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the thing i hate most about grinding in fe awakening rant


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What's flawed is not having a Nihil skill to block off skills. Or a variety of Nihils like there are slayers.

It would be so funny if there was a nihil that blocked galeforce.

EDIT-OK maybe not so funny.

Edited by SeverIan
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What's flawed is not having a Nihil skill to block off skills. Or a variety of Nihils like there are slayers.

Hello Lunatic+ --> Lunatic

Nihil doesn't belong in Awakening when skills are even more part of the system than FE4.

Do you remember how FREAKING BORING the last three Endgame Radiant Dawn boss battles were in regards to visual effects?

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Well I mean, it's right in the name. They don't call it "Pretty Good Knight", you know. Stands to reason that it'd be one of the best classes.


With one of the worse speed caps.

Great Knights suck, all hail Dark Flyers and FalcoKnights.

Even though the Sage class has a better Mag cap. That sexy 50/60 cap that are named Emmeryn, DLC Micaiah, Sophia, DLC Celica, Merric, Celica, Lewyn, Julia, Lilina, Nergal, L'Arachel, Soren, Micaiah, Sanaki, Sephiran, and Ursula all have.

great knights are great stop having no taste

how the fuck do you grind without going all animations off skip all actions entirely anyway

I just only blackout the battles (Press Start) whenever I'm either restarting a map, or are grinding.

If you hate grinding that much...



Inifinite Stat up item trick.

What's flawed is not having a Nihil skill to block off skills. Or a variety of Nihils like there are slayers.

Should have had that for every difficulty setting but Lunatic+. Since those unique Hawkeye, Luna+, Aegis+, and Pavaise+ skills are why that difficulty setting exists. I'm not saying Counter, because it restricts you to bow classes, is op and often cheats the game. It's only there to put a stop to your gamebreaking. So...no more going FFT and time to go all out with strategy.

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Hello Lunatic+ --> Lunatic

Nihil doesn't belong in Awakening when skills are even more part of the system than FE4.

Do you remember how FREAKING BORING the last three Endgame Radiant Dawn boss battles were in regards to visual effects?

No, I don't...Dheginsea looked awesome, Creidaddyl (sp?) looked cool, and Ashera had that awesome thing where Ike gets surrounded in blue flames.

It's true, though, that it's more awesome to watch the Black Knight using a bronze lance to luna (or is it eclipse?) mook enemies (lance version looks cooler imo).

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