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Incoming I did this in my spare time FE8 Reskin.


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So yeah this is one of those FE reskins that was done in some dude's spare time throughout his day. While I would love to spend said spare time working on completely redoing Fire Emblem: Project Juan, I would rather get some more nightmare, FEditor Adv, and scripting experience first. What better way to do it than take on the impossible hacking world of FE8?


Orson replaces Seth. Cause Orson is freaking badass.


Oh yeah forgot mention, in this shit reskin Eliwood is the one who went all corrupt and now Pherae is trying to rule every freakin thing. I'll work out some other bs story thing to add in later for how the 2 games met up or something..


Dat Sealed Sword tho. Don't mess with it.



Don't mess with Lowen the expert chef of Awesome. Don't quote me on the Eliwood's personal chef thing I just go off of wat I know and read.


Guess who's back and a total badass? Wahahaha!


Also Tirado is a good guy. Replaces Franz or who ever that green dude was. I always liked Tirado as a characters so yeah. Plan on making him an axe cav if i can ever get it working.

PLEASE REMEMBER THIS IS NOTHING SERIOUS JUST PRACTICE FOR SOME GUY WHO HAS SPARE TIME... Also I plan on making this version of the game more challangin, but what FE8 reskin doesn't do that right?(GhebFE, Troll FE8.....)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't have much to say about it since there's not much shown. You know, it's a crossover, there's some story edits, the formatting of text and grammar ingame looks competant. It doesn't look particularly original or anything but it also doesn't look bad.

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I don't have much to say about it since there's not much shown. You know, it's a crossover, there's some story edits, the formatting of text and grammar ingame looks competant. It doesn't look particularly original or anything but it also doesn't look bad.

Although not much has gone into this, I've thought about making all of the characters from FE7 and FE6 have yellow eyes, implying they are all just morphs. Then, having Nergal in this world decided to make morphs of the strongest warriors he knows, Eliwood's army. Some morphs were a failure though, causing them to see reason and not want to fight for the Morph Eliwood, fighting for you replacing traitor characters like Natasha and Cormag with people like Ninian and Lyn, as those are the two that would most likely know if something was wrong with Lord Eliwood.

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If you just want to do a reskin/story edit. . .go for it. This'll be a good way to practice the basics (without the more ridiculous things like completely redoing maps and events).

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If you just want to do a reskin/story edit. . .go for it. This'll be a good way to practice the basics (without the more ridiculous things like completely redoing maps and events).

Heh, I'm already working on something that isn't a reskin, but if everytime i edit it in FEditor adv and forget to make a backup of the rom after doing so, and then loading the rom to find it broken. I should remember to make backups :D

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