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Fire Emblem Favorites Tournament - NOW COMPLETE (only first part uploaded)

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Asset: Speed

Flaw: Defence

Final Class: Valkyrie

Weapon: Celica's Gale +5 Mt, +3 Hit







That alright?

This is acceptable, but if I can make a suggestion, Solidarity is kinda useless in 1 v. 1 fights.

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Oh cool, i guess i can try. I really wanted Lyn or Innes, but i guess i can use Louise.




Flaw: Defense

Final Class: Sniper

Weapon: Brave Bow (5mt 15 hit)







Edited by Waifu Severa
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Oh cool, i guess i can try. I really wanted Lyn or Innes, but i guess i can use Louise.




Flaw: Defense

Final Class: Sniper

Weapon: Brave Bow (5mt 15 hit)







Counter is actually a male-only skill.

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Oh right, sorry, totally forgot. Scratch that character and let me make a new one.


Bow Knight/Sniper (Go with Sniper if you dont mind them not being in their default classes)

Asset: Speed

Flaw: Luck

Brave Bow (+5mt, +15 hit)







Edited by Waifu Severa
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Ooh, this looks fun! I'll submit someone. ^^ That is, if no one has already picked this character yet (I hope).

Kieran (from the Tellius games)


Final Class: Great Knight

Asset: Strength

Flaw: Resistance

Weapon: Silver Axe (because Geoffrey gives him one in RD. You can make the stats whatever lol)



Dual Guard+



Counter (because cavalier knights had this skill in Tellius, I believe)

Edited by Anacybele
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Ooh, this looks fun! I'll submit someone. ^^ That is, if no one has already picked this character yet (I hope).

Kieran (from the Tellius games)


Final Class: Great Knight

Asset: Strength

Flaw: Resistance

Weapon: Silver Axe (because Geoffrey gives him one in RD)



Dual Guard+



Counter (because cavalier knights had this skill in Tellius, I believe)

...I feel like personality skills are all over the place. Nonetheless, you might want a skill in place of Dual Guard+ (pair up won't be in effect making Dual Guard+ useless) and it'd be nice to have forge stats. It's better to think of skills suited for 1-to-1 duels rather than supportive skills in this case.

EDIT:: Why does his hair almost remind me of Sain (except Sain's hair was green)?

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I was just thinking of how Kieran typically plays. :P He's an axe knight whose res isn't so hot. lol

I read through the OP and didn't see any mention that pair-up wouldn't be in effect, but if I missed that, my bad. I'll go decide a different skill.

I don't really know much about forge stats yet though, as I've only forged a couple times and don't really remember much other than the names I gave the weapons. xP

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...I feel like personality skills are all over the place. Nonetheless, you might want a skill in place of Dual Guard+ (pair up won't be in effect making Dual Guard+ useless) and it'd be nice to have forge stats. It's better to think of skills suited for 1-to-1 duels rather than supportive skills in this case.

EDIT:: Why does his hair almost remind me of Sain (except Sain's hair was green)?

Mercilesscharizard also says, "Mercilesscharizard, read the fact that it doesn't matter to her how the weapon is forged. Learn how to read, ya dumb dragon!" XD

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This is acceptable, but if I can make a suggestion, Solidarity is kinda useless in 1 v. 1 fights.

Derp, I'll probably swap for Avoid+10 then.

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If I can still submit...

Aran (from Radiant Dawn)

Final Class: General (they dropped Halberdiers for Awakening :I)

Asset: Speed

Flaw: Magic

Weapon: Brave Lance (MT +3, Critical +15)




Defense +2



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If I can still submit...

Aran (from Radiant Dawn)

Final Class: General (they dropped Halberdiers for Awakening :I)

Asset: Speed

Flaw: Magic

Weapon: Brave Lance (MT +3, Critical +15)




Defense +2



...Is this gonna be a running theme later? *ahem* Lancefaire is a female-only skill, I'm afraid.

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*sigh* I knew I'd end up doing something stupid sooner or later. Simply put, I've been making every single avatar on my digital copy and I never bothered to make another version on my physical copy in the process. As a result, I'll more than likely have to re-make each avatar on my physical copy unless there's some way to simplify this matter, so there won't be any new characters fully made for another week or so (again, if there's a simpler way to do it, PLEASE tell me). Until further notice, all new entries beyond this point will be placed on stand-by until I can work on them (yes, I know it would have been best to get two physical copies and a save dongle and just use both copies, but I never had intentions of doing this sort of thing at that time).

EDIT:: Yes, I know I can invest in a ton of stat boosters, but there are some stat boosters I never seem to find and Anna isn't always selling what I need. Not to mention stats boost on their own through all the skills I'm getting for everyone, so it's an extremely moot point.

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Well, I had one plan, but thinking it through, it would fall short after half a second. So here's the other idea I came up with: any character I haven't made or began making will be made on my 3DS copy and if two combatants are on one system, I can make the other one when I can. Not the best method, but I'd rather not have to sift through data and info (build, hair, etc.) and re-create every single character at one time for one copy. That would take WAY too freaking long!

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To refrain from a triple post, I'll just ask this one question:

Not to make you feel pressured or anything, but when do you think we could get started? I'd love to see Syrene and Glen CRUSH THEM ALL!

FE8 da best. Also, I'm actually pretty surprised that you put Glen as opposed to Cormag, as Glen isn't playable until postgame.

It's cause Glen got da looks. (But Cormag is a just a free Elysian whip in my eyes, so it was tough).

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To refrain from a triple post, I'll just ask this one question:

Not to make you feel pressured or anything, but when do you think we could get started? I'd love to see Syrene and Glen CRUSH THEM ALL!

While I would love to start this as soon as possible, making a bracket with 21-23 characters would be very hard and school taking up most of my time rules out a round robin tournament. I'll try to see if anyone else wants to submit any characters (allowing three per person jumps the rope for me), but I wouldn't expect videos to go up until probably late September or mid-October. Also, considering there are other threads that many users are interested in and the fact that hardly anyone knows me on here, it makes finding participants a lot more difficult (me not having a very good Youtube channel makes it even worse and no one on Vizzed seems even remotely interested). All I ask is that you have patience.

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No problem! I know how school could easily eat up time like that.

So is 21-23 avatars the number we're shooting for? Or got anything else in mind? I'm personally open to all ideas but I wanna be sure that none of us are pressuring you to waste much of your day.

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No problem! I know how school could easily eat up time like that.

So is 21-23 avatars the number we're shooting for? Or got anything else in mind? I'm personally open to all ideas but I wanna be sure that none of us are pressuring you to waste much of your day.

I'd prefer to have the full 32. 16 would be reasonable enough given my time, but I'm in senior year, meaning that (if rumors are true) I shouldn't have TOO much work outside of class unless it ends up being AP Stats or English (except theater will definitely eat some of my time with after school rehearsals) and considering how much I've played through Awakening (though I've only beaten Apotheosis twice on both separate copies) I'm always ready for more to come. Also, while I do have Rebecca and Marcia in reserves, I'd rather have others submit entries more than just having spare characters to use when crunch time hits.

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If you're looking for more characters, I'll make a second one.



Hero (+Spd, -Mag)

Brave Sword (+5 Mt, +15 Hit)

Lucky Seven
Quick Burn

The wiki clearly states, "Ogier usually ends up dodging more attacks than Dieck," so I figured he should have good avoid.

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I'd like to see Stefan from Path of Radiance


Swordmaster (+skill -magic)

Weapon: Killer Edge (Vague Katti)






Avoid +10

I was torn between luck and magic as a flaw. In path of radiance (the version of him i prefer), his magic stat is the lower growth rate, but his luck starts at a lower stat. In Radiant Dawn, it's vice versa.

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I'd like to see Stefan from Path of Radiance


Swordmaster (+skill -magic)

Weapon: Killer Edge (Vague Katti)






Avoid +10

I was torn between luck and magic as a flaw. In path of radiance (the version of him i prefer), his magic stat is the lower growth rate, but his luck starts at a lower stat. In Radiant Dawn, it's vice versa.

>inb4 Magic tends to be higher than Strength with Magic flaw???

EDIT: ...forge stats?

Edited by mercilesscharizard
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