get the Secret book, may use it on Gilliam because he's pretty skill screwed: didn't visit the other villages, Moulder will wait till chapter 10 to promote.

Chapter 5x 8/37 yeah, I know this can be done in 7 turns but well, I couldn't figure it and didn't want to ask - I guess 1 turn is not such a difference.

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Ch. 9: 17/85

Urrghghghblb this chapter. In my casual playthrough this chapter was the one and only time I had to use Seth >.> Tried to save the dracoshield village: Kyle and Artur are too squishy and die. Tried to save the rapier village: the dracoshield pirates destroy it before I can kill them. Wound up playing ultra conservatively; might've been able to shave one more turn off but I am done with this map. Artur promoted before the start and Kyle chomped the Dracoshield and Secret Book. Successfully recruited Amelia and Kyle chomped her speedwing the next turn. Even with all the boosters Kyle was still only mediocre; he's been getting downright awful levelups with -2.5 strength, -1.8 res, and everything else averageish.

Character  Lvl  HP  St  Sk  Sp  Lu  Df  Rs
Eirika      20  28  13  20  20  16  10   5
Artur     18|2  35  19  18  14   5   6  19  C Staves
Natasha      3  19   4   6   9   8   2   7
Ephraim     10  29  10  13  12  10  11   4
Kyle        14  33  11  10  13   8  13   1

Ch. 10: 9/94


Innes GET! Gerik GET! Tethys GET! Marisa GET! Awfully kind of that archer to just ignore the horsebird standing in his face. Brought along a short bow for Innes and a spare steel sword for Gerik. Gerik got a lucky whiff on one of the mercenaries so Marisa wouldn't just suicide on him. Killed Pablo with a Killer Lance crit from Kyle and Eirika fought a bout in the Arena because wynaut.

Character  Lvl  HP  St  Sk  Sp  Lu  Df  Rs
Eirika      20  28  13  20  20  16  10   5
Artur     18|4  36  21  19  15   5   6  21  C Staves
Natasha      4  19   5   7   9   9   3   7
Ephraim     10  29  10  13  12  10  11   4
Kyle        17  36  12  11  14   9  14   1
Innes      x|1  31  14  13  15  14  10   9
Gerik       12  34  14  14  14   8  10   4
Tethys                 ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ
Marisa       6  24   8  13  13   9   4   4

Ch. 11: 7/101


Fun chapter! Gerik and Kyle ran right, and Marisa scrounged over their scraps. Innes longbow'd everything in the treasure room while Artur BEAST'd the boss corner. Could've cleared in 6 if Gerik landed a hit + crit with his Killing Edge on the Deathgoyle, but everyone got great levelups so I didn't want to reset. Upside, it meant I had time to grab the Short Spear (also got the Secret Book). Artur munched the Goddess Icon because crithax are bad.

Character  Lvl  HP  St  Sk  Sp  Lu  Df  Rs
Eirika      20  28  13  20  20  16  10   5
Artur     18|4  36  21  19  15   7   6  21  B Staves
Natasha      6  20   7   7  10  11   3   9  B Staves
Ephraim     10  29  10  13  12  10  11   4
Kyle      17|2  39  13  13  16  10  16   2
Innes      x|3  32  16  14  17  15  11   9
Gerik     12|1  37  16  15  15   8  13   7
Tethys                 (。⌒∇⌒)。
Marisa       8  26  10  13  15   9   4   4
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Chapter 6 5/42 Everybody went north, and after Eirika and Gilliam cleared the path Vanessa took the pure water and went for the boss.

Unit    Lvl  HP  Str/Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res  Weaponlevel
Eirika  13   24  11       15   15   11   8    4    B (Sword)
Gilliam 9    29  10       8    4    5    14   7    B (Lance)
Moulder 4    21  5        6    9    1    2    6    C (Stave)
Vanessa 9    20  10       12   16   8    9    8    C (Lance)

Yeah, Gilliam is sucking so hard on the offence, yet his THWOMPness is absurd.

On the other hand, Vanessa is great. I can't wait to promote her!

Eirika got the Dragonshield and Gilliam the Secret book.

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Franz charged to the boss, picking up the horseslayer on turn 3, countering Beran with the Javelin. Cormag charged towards him on turn 4, allowing Tana to recruit him. Franz horselayer'd the boss while he had the bow equipped, then Cormag then rescued him, allowing Ephraim to steal the bosskill. Everyone else hung out up top, and unfourtunately the hero crest would have costed turns, so i'll wait for the next one (sorry Garcia)

EIRIKA     11.47  24 08 14 17 11 04 05 B SWORD
EPHRAIM    15.19  34 15 16 17 12 11 03 A LANCE
FRANZ   15/05.71  35 17 12 17 08 13 05 A LANCE C SWORD
ROSS       11.28  29 19 10 08 14 09 05 B AXE
GARCIA     13.68  35 15 13 08 06 09 03 B AXE
COLM       09.91  23 07 07 13 15 06 02 D SWORD
CORMAG     09.54  30 14 09 10 04 12 02 C LANCE


Gave Cormag the speedwing. He took Ross and dumped him on the second ship early, where he cleared out a majority of the monsters on the bottom, while Cormag killed the gargoyles. Ephraim killed the eyes attacking from the north, and at some point, Garcia and Ross reached their C support. Recruited L'Arachel on turn 4? I think (whatever turn she shows up on) and she used torch a couple of times, which actually helped a lot.

Colm sucessfully used lancereaver to survive and give vision.

EIRIKA     11.47  24 08 14 17 11 04 05 B SWORD
EPHRAIM    17.10  35 15 16 19 13 11 03 A LANCE
FRANZ   15/06.07  36 17 13 17 08 14 06 A LANCE C SWORD
ROSS       16.28  29 20 13 10 15 10 05 A AXE
GARCIA     14.59  36 16 13 09 06 10 03 A AXE
COLM       12.58  25 08 08 15 16 07 03 C SWORD
CORMAG     12.40  33 16 11 14 05 13 02 C LANCE
L'ARACHEL  03.27  18 06 06 10 12 05 08 D STAFF


Cormag flew Franz to the boss area, dropping him near Marisa on turn 3. Everyone else gathered exp, and Cormag got Ewan.

I'll post stats after the trainee traning.

edit: Holy shit Ewan gets to go to 10/5? I've never actually picked him before rofl.

EIRIKA     11.47  24 08 14 17 11 04 05 B SWORD
EPHRAIM    17.51  35 15 16 19 13 11 03 A LANCE
FRANZ   15/07.36  37 18 13 18 08 14 06 S LANCE C SWORD
ROSS    16/01.65  33 21 14 11 15 12 07 A AXE
GARCIA     15.40  36 17 14 09 06 11 03 A AXE
COLM       13.59  26 09 08 15 17 08 04 C SWORD
CORMAG  12/01.66  36 17 13 17 05 13 03 B LANCE
L'ARACHEL  03.69  18 06 06 10 12 05 08 D STAFF
EWAN       05.34  23 09 11 13 11 03 12 C ANIMA
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Franz charged left and was danced by Tethys, and he took care of business in the right half of the map. Ross and Cormag rescue-dropped Ephraim across the river, and Cormag killed Selena on turn 2 with the killer lance while she had bolting equipped. He flew south to take out the pegasi reinforcements, while Ewan, Garcia and Colm killed the right portion of the map. L'Arachel hit C Staves, so she can spam barrier next chapter, thank god.

EIRIKA     11.47  24 08 14 17 11 04 05 B SWORD
EPHRAIM    18.47  36 15 17 20 13 12 03 A LANCE
FRANZ   15/08.29  38 19 13 18 08 14 06 S LANCE C SWORD
ROSS    16/02.64  34 22 14 12 16 12 07 S AXE
GARCIA     15.87  36 17 14 09 06 11 03 A AXE
COLM       15.05  27 09 08 17 17 09 05 C SWORD
CORMAG  12/03.96  38 18 14 18 07 14 03 A LANCE
L'ARACHEL  04.69  18 07 08 10 13 06 09 C STAFF
EWAN       08.74  26 10 13 15 13 03 13 B ANIMA
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