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The Legend of Zelda: ??? for Wii U!


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Hey, I did say it doesn't have to be as linear as Skyward Sword. xP I personally liked the Silent Realms, though I do agree that the Imprisoned fight got frustrating the third time around.

No, never played Okami. I really don't know anything about it other than that it's about some wolf goddess of the same name, I think.

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I haven't played Spirit Tracks but, when exactly did they find a new Hyrule?

I know you asked this a while ago so you probably looked it up, but since no one answered I figured I would give a late reply. :P So in Phantom Hourglass, Link and Tetra are sailing around looking for the "new" land they were tasked with finding at the end of WW. From the little I remember (never finished PH), they get ambushed at sea and Tetra gets kidnapped, so they don't continue that quest during that game. But Spirit Tracks (which I didn't play either, mostly because PH just rubbed me the wrong way tbh) takes place in New Hyrule and features the descendants of WW Link and Tetra.

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It also features Niko. Yes, the same Niko that was the lowliest of Tetra's pirates and taught Link those rope swinging tricks in The Wind Waker. Only he's an old retired geezer in this game. lol

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No, never played Okami. I really don't know anything about it other than that it's about some wolf goddess of the same name, I think.

Play it. Like, now.

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No, never played Okami. I really don't know anything about it other than that it's about some wolf goddess of the same name, I think.

Her name is Amaterasu.

Its all about a lot of Japanese shinto mythology and its the bee's tits.

Also, amazon.com is your friend. (srsly, thats a good price. Id nab one if i were you.)

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Oh right, my mistake. I should've known that, I did hear the name Amaterasu before. :P

And you're right, I could've looked online, couldn't I? I'll still consider it.

This is off topic though. I can't wait to learn more about this new Zeldaaaa.

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But this thread is about Zelda, not Okami. xP


Listen. NOW.

You are doing it again. Being really irritating and obstinate for no real reason other than it looking like you arent getting your way about something. Stop that. Okami talk in comparison to Zelda and what fans want from a new Zelda and how this new Zelda is advertised is perfectly relevant. Stop attempting to staunch discussion especially when it isnt off topic. You do not own the threads you create and you do not make the rules on how to discuss something perfectly on topic. By repeatedly saying "STOP TALKING ABOUT A GAME I NEVER PLAYED, ITS OFF TOPIC." You are going off topic.

Have i made myself clear? serious.png

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...Uh, whoa. Where did all THIS come from? There is NO need to be hostile, as I was never doing anything wrong. What do you mean "getting my way"? I never said that a comparison was irrelevant. You were talking to me about how to get Okami, not about how Zelda should be like it. I meant that linking me to amazon and telling me to get Okami is off topic, not comparing the damn game to Zelda. And I have absolutely NO idea where you're getting that I'm shouting rules on properly discussing the topic and claiming this thread as mine and mine alone.

To be honest, YOU are the one being really irritating and obstinate for no real reason, if you ask me.

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blah blah bitch moan

I mentioned Okami as an ideal for how i want a new Zelda. You asked about it. Gaia said play it. You go "I cant find it." I post a link to where to find it if you are curious. To get an idea of what the hell people expect or want out of a new Zelda, they often mention that game. If you dont know wtf they mean, its only natural to see for yourself. Okami boasts exploration like Zelda. The character you control may be a wolf, but she can function just like Link does. She even has a companion figure who helps her get through stuff. The difference between Zelda and Okami is that Okami's dungeons are not very numerous and on the easy side. (hence my post about harder dungeons) But what people want to see in Zelda is Okami's style of overworld. Stuff to do, things to see, NPCs to talk to, goodies to find. In. Every. Area. There is no "large empty space" via TP or WW. Or "linear railroading" like SS. So to boast an open world and to get players to ponder, it would be natural to harken to Okami.

By claiming its off topic repeatedly is shutting down discussion. And you stomping your foot cuz people mention a game you never played is like a little girl having a tantrum because other people are in her thread talking about something she never played. Now do you see why you are being irritating?

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Jesus, Loki, calm down. Do you realize your previous post constitutes mini-modding, aka breaking the rules? Not to mention blowing up over nothing. It's completely understandable for Ana to think discussion of an entirely different game would be off-topic. If you don't agree, calmly explain why, don't get all high and mighty on her.

I mean, shit, her post wasn't even something like, "GUYS STOP TALKING ABOUT OKAMI IT'S OFF-TOPIC AND THIS IS MY TOPIC SO WHAT I SAY GOES."

At the end of the day, staff will decide what is or is not too off-topic. As far as this is concerned, discussion of Okami in relation to Zelda would be fine. Just don't start talking about Okami on its own.

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Listen. NOW.

You are doing it again. Being really irritating and obstinate for no real reason other than it looking like you arent getting your way about something. Stop that. Okami talk in comparison to Zelda and what fans want from a new Zelda and how this new Zelda is advertised is perfectly relevant. Stop attempting to staunch discussion especially when it isnt off topic. You do not own the threads you create and you do not make the rules on how to discuss something perfectly on topic. By repeatedly saying "STOP TALKING ABOUT A GAME I NEVER PLAYED, ITS OFF TOPIC." You are going off topic.

Have i made myself clear? serious.png

Wow, and you called me immature and said I had mental problems.

*hands Loki a mirror*

No way. Imo, it should be like Skyward Sword. It doesn't have to be as linear, but the gameplay, story, and characters were all amazing and I loved the overworld.

It probably won't be anything like Skyward Sword. It didn't have an open world and there wasn't much to explore.

I also don't think they'll be able to pull off the non-linearity of the game well. What equipment will you need to beat the dungeons? It seems like you'll need to follow a certain order regardless.

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Getting back to the subject at hand, Aonuma did confirm that the kid really is Link \^o^/

Ponytail!Link gogogo~

What? Where at? And this would mean he was trolling us. >.>

It probably won't be anything like Skyward Sword. It didn't have an open world and there wasn't much to explore.

I also don't think they'll be able to pull off the non-linearity of the game well. What equipment will you need to beat the dungeons? It seems like you'll need to follow a certain order regardless.

I meant it should be like Skyward Sword, but WITHOUT the linearity. xP I want similar sword fighting gameplay and stuff and a massive overworld like SS had, basically.

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With such a large overworld, I feel that Aonuma will put a Link Between Worlds and have the weapons gotten outside of dungeons. I imagine, though, that it wouldn't have the rent/buy system, but rather they'll likely be scattered around the overworld, what with getting from one place to another being "a puzzle."

If this is the case, then SO HYPE>

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I meant it should be like Skyward Sword, but WITHOUT the linearity. xP I want similar sword fighting gameplay and stuff and a massive overworld like SS had, basically.

Skyward Sword? Massive overworld? That's news to me.

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Uh, yeah. Three huge areas plus the sky above? That's gigantic, even if there wasn't as much to see in the sky as on the surface. Sure, it could've used a few more accessible areas here and there and larger islands in the sky (an issue I had with TWW as well, all those islands were tiny and the sea felt empty overall), but it was still a VERY big overworld.

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Uh, yeah. Three huge areas plus the sky above? That's gigantic, even if there wasn't as much to see in the sky as on the surface. Sure, it could've used a few more accessible areas here and there and larger islands in the sky (an issue I had with TWW as well, all those islands were tiny and the sea felt empty overall), but it was still a VERY big overworld.

The areas were more like dungeons rather than actual parts of the overworld. The main problem is that there wasn't a gigantic amount of land connecting everything--you had to go to Skyloft and back just to go to different areas. Skyloft itself was small, and it could've had a lot bigger and more islands. It's widely considered the worst 3D Zelda.

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The areas were more like dungeons rather than actual parts of the overworld. The main problem is that there wasn't a gigantic amount of land connecting everything--you had to go to Skyloft and back just to go to different areas. Skyloft itself was small, and it could've had a lot bigger and more islands. It's widely considered the worst 3D Zelda.

That's kind of what I meant by more accessible areas. And that's not true. Skyward Sword received a lot of great reviews and I think it even got Game of the Year or Game of the Month or something like that. It didn't beat out Ocarina of Time or anything, but I'm pretty sure most fans consider it to be better than TP or TWW or MM.

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What? Where at? And this would mean he was trolling us.

Here, I managed to find it: http://mmgn.com/wiiu/news--that-was-link-in-zelda-wii-u-trailer-aonuma

I'm a little disappointed, but this other article shows that Link's gender may still be up in the air: http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2014/06/11/is-link-a-girl-in-zelda-on-wii-u.aspx

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Ah, I see now Aonuma just didn't think people would take his comment so seriously. :P

That other article is interesting though. Choosing a gender for Link? What is this, Pokemon? lol

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I'm quite relieved to hear confirmation that the young man in the trailer is our hero. The day they let Zelda be the main hero is the day I stop playing TLOZ. 8U It sounds weird, but I really can't get behind the idea where you play as someone other than Link in a main Zelda game.

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