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Who else wants a REAL Zoo Tycoon 3?


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So, as any Zoo Tycoon fan probably knows, the original developers of the series, Blue Fang Games, closed down after their contract with Microsoft ended. Because of this, I thought there wouldn't ever be another Zoo Tycoon unless someone else bought the rights to the series or something. But it turns out, Microsoft had another company make a new Zoo Tycoon that came out last year.

But the idiots only released it for Xbox 360 and Xbox One. All I could say is, what the complete fuck?

For one thing, the series was previously PC only aside from the DS titles which Blue Fang didn't actually have anything to do with (and why would Microsoft commission one of their companies to make games for a console they don't own?).

For another, how many Xbox players actually play this series? Simulation games like Zoo Tycoon were always only for PC for a reason. They work best on the PC because of the whole create and control thing. The basic idea of playing a simulation game is click an item and place it. And what do you do on a computer? Use a mouse to click stuff. Zoo Tycoon has probably always appealed more to PC gamers than Xbox folks.

What I'm glad of is that Microsoft didn't actually call this game Zoo Tycoon 3. It's simply just Zoo Tycoon, as if they simply remade the original PC game. This lets me wish that they make a REAL Zoo Tycoon 3 and release it for PC. I want this so bad because Zoo Tycoon 2 is ten years old now and probably isn't compatible with the new windows 8. It did work fine on windows 7, but yeah.

I'm not sure what developers could do to make Zoo Tycoon 3 as innovative as ZT2 was, but there must be possibilities. ZT2's biggest thing for me was that it made keeping animals happy so much easier. In the original ZT, I could never get animals to breed or anything. In ZT2, I bred animals left and right, even the critically endangered ones. I also liked the graphics more, and the ability to take photos and do all sorts of other stuff. Challenge mode was the best, imo.

One thing I can think of for a ZT3 is to introduce a train tour ride to go with the Jeep safari and sky tram that expansion packs added. I've been to a Zoo in real life that has this, so yeah.

Edited by Anacybele
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It's Microsoft. I dont want anything to do with Microsoft games. Now, if it's Blue Fang, I may give it a try. The same with Blizzard North and Diablo.

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Microsoft killed Digital Anvil (Freelancer) and Ensemble Studios (Age of Empires/Mythology). Oh yeah, and Rareware (pretty much). Why you do this to me?

Some of these may help run ZT2 on Windows 8. I never actually played Zoo Tycoon.

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Thanks, Tryhard, but those questions are asking about windows 7. xP

But WHAT MICROSOFT KILLED ENSEMBLE STUDIOS TOO?! The bastards. >_> I loved AoEII. (I just couldn't really figure out AoEIII)

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I meant to link this. There's a few errors at the bottom that may have a solution.

Ensemble Studios was disbanded by Microsoft after they rushed them to release Halo Wars.

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Oh, thanks. But...this is talking about the Zoo Tycoon 2 Ultimate Collection. I've got the original Zoo Tycoon 2 disc that doesn't have any expansions on it. Is there a difference between the two besides that?

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Thanks, Tryhard, but those questions are asking about windows 7. xP

But WHAT MICROSOFT KILLED ENSEMBLE STUDIOS TOO?! The bastards. >_> I loved AoEII. (I just couldn't really figure out AoEIII)

I liked AOE 3 more than AOE 2 but just because I'm nitpicky on the aesthetics. I prefer my Asian factions with units that look Asian. Although I do understand why many fans of AOE 2 dislike AOE 3. The change in gameplay was quite radical.

And then there was AOE:Online and that was....weird.

A few days ago they shut off the servers for AOE: Online, and now the next installment in the series is...this.

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That trailer actually looks pretty cool, but why is there no PC version? Why isn't Microsoft making PC games anymore? They ARE the creators of windows software. I don't have the means to play mobile games, nor do I want it.

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Casual mobile games seems to be the area they're looking at.

This looks like a Puzzle and Dragon kind of game. Unlockable avatars that lead a troop of your choice? I dunno.

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But WHY is what I'm asking. Not everyone wants to play games on a teeny tiny phone or tablet or something. Games also take up a lot of space on these things, unlike PCs, from what I hear. People are likely more used to playing PC games.

At least Atari is smart and releasing RCT4 for PC...

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I liked AOE 3 more than AOE 2 but just because I'm nitpicky on the aesthetics. I prefer my Asian factions with units that look Asian. Although I do understand why many fans of AOE 2 dislike AOE 3. The change in gameplay was quite radical.

And then there was AOE:Online and that was....weird.

A few days ago they shut off the servers for AOE: Online, and now the next installment in the series is...this.

AoE3 was okay to me, but AoE2 is one my favourite games of all time. I don't think AoE:Online was necessarily... bad, though.

And after looking at that, oh dear. I didn't even know about that. I'm tired of getting shit installments in series I used to like. Dungeon Keeper RIP.

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But WHY is what I'm asking. Not everyone wants to play games on a teeny tiny phone or tablet or something. Games also take up a lot of space on these things, unlike PCs, from what I hear. People are likely more used to playing PC games.

At least Atari is smart and releasing RCT4 for PC...

I assume the mobile market is much bigger than the PC market. Stuff like angry birds and castle clash (sp?) is very popular even with the more computer-challenged friends of mine

AoE3 was okay to me, but AoE2 is one my favourite games of all time. I don't think AoE:Online was necessarily... bad, though.

And after looking at that, oh dear. I didn't even know about that. I'm tired of getting shit installments in series I used to like. Dungeon Keeper RIP.

It could've used more civilizations. I guess they wanted to go the MMO route but shame that didn't last. I barely finished a few quests. Maybe there's an offline version somewhere....

RIP Dungeon Keeper indeed, that was a good game.

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