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Im leaveing...

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I can't stay here...

I'm dealing with lots of shit in my life and I just...

I'll answer PMs and give my E-Mail address to certain people incase they want to keep in touch...

And I'll still get in Chat every now and then...

But otherwise, I'm leaveing...

This time for good...

Anyway I have somethings to say.

Kiryn you were like my second best friend ever.

MaSu you were a dick but I loved you.

Arc I learned a lot from you.

Song I will miss you the most.

Lyle, you were like the biggest basterd I ever met, and I respected you.

Tibarn you were an honored adversary.


Hanz...I'm a tasty piece of pastry

Fox you are just badass...

CGV I wish we could have teamed up, We could have ruled the world or fought crime or something.

Night your the only other person I met who played Castlevania for the NES

Knife you ruin topics.

FEFL Later Bro...

Cym and Des...See you, in chat at some ridicules hour of the night.


Sorry to anyone I missed...

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Why is it that everytime someone makes these list when they leave me and Hika get the shaft.

Because we're so assholish that it's obvious what they're gonna say?

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I wouldn't say leaving for good would help you fix up your life. Actually, it would, I just hate leaving a place I spent a load of time in, even if it's just an internet forum.

I think you just need a break is all.

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Well I would certainly like it if you were to stay, but I can understand if you need to leave.

I look forward to the day that you may return.

*Takes off hat for TLS.*

*Moment of silence*

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