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The Legend of Zelda: ??? for Wii U!


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That's kind of what I meant by more accessible areas. And that's not true. Skyward Sword received a lot of great reviews and I think it even got Game of the Year or Game of the Month or something like that. It didn't beat out Ocarina of Time or anything, but I'm pretty sure most fans consider it to be better than TP or TWW or MM.

I went to check on Metacritic and Skyward Sword has the lowest score

OoT: 99

MM: 96

WW: 96

TP: 95

SS: 93

Skyward Sword also has the largest discrepancy between its review score and user score

OoT: 99 vs 93

MM: 96 vs 92

WW: 96 vs 89

TP: 95 vs 90

SS: 93 vs 79

Skyward Sword is also the only game in there to have received mixed reviews and is the one with the most negative user reviews.

Personally, I really liked Skyward Sword, I replayed it in Hero Mode the moment I finished my first run, so I'm a bit surprised at how disliked it is by the fanbase since I like all the 3D home consoles Zelda game equally.

I'm also miffed about the announced non-linearity of the game and the fact that fans seems to embrace it. A Link Between Worlds is perhaps my least favorite Zeda game and I think the non-linearity contributed. I personally liked to enter a dungeon and see hints that a certain item had to be used, find the mini-boss and defeat him to get item. It gave me more of a sense of accomplishment and discovery than just renting an item and entering the dungeon with it in hand.

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Oh. Well, Skyward Sword is underrated then, because I simply don't see how it's not the best 3D Zelda. That gameplay, that story, those characters, they're all fantastic. It was the first time I fell THIS in love with a Zelda game since Ocarina of Time.

I know people didn't like Fi holding your hand or the linearity, but I thought the linearity was well done even if there wasn't a lot of exploration. And even then, those two things alone don't make the game worse than the others, imo.

For me, it depends on how the linearity or non-linearity is done. If it's non-linearity in a ALttP or ALBW fashion, I'm cool with it. If it's like, say, Link's Awakening, then please no. I could never play that game without the use of a guide. It's a good game, don't get me wrong, but I felt like I was thrown into an overworld and told to have at it. I had no clue where to go or what to do.

I do agree that I like finding cool items in dungeons and then using them to complete said dungeons though.

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I'm quite relieved to hear confirmation that the young man in the trailer is our hero. The day they let Zelda be the main hero is the day I stop playing TLOZ. 8U It sounds weird, but I really can't get behind the idea where you play as someone other than Link in a main Zelda game.

Really? A Legend of Zelda game featuring the title character for once would turn you off that much? I think it'd be a welcome change for one game. (So long as it doesn't turn out like Super Princess Peach)
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This game looks promising. Open world means it won't be like Skyward Sword, and that's a good thing.

But Xenoblade-esque Zelda? Give it to me now.

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Um, just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone else hated it. Lots of people enjoyed the game and it still got good to very good reviews overall.

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I'm not just saying it was subpar in my opinion, but it's widely considered to be a lot worse than previous Zelda games.

I'm not very hopeful about this new Zelda game since Aonuma is in charge of it. I'm willing to bet he's going to find another way to ruin it.

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Um, just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone else hated it. Lots of people enjoyed the game and it still got good to very good reviews overall.

Every Zelda game is "liked by a lot of people".

For me, though? Skyward Sword bored me to death. No doubt my least favorite 3D Zelda (and it probably would be my worst ever if it wasn't for the DS entries).

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My only complaint about skyward sword is the repetitive Imprisoned encounters. I don't get what's so bad about it that people get people saying it's the worst by a wide margin and that Aonuma doesn't know how to make a good Zelda. I think all the 3D entry on home console are equally good in their own rights.

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Skyward Sword is by no means a bad game, but it's easily among my least favorites of the whole series. It definitely has its merits, but most of the time it feels that you have to slog through lots of fat to get to them.

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Skyward Sword just wasn't for me. I suck at motion controls, plain and simple. It took me hours to figure out how to get the Loftwing to not just plummet to the lowest possible altitude and stay there (and even then, I never got that consistent with it), and then a bit later I got my ass handed to me by a Deku Baba of all things. By the time I managed to struggle my way into the first dungeon, I realized that I wasn't getting much better with the controls with practice, and I wouldn't stand a chance in situations where the game is actually trying to be challenging.

It's a shame, because what I managed to see of the story was very interesting, and from what I read online it gets even better.

People are seriously calling on Aonuma to be fired? I don't see why Nintendo should fire him when they haven't fired Sakamoto, since Other M is a genuinely godawful game while Skyward Sword seems like a decent game (and a sizable number of people really like it) that I just happened to be terrible at.

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The motion controls were one of the things I really LOVED about Skyward Sword and hope Aonuma brings back in Zelda Wii U. I basically just want the gameplay and dungeons to be Skyward Sword-like, only make the dungeons a little bigger. I wouldn't complain if nothing else was similar, really, as long as the story and characters are good.

Edited by Anacybele
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I think they should offer control options. I personally really liked the motion control used in SS, but I've seen a lot of people for whom it didn't work out.

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I think they should offer control options. I personally really liked the motion control used in SS, but I've seen a lot of people for whom it didn't work out.

It takes practice, really. I had to get the hang of the controls too. Now I'm pretty good with them. Never tried Hero mode though, I don't like the idea of not being able to heal up unless I've got a potion or fairy. I would've preferred a Master Quest like OoT got.

Ooh, Zelda Wii U should have a Master Quest mode!

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Skyward Sword didn't really do it for me. Some parts were really great. The actual dungeons were all very cool and I enjoyed the boss battles like Koloktos. But I hated the overabundance of stealth and escort sections (stealth segments have always been my least favourite part of any Zelda), and the swimming and flying controls were extremely hard on my wrists due to all the tilting required. It didn't feel intuitive at all when the control stick is RIGHT THERE. I also had some calibration issues with the swordplay since it still wasn't true 1-to-1 movement when you committed to a swing. And then there was the many repeat fights with bosses and parts that just felt like padding. Then there were the bugs. I managed to get that dumb water-carrying robot stuck in a wall by going too fast up a ledge and had to reset my console and redo that section from the beginning.

If the new Zelda is more like Skyrim like Aonuma has hinted he took inspiration from, I'll be pretty happy. It doesn't need to be as big as an Elder Scrolls game because obviously I want it to still retain the puzzle-adventure nature of Zelda in some way when it comes to dungeoneering, but I want the exploration to feel less segmented. Wind Waker and Skyward Sword's islands are just too compartmentalized, and Twilight Princess just suffered from having not much to actually explore either. Finding little weapon upgrades and extra gear scattered around in addition to pieces of heart and other little secrets would be really cool. I can imagine it being like some variation on OoT and MM's secret caves, except with more variation?

Edited by Samias
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It takes practice, really. I had to get the hang of the controls too. Now I'm pretty good with them. Never tried Hero mode though, I don't like the idea of not being able to heal up unless I've got a potion or fairy. I would've preferred a Master Quest like OoT got.

Ooh, Zelda Wii U should have a Master Quest mode!

Even with practice, I know that the controls just didn't work with some people. It didn't feel intuitive to them and they would prefer to use a normal controller. SS hero mode was ok. I didn't really have problem doing it. Haven't tried Master Quest, but my brother did and he was traumatized by the cows in Jabu Jabu's belly.

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On the topic of SS,

I have to agree that it's my least favourite of the console Zeldas, for reasons people have already brought up. I did enjoy the way they used the Wiimote though, I could never really understand why so many people hated it. The story was certainly ambitious but some things just felt underwhelming (like the races on the Surface being super wimpy despite apparently having fought alongside the goddess, and Demise's curse). I also hated some of the enemy designs, and IMO very few of the bosses were memorable. Perhaps my two most hated Zelda bosses come from SS, the Imprisoned and Monsters Inc. tentacle-dude.

But anyway, back to Zelda U... I'm glad it's confirmed that was Link, it would have been weird if it was someone else since it looks way too much like him. It sounds like they did purposely make him look more androgynous this time, but I don't think it's because you can choose his gender. It might just be to blur that line a little so anyone can feel closer to him. I personally wouldn't like having a female Link. I would much rather play as Zelda.

I wish they would at least tell us the title. :( I hoped they would talk a little about it today, but it looks like this is all we're getting for a while.

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I liked the DS entries, too. Well, Spirit Tracks I adored. I have yet to actually really play and beat Phantom Hourglass, but I generally have a hard time hating something.

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Even with practice, I know that the controls just didn't work with some people. It didn't feel intuitive to them and they would prefer to use a normal controller. SS hero mode was ok. I didn't really have problem doing it. Haven't tried Master Quest, but my brother did and he was traumatized by the cows in Jabu Jabu's belly.

Huh, well, I guess you can't please everyone here then. Some prefer the motion controls, like me. :P

And I agree the cows in Jabu-Jabu were creepy as hell, yeah. But I never said Zelda Wii U's Master Quest needed stuff like that. lol

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I kind of think the developers were either drunk or high when they made that, especially since the cows kind of made the dungeon easy since they still gave you milk.

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