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Have I screwed myself over?


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So I'm playing Lunatic+. I scraped my way through both the Prologue and Chapter 1, but now I've got a problem. Chapter 2.

Being rather stupid, and going 'zomg asset and flaw to maximise Morgan' I chose a Magic asset and Strength flaw. Also, by barely surviving the first two levels, Frederick stole some EXP from my avatar, who isn't as stupidly overlevelled as some guides I've been looking at suggest your avatar should be.

Even if none of the enemies in the bottom half of Chapter 2 have Luna, neither Frederick (who has more defence then my avatar) or the avatar can take more than two or three hits. Outside of praying for DGs and DSs, is there any possible way I can beat this chapter as I am, or am I gonna have to restart and pick a better asset and flaw for the pre-DLC access chapters?

MaMU: Lvl 7.93, 7 Str, 12 Mag, 9 Skl, 11 Spd, 8 Lck, 7 Def, 6 Res.

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woah lol

You are not sincerely hoping to beat Lunatic+ easily without a Defense Asset, are you?

BTW, chapter 2 is easy if barbarians don't have hawkeye, and the rest doesn't have Luna+. Never go in if there is something stupid like a Mercenary with Luna+ and Vantage+ or barbarians with Hawkeye and Luna+

Oh yeah, btw, Avatar needs to be overleveled so your first chapters aren't OMG I NEED A MIRACLE, well, sort of. But it's still necesary in order for you to progress more easily

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I've done it with the Mag Asset and Luck Flaw.

It's a pain in the ass, yes. But Def asset isn't required.


It's actually a combination of your Youtube guide and Interceptor's I'm working off to get me past these chapters.

And the no Def asset won't affect me past Chap 4 because grinding, and I thought that the 1 or 2 difference in stats wouldn't matter. Oh, how wrong I am. Especially as the Str flaw gives a -1 Def modifier. :c

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Growths actually matter more than bases as far as asset/flaw are concerned with Lunatic+ earlygame because even with a Def flaw it's still possible (just a little more luck based) to feed everyone but the starting Myrmidons to Avatar in Prologue. Resetting on the Prologue (and probably Cht.1) for massive Def boosts is the best way to clear out Cht.2. Starting there, it's a good idea to have Fred help, and it's also very important not to use all of the Elixir.

Cht.3 is the real hard spot without +Def, especially if you're out of Elixir. It takes a combination of perfect enemy skills, perfect RNG and perfect strategy to clear, and even then it's borderline impossible without battle saves (Casual), or save backup (digital/save dongle).

I've cleared Cht.4 with a Def flaw though, so it's definitely possible.

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I've decided to just restart with +def -skill. The few extra points in Magic when maxed don't seem worth it. ;c

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