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Using more people in Lunatic


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I've been able to beat lunatic, but when I try using more characters than Female Robin/Chrom life becomes very difficult. What's the best way to help out characters in the beginning? I also need some ideas on who to using. Currently planning on Female Robin, Chrom, Miriel, and Lissa. Husbands for Miriel and Lissa would be cool. Also some general promotion paths for the characters would be useful if anyone has recommendations.

This is where everyone is immediately after Chapter 2 (I don't know how to do a fancy table so I'll just write it all out)

Chrom is lvl 2, 72 exp, 8 str, 1 mag, 9 skill, 9 speed, 5 luck, 7 def, and 1 res

Robin is lvl 12, 53 exp, 11 str, 10 mag, 12 skill, 13 speed, 3 luck, 14 def, and 5 res

Lissa is lvl 4, 40 exp, 3 str, 7 mag, 6 skill, 7 speed, 10 luck, 4 def, and 7 res

Miriel is lvl 4, 59 exp, 0 str, 8 mag, 8 skill, 8 speed, 7 luck, 3 def, and 5 res

thanks for any responses

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If you want to play using more characters, the best way is to use Avatar-M so you get four kids from his family + Chrom's alone.

Cht.7 is a good place to train sword users, especially Chrom. Cht.8 is a good place to train anyone with ranged weapons, especially Nowi. There are well-defended forts in Cht.10 for training sword users paired with flyers. After Cht.11, it gets pretty hard to catch non-children up. Don't focus on training too hard before Cht.7 or you won't have the power to clear Cht.5 and 6.

If you need good husbands to bring along, Gregor and Lon'qu start with good Swd ranks and decent survivability in axe-land, some people like Stahl as well but I find his chance of being Spd-screwed isn't worth the risk. He might work out well for you, though. He's also a bit hard to get started.

If you're willing to reset for a male Avatar (this will also reduce exp centralization around Chrom/Avatar), the pegs, Panne and Nowi perform extremely well as females, though only Sumia out of those can marry Chrom. Panne is better for offensive Avatars, Nowi is better for defensive ones, and Cordelia is better for the children. I prefer Nowi though. If you don't want to reset, consider making Miriel a Dark Mage/Sorc and Lissa a Sage, Miriel works well paired with Gregor and Lissa will likely wind up unpaired or with a latecomer (Libra is a possibility).

For 2nd gen pairings, consider having Lucina fight mainly with her sibling and not having an S support, while Avatar's kids marry the other children you get. Either way, I wouldn't recommend training more than 6-8 1st gen units and 6 2nd gen units.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Thanks for the input. I think I'll stick with this save, going for Robin /Chrom, Miriel / Lon'qu, and Lissa / Gregor. I will also use Lissa/Morgan. If it turns into a train wreck I'll reset to go Male Robin / Miriel, Chrom / Sumia, and Lissa / Lon'qu. I would then go Morgan / Owain, Lucina / Laurent. I'd leave out Cynthia but i don'treally care, and these might not be the most ideal pairings but these are a lot of characters that I want to use so I'm gonna go with it. Lon'qu seems like a great father which is why I'm using him, but I could also replace him with Gregor so Owain doesn't have overlap if that's better.

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Keep in mind that Lon'qu doesn't have good passdown options for Owain.

Also, it's really easy in the first three chapters to stuff Lissa full of exp, but it becomes a lot harder once fliers and ranged weapons become more prominent in Cht.5+. You might want a backup plan if she starts trailing off, or be prepared to spend several 200-turn chapters (probably the Paralogues) breaking weapons with your face to give her stuff to heal. Once she promotes, she'll be fine.

Pairings for ingame aren't concerned with class overlap and ending mods, the main things that matter are gender (for making pairs), availability, growths and inheritance (includes base class/stats and passed down skills). Regarding availability, this generally means that they shouldn't come too late, but there's such a thing as too early too: it's hard/dangerous to train multiple non-Avatar units earlygame, and if you try to take too many earlygame units with you you'll either wind up without a crutch character (Avatar) to lean on later or some of them will fall too far behind to be worth the effort.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Who would be a better father? I know you mentioned Gregor and I'm fine with him but if there's any better im open to it. And I'm prepared to spend a lot of turns on Lissa, so she won't be a problem.

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Honestly, her best husband is Avatar-M, because he's the one who's most likely to be facetanking for her and will get all the support from her staves. Because of that and the Prologue she's probably the first unit it's possible for Avatar to reach S with. Additionally, If Chrom then marries Olivia or Maribelle you can have two gen 2 pairs with only 2 gen 1 pairs. Since he's not an option though, Libra might be second, she'll likely be promoted by the time he shows up so they can fight together and their pairup bonuses compliment eachother well. If you somehow manage to get Renewal in time for Owain, he'll like that, too. There are lots of Lances in Valm so Libra's Axes can come in handy there as well.

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