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Fire Emblem Favorites Tournament - NOW COMPLETE (only first part uploaded)

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Ladies and gentlemen! I am pleased to announce that the first round of the tournament is over! Here are the contenders moving on to round 2:

















(Any delays due to recreation if both of any match are on the digital copy alone will be noted) Congratulations to our 16 winners! How will they fare in their second rounds? Stay tuned! ...of course, the duels themselves won't be seen until the comprised video, but whether I put it all in at once or just each round on its own is dependent on the length of this first one.

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Okay, I've decided that I'll put the entire thing into one entire video. As of now, I'm looking at probably a 2 hour video once videos, pictures, and the introductory video segment are added in. For the time being, all updates will only consist of who moves on. If you have any questions as of this moment (please do not ask me of someone's odds of winning and ESPECIALLY do not ask for a rematch if one of your characters is defeated) please send a PM. Last thing to mention, I'm probably going to edit the pictures I need in Paint, but if anyone would like to provide drawings for the matches, I would greatly appreciated though it isn't a requirement (PM me if you have any details).

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How 'bout splitting the video by rounds (first round, second/third rounds, everything else)? Two hours is kind of taxing on bandwidth, and I know mine isn't the worst out there, either.

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How 'bout splitting the video by rounds (first round, second/third rounds, everything else)? Two hours is kind of taxing on bandwidth, and I know mine isn't the worst out there, either.

I might do that for just the first round (I don't think the other rounds will be near as long), but I'm not too sure yet. The round 1 clips (trimmed down to only the attack scenes) on their own are only about 15 minutes, but it'll definitely wind up a bit longer since I'm adding in a little intro to it and I still have yet to add in the pictures. However, I might make a separate video on the side to explain what it is (for the unknowing Youtube people) and to showcase who's been submitted as a whole.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, finally finished with Wizard of Oz stuff (wow, a legit reason) but I have all of the round 2 footage. Also, I decided I'll upload a full version of the entire video, then I'll make a second version which...well, it's just a split version. I thought it would be better for the ones who want to watch it all in one go and the ones that want to watch it round per round (though the last three rounds may be their own thing depending on the length). We're finally at the quarterfinals, so let's see how things go!

...what, you're still here? ...oh, right! Here's who made it:









"The Great Oz has spoken! Now go!"

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*ahem* Echo effects, please.

LADIES AND GENTLEMAGES! The Fire Emblem Favorites Tournament has reached its final stages! The finalists have had some tough fights, but they managed to pull against the odds to make it this far! Here are the finalists:

Pent, Mage General

Cath, Master Thief

Samson, Roaming Hero

Stefan, Lion-Blooded

It's still anyone's game at the top! Tune in next time (er, when the video is uploaded) when we see who makes it to the top as the best of these fan favorites!

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Well, aren't I early this time! Granted, it's only the first part, but I don't think anyone will complain. For those of you who have been patient, I present you part one of the Fire Emblem Favorites Tournament!

Now if only I can place the video in the text so people aren't forced to click the link in order to watch it...

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Wow, in hind sight, the spear probably wasn't the best choice for Syrene!

But hey, I'll take the fact that she was the first to make it go to Round 3! Looks like speed finally helped someone out. That Knight is the first battle could've used some speed... I'm glad Syrene was able to at least dodge a few!

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Now, I commentate my own matches~!

Azel vs. Syrene: Did I really see FOUR Ignis procs in a row in the first round?!

Zeiss vs. Rhys: Uhh. . .HOW did that happen? (Zeiss has Tomebreaker)

Ellerean vs. Glen: PFFT! I'm sorry, I thought it was a funny match.

Anyway, thanks for putting the video up~! But why were the mages attacking at 1-range?

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Now, I commentate my own matches~!Azel vs. Syrene: Did I really see FOUR Ignis procs in a row in the first round?!Zeiss vs. Rhys: Uhh. . .HOW did that happen? (Zeiss has Tomebreaker)Ellerean vs. Glen: PFFT! I'm sorry, I thought it was a funny match.Anyway, thanks for putting the video up~! But why were the mages attacking at 1-range?

Mages that attack first would have had a bit of an unfair advantage otherwise.

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