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Fire Emblem: Sacred Souls

Havel the Rock

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What is this?:

This is a FE8 reskin(Yes, a reskin.) that take place in the Akaneia universe, with Magvel replacing Alm's continent. Since I'm too impatient to wait for FEXNA, I might as well try and learn how to really hack FE. Despite this being a reskin, I plan on adding custom animations, editing maps, and more stuff I can't think about.

Plot summary(I suck at these Dx ):

After the War of Heroes, Akaneia reassemble it's union. Once day, Akaneia invaded Magvel, a peaceful and quiet continent for reasons unknown. Join Eirika, the Princess of Renais, her body-gourd Adam, and others to stop the intentions of the Akaneia continent.





I must say, compare to the other time I tried hacking, I made quite some progress.

Things I need help with:

Proofreading and Writing: My english skill is very shitty(See my plot summary).

Graphics: I SUCK at art.

Post or send me a PM you are want to help. For people who do graphics , you don't have to be amazingly good, you can also be decent.

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I don't think the one new mug I see is that bad.

You have the ability to import maps, that's great.

Palettes, also a plus.

English definitely seems to be lacking but you can't be perfect at everything.

It's not bad, and just because it's a reskin doesn't mean it's shitty. Likewise, just because something isn't a reskin doesn't make it amazing either, just generally better. I think you show some promise.

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I don't think the one new mug I see is that bad.

You have the ability to import maps, that's great.

Palettes, also a plus.

English definitely seems to be lacking but you can't be perfect at everything.

It's not bad, and just because it's a reskin doesn't mean it's shitty. Likewise, just because something isn't a reskin doesn't make it amazing either, just generally better. I think you show some promise.

Well thanks. I didn't think my mug is bad too, I just wish I were better.

Yes the english is very, VERY lacking. Right now I'm frying my brains out trying to write the plot for Chapter 1. I also need someone to proofread the prologue.

Anyway, thanks for your criticism.

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I'm a pretty good story writer, but I am absolutely awful at dialogue. My best projects have been anything without dialogue. Everyone has weaknesses, you can either work around them, or pound at them over and over till you're good.

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Everyone has weaknesses, you can either work around them, or pound at them over and over till you're good.


Joking aside, this isn't bad considering this appears to be your first hack.

Edited by Fateborn
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Hmmmm. . .can you outline what you want in Chapter 1? That might help you refine what you want to say.

As for proofreading. . .I'll do the prologue - whether or not I stick around for everything else depends on how busy I get. I'd like to see how you handle this.

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I don't think the one new mug I see is that bad.

Most noticeable is the chest and neck areas, it's not necessarily a bad mug as it's salvageable, for sure. To fix I'd probably reference Ross a lot, similar pose, I figure.

Also, I'd recommend waiting for FEXNA only because it'll allow you a lot more freedom in your creation without having to go through the tedium of ROM hacking, not to mention it'll also remove the narrative structure you'll be stuck in unless you do custom events, which from what it seems would benefit you well so you wouldn't have to resort to just re-skinning FE8.

In the meantime, I'd probably just suggest planning, writing and getting graphics out of the way, as that's what I'm doing. I'm hoping that when FEXNA comes out I can push both my current projects through as soon as possible with all the current planning then moving onto a third project if I don't get anything else to distract me with in life.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone! Just an update.

Seeing that alot of people praise non-reskins hacks more, I'm might scarp this project. I'm may take NICKT's advice and wait for FEXNA, whenever the damn thing comes out. However, I would just like to know. Should I still work on this? I know it's a reskin and I said I was going to put this project down, but the wait for FEXNA is just killing me and I've got too much free time on my hands. So if you want to see me continue on this or start a new, let me know.

Sorry if I sounded desperate. :sweatdrop:

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It's not like FEXNA is start and stop development. Yeti works almost full time on it. He'll finish it eventually, and we get closer and closer every day. Every extra day he spends working on it is another day of bugfixes and features added.

P.S. if you really can't wait, I recommend starting with FEXP. It'll get you into the mood for fexna and a lot of design principles from fexp are carried over into FEXNA.

Edited by Kloknihater
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It's not like FEXNA is start and stop development. Yeti works almost full time on it. He'll finish it eventually, and we get closer and closer every day. Every extra day he spends working on it is another day of bugfixes and features added.

P.S. if you really can't wait, I recommend starting with FEXP. It'll get you into the mood for fexna and a lot of design principles from fexp are carried over into FEXNA.

Give the fellow my props then, mad respect for a man who works diligently on the whims of passion.

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