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Holy Father in Heaven!!!

Phoenix Wright

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Yeah, I would like to see Nintendo put more effort in FE12 (which I highly doubt <_< )

The words "Effort" and "Nintendo" hasn't been friendly to each other since the days of the Gamecube.

Also, it is my opinion that I must say that Fire Emblem 4 seem a bit grown up due to the epic plot twist in the middle of the game where S- UGGHH!!! (Snow_Storm is stabbed to death)

But seriously, Fire Emblem is one of the most mature and grown-up game of Nintendo's lineup. It would be nice to see the series to take a more . . .darker path story-line wise such with FE4.

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Intelligent Systems makes this game, Nintendo publishes it. To the best of my knowledge, IS is not owned by Nintendo anymore, I may be wrong though. But that's the thing: Its not mature enough we need more things that would make FE a little harder to understand, or eventually all of us will be bored.

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But seriously, Fire Emblem is one of the most mature and grown-up game of Nintendo's lineup. It would be nice to see the series to take a more . . .darker path story-line wise such with FE4.

FE4 wasn't that dark. It had a darker theme, but the plot itself wasn't too different from most other FE's.

I still don't see the issue here. The point of this topic makes no sense to me.

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Intelligent Systems makes this game, Nintendo publishes it. To the best of my knowledge, IS is not owned by Nintendo anymore, I may be wrong though. But that's the thing: Its not mature enough we need more things that would make FE a little harder to understand, or eventually all of us will be bored.

Uh...buddy, IS is owned by Nintendo and must play to Nintendo's every whim. Like, if they suddenly release an FE game with lots of blood, gore and sexuality, Nintendo would kill them. It's not like they're entirely separate; Nintendo still controls them to an extent. They're just a different branch.

But really, if you want ZOMGZ MATURE games, there are countless other games to give you your fix. It's not like FE was made to be extremely mature, anyway. You're basically asking for FE to be what it isn't.

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But really, if you want ZOMGZ MATURE games, there are countless other games to give you your fix. It's not like FE was made to be extremely mature, anyway. You're basically asking for FE to be what it isn't.

Purdy much that.

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FE4 wasn't that dark. It had a darker theme, but the plot itself wasn't too different from most other FE's.

I still don't see the issue here. The point of this topic makes no sense to me.



1. Guts and Hookers flying about.

2. A "Harder to figure out story line" and if that is the case...HAVE YOU EVER FUCKING PLAYED FUCKING FIRE EMBLEM YOU STUPID MOTHER FUCKER.

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1. Guts and Hookers flying about.

2. A "Harder to figure out story line" and if that is the case...HAVE YOU EVER FUCKING PLAYED FUCKING FIRE EMBLEM YOU STUPID MOTHER FUCKER.


:angry: That's pretty mean to say, especially since I try to help you out with stuff ALL the time.

And Since when is the story hard to figure out? "Man needs to avenge father and save the continent"

@Nightmare:That is why I said I might be wrong, I didn't say I was correct in that statement.

@Fox:IT IS NOT A PROBLEM. I'm just stating it would be cooler if we had to think a little more before we comlpletely understand its story is all.

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@Fox:IT IS NOT A PROBLEM. I'm just stating it would be cooler if we had to think a little more before we comlpletely understand its story is all.

Remember, this is Nintendo. A large portion of the fans of Nintendo are young, and these games are generally rated E. People who play video games also tend to be the people who don't want to think as much, it's why they play at all. A story doesn't have to be overly complex to be great. Like Harry Potter.

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And Since when is the story hard to figure out? "Man needs to avenge father and save the continent"


Let's see how the story (using FE9-10 as examples) is not hard to figure out (beware of spoilers, I won't bother using tags):

The Black Knight is a mighty general working for the King of Daein, Ashnard. His teacher was Greil, and Greil knows him, but even though Greil was the best swordsman in all of Tellius, the Black Knight killed him. So then he thinks he's better than his teacher, but it's later revealed Greil severed his tendons so that he couldn't hold a sword properly any more, because he touched Lehran's medallion once and it drove him berserk, making him kill countless people and even his own wife, and he didn't want to risk things any more. And that's why he lost the fight.

Then at some point a general from Begnion comes to aid you in your fight against Daein. His name is Zelgius.

In FE10, you see Zelgius many times again, this time as an enemy. He is supposed to be the best general in all of Tellius, and he's an honourable man. After some time, he becomes allies with you again. But then it's revealed that Zelgius is actually the Black Knight. Yada yada yada.

Not exactly the most complicated story, but you get the picture. And that's only a part of the grand scheme of things.

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Remember, this is Nintendo. A large portion of the fans of Nintendo are young, and these games are generally rated E. People who play video games also tend to be the people who don't want to think as much, it's why they play at all. A story doesn't have to be overly complex to be great. Like Harry Potter.

I think IS should leave Nintendo(Yes I know, won't happen) Nintendo should try to appeal to older audiences too.(Yes I know, won't happen). I disagree with the thinking statement, I am a gamer, and I would like to see more complex stories. Like MGS.

Yea HP is a good example of your side, Kudos.


Let's see how the story (using FE9-10 as examples) is not hard to figure out (beware of spoilers, I won't bother using tags):

The Black Knight is a mighty general working for the King of Daein, Ashnard. His teacher was Greil, and Greil knows him, but even though Greil was the best swordsman in all of Tellius, the Black Knight killed him. So then he thinks he's better than his teacher, but it's later revealed Greil severed his tendons so that he couldn't hold a sword properly any more, because he touched Lehran's medallion once and it drove him berserk, making him kill countless people and even his own wife, and he didn't want to risk things any more. And that's why he lost the fight.

Then at some point a general from Begnion comes to aid you in your fight against Daein. His name is Zelgius.

In FE10, you see Zelgius many times again, this time as an enemy. He is supposed to be the best general in all of Tellius, and he's an honourable man. After some time, he becomes allies with you again. But then it's revealed that Zelgius is actually the Black Knight. Yada yada yada.

Not exactly the most complicated story, but you get the picture. And that's only a part of the grand scheme of things.

I love it when people read my posts. /sarcasm. Not only did I say I'm not talking about console ones, but I also said I thought the console ones were pretty good and complete. I said after that the handhelds always get stuck being the semi-cartoonish FE's, which is okay, but that is where my topic came from.

Edited by FEFL
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I think it's pretty obvious at this point that neither side will be swayed by each other's arguements. Besides, what is the point? It's not like if everyone here suddenly agreed that IS should leave Nintendo, IS would actually do it.

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2. A "Harder to figure out story line" and if that is the case...HAVE YOU EVER FUCKING PLAYED FUCKING FIRE EMBLEM YOU STUPID MOTHER FUCKER.

Dude that was quite harsh thing to say....We having a discussion, and we must learn to respect other peoples opinions whether you agree with them or not.

No point getting angry.

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I think it's pretty obvious at this point that neither side will be swayed by each other's arguements. Besides, what is the point? It's not like if everyone here suddenly agreed that IS should leave Nintendo, IS would actually do it.

Fireman is right, and from what I know, it's generally agreed that FE6 and 8's stories weren't great, especially 6. 7's wasn't amazing either, but it wasn't bad by any means.

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I think IS should leave Nintendo(Yes I know, won't happen) Nintendo should try to appeal to older audiences too.(Yes I know, won't happen). I disagree with the thinking statement, I am a gamer, and I would like to see more complex stories. Like MGS.

Yea HP is a good example of your side, Kudos.

I love it when people read my posts. /sarcasm. Not only did I say I'm not talking about console ones, but I also said I thought the console ones were pretty good and complete. I said after that the handhelds always get stuck being the semi-cartoonish FE's, which is okay, but that is where my topic came from.

What's the difference between it being on a console and a handheld? What, are there two different Fire Emblem series' one being FIRE EMBLEM: HANDHELD and the other being FIRE EMBLEM: CONSOLE, and they just happen to have the same name but they aren't really in the same series?

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You said it yourself, it's the same damn series. So tell me, why do you wanna see what has already happened on a handheld console with many limitations because there's not enough data to hold it all so you'd need 2 cartridges to get the whole story for your ideas to be realistic.

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You said it yourself, it's the same damn series. So tell me, why do you wanna see what has already happened on a handheld console with many limitations because there's not enough data to hold it all so you'd need 2 cartridges to get the whole story for your ideas to be realistic.

No we were talking about ideas about how to improve FE for Fire Emblem 12.

I was thinking it would be cool to add more cutscenes and more powerful bosses which move like King Ashnard.

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Geez calm down :lol:

Anyway, FEFL started this topic about FE handheld only. So what you said does not concern me.

FE10/FE9 were good so thats why we did not brough them into the discussion.

It doesn't matter if the game is coming and for the console or a handheld, we are just discussing IDEAS.

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