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The Legend of Zelda: ??? for Wii U!


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Some people are considering he is a she. Might be interesting...

Nah, that's definitely a boy. Masculine build and no breasts. I thought of the possibility myself but then took another look at the screenshot. :P

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I think it's obviously Link. A lot of people were confused about his appearance (gender, clothing, ponytail, etc), which makes me think they specifically set up this trailer to surprise us and make us wonder. I have this feeling Anouma's comment is just hinting that the game will mix up the characters more than we're used to-- this new Link seems more like a Robin Hood type to me than a straight-up hero. So in a way it's not "Link" as we expect him.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought the arrows looked futuristic! Even the monster seems a little different from the Zelda norm. This (and the WW-esque art style) made me come up with a mostly baseless theory that this will be set in New Hyrule a significant amount of time after the DS games. XP

The open-world concept sounds very fun. I hope they pull it off. I want little villages scattered all around and lots of exploration. Twilight Princess is probably the only other game with an overworld that comes close to what they're attempting with this title, but to me TP's field felt really empty. Can't wait to hear more info...hopefully soon!

I haven't played Spirit Tracks but, when exactly did they find a new Hyrule?

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I think it's obviously Link. A lot of people were confused about his appearance (gender, clothing, ponytail, etc), which makes me think they specifically set up this trailer to surprise us and make us wonder. I have this feeling Anouma's comment is just hinting that the game will mix up the characters more than we're used to-- this new Link seems more like a Robin Hood type to me than a straight-up hero. So in a way it's not "Link" as we expect him.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought the arrows looked futuristic! Even the monster seems a little different from the Zelda norm. This (and the WW-esque art style) made me come up with a mostly baseless theory that this will be set in New Hyrule a significant amount of time after the DS games. XP

The open-world concept sounds very fun. I hope they pull it off. I want little villages scattered all around and lots of exploration. Twilight Princess is probably the only other game with an overworld that comes close to what they're attempting with this title, but to me TP's field felt really empty. Can't wait to hear more info...hopefully soon!

Honestly, I think that the bolded segment has a ton of merit.

While it's not exactly the same, take notice of the shirt that "Link" is wearing in the trailer. Looks a bit like the shirt that Link first wears on Outset Island in Wind Waker, doesn't it?

Also, Ana, women can build muscles too. Plus, while I can't say that I would know personally, there is the assumedly uncomfortable but possible scenario of wearing a wrap to "flatten down" her breasts to hide that she was a woman or just improve her mobility in combat. Of course, this is all speculation under the assumption that the character's female...

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Honestly, I think that the bolded segment has a ton of merit.

While it's not exactly the same, take notice of the shirt that "Link" is wearing in the trailer. Looks a bit like the shirt that Link first wears on Outset Island in Wind Waker, doesn't it?

Also, Ana, women can build muscles too. Plus, while I can't say that I would know personally, there is the assumedly uncomfortable but possible scenario of wearing a wrap to "flatten down" her breasts to hide that she was a woman or just improve her mobility in combat. Of course, this is all speculation under the assumption that the character's female...

If it's similar to that of Wind Waker, then that mean that this person is going to get the green tunic once that reach of age.

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Also, Ana, women can build muscles too. Plus, while I can't say that I would know personally, there is the assumedly uncomfortable but possible scenario of wearing a wrap to "flatten down" her breasts to hide that she was a woman or just improve her mobility in combat. Of course, this is all speculation under the assumption that the character's female...

Who said anything about muscles? This guy hardly looks muscular. And I don't see why any breasts should be bound right now, but there could be a reason later, who knows?

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I'm all for it if this Link turns out to be female, but the face and build look fairly masculine (well, as masculine as a Link can be anyhow)

And everyone is pointing out the Wind Waker shirt, but has anyone noticed the designs on their armbands and cloak? I can't find a precise match, but the designs on their armbands looks a lot like patterns that some of the Ocarina of Time characters ore. The cloaks design looks kind of familiar too, but I'm having a hard time placing the pattern..

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And the bandoleer is remniscient of the one TP Link and SS Link wear. This "Link" has features from all the other Links, it seems.

EDIT: Cloak? You mean the hood thing the boy was wearing? That reminded me of Garo's Mask from MM, personally.

Edited by Anacybele
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Gods, the venom and snark in this thread is astounding. Wow. Just wow.


At any rate, i hope this game is like Okami in the way of exploration and open-endedness. The trailer i saw seemed to imply that the way the game progresses is going to harken back to the age of the NES. That would be pretty damn cool too. In Zelda, im hoping for something thats a cross between Xenoblade and Okami but with a Zelda flavor and trappings. In other words, i want a big ass overworld with lots of goodies to find and things to see. But i want all of that without having my hand held the whole way through. This game seems to be advertising these very things so...hoo hoo hoo!

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Its really not aimed at you, so dont worry about it.

Did anyone noticed that the Link character (Not-Link?) has a shirt that looks oddly like WW Link's crayfish shirt?

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The clothing that the character in the trailer wears is extremely siilar to Gerudo clothing in OoT.

Their cloak also bears more than a passing resemblance to WW Ganondorf's.

Also, the character's clothing is suited to desert environments.

They use the bow with a different hand than any Link in any Zelda game (yes, even ones with right-handed Link).

The clothes being blue (associated with wisdom) rather than green (courage) may suggest Zelda, but this is obviously a stretch given WW Link's starting clothes.

Honestly, I would really welcome Zelda/Aryll/Female!Link; there's really no reason why we shouldn't have a female hero.

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I don't disagree on the female hero thing. I even created one to be the main character alongside Link in a fan story. Both would be playable if it was a game and multiplayer would be a thing.

But I just don't see a girl in that screenshot. I've mistaken guys for women plenty of times before though, so I could definitely be wrong, of course. xP

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But I just don't see a girl in that screenshot.

Yeah, I do see where you're coming from.

However, I believe it's possible and I remain rather hopeful that it will be the case.

Unfortunately, there's little else we can do but wait and see. :\

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Pretty sure thats a bloke. Looks to be between the ages of 14 to 17. Roughly speaking anyway. Im guessing closer to 14 though because he doesnt look all serious face like older Link usually does. Im of the mind it is Link, just a different Link in a different timeline. Likely the Adult Timeline (WW-PH-ST). ALBW was set during the Decline Timeline, SS was before the Split, so it would make sense to have another Zelda in the Adult Timeline. Kinda hoping its in the Child Timeline since the last game we got in that timeline was TP. But theres just too many clues to point to after the events of ST.

Ehh as long as its good and not like Skyward Sword was (ughh), im down.

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Pretty sure thats a bloke. Looks to be between the ages of 14 to 17. Roughly speaking anyway. Im guessing closer to 14 though because he doesnt look all serious face like older Link usually does. Im of the mind it is Link, just a different Link in a different timeline. Likely the Adult Timeline (WW-PH-ST). ALBW was set during the Decline Timeline, SS was before the Split, so it would make sense to have another Zelda in the Adult Timeline. Kinda hoping its in the Child Timeline since the last game we got in that timeline was TP. But theres just too many clues to point to after the events of ST.

Ehh as long as its good and not like Skyward Sword was (ughh), im down.

Was it because of the motion controls?

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Who said anything about muscles? This guy hardly looks muscular. And I don't see why any breasts should be bound right now, but there could be a reason later, who knows?

Whoops! I was on my tablet this morning; I misread "masculine build" as "muscular build". My bad!

Well, even if the assumed 'she' had 'small enough' breasts such that they weren't noticeable under the tunic, it would still most likely make combat easier with them mostly locked into place. Plus, for completely hypothetical sake, let's pretend that the character is a Princess Zelda that had been on the run and began adventuring as a wandering hero. Given the character's somewhat androgynous features, making herself appear as masculine might be a good way to help keep people unaware of who she actually is. Hypothetically, of course.

Its really not aimed at you, so dont worry about it.

Did anyone noticed that the Link character (Not-Link?) has a shirt that looks oddly like WW Link's crayfish shirt?

Check my post further up the page on Page 2

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No way. Imo, it should be like Skyward Sword. It doesn't have to be as linear, but the gameplay, story, and characters were all amazing and I loved the overworld.

I hope it isn't like MM or TWW, personally.

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The clothing that the character in the trailer wears is extremely siilar to Gerudo clothing in OoT.

Their cloak also bears more than a passing resemblance to WW Ganondorf's.

Also, the character's clothing is suited to desert environments.

They use the bow with a different hand than any Link in any Zelda game (yes, even ones with right-handed Link).

The clothes being blue (associated with wisdom) rather than green (courage) may suggest Zelda, but this is obviously a stretch given WW Link's starting clothes.

This may sound strange and probably not true, but if those are desert clothes, perhaps the main character is Ganondorf? Before becoming the King of Evil and while he was just a thief. You might say that he/she's not a Gerudo so it can't be, but we don't really know that much of the origins of the Gerudo and perhaps the their appearance is a product of Ganon. It would be a hope of mine that this game may have an origin story for Ganondorf, from the perspective of Link or Ganon.

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I highly doubt that this kid is Ganondorf, given what was revealed about him in Skyward Sword

About him being the reincarnation of Demise and all that

Although it would be nice to learn about the Gerudo tribe in general~

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Was it because of the motion controls?

No. Not really. It was because it was linear as fuck, frustrating as hell with little point (Silent Realms and three Imprisoned fights? Really?), not fun to explore since there was fuck all to see, and just plain unenjoyable. I didnt even finish it all the way through cuz i just couldnt enjoy myself. Sucks too, cuz i liked the story. Its the only main console Zelda i never bothered to finish. (the other unfinished Zeldas are handheld. I never beat Zelda II but i did make to the final boss of that one multiple times. So its not for a lack of trying.)

No way. Imo, it should be like Skyward Sword. It doesn't have to be as linear, but the gameplay, story, and characters were all amazing and I loved the overworld.

I hope it isn't like MM or TWW, personally.

Ewww. I really hope its less like Skyward Sword and more like Okami. Have you...played Okami? Seriously, thats a game thats not Zelda, but every Zelda fan wants Zelda to be like.

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