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I got corner raped by chaos like it was nothing. AND HE IS THE SLOWEST CHARACTER IN THE GOD DAMN GAME. And I was using the 3rd fastest! AND I STILL GET OWNED BY HIM USING THE ONE SAME ATTACK. "LAWL SHOOT A SHARK OUT OF MAH CHEST AND IT CUTS YA!" I lost against him FIFTEEN TIMES. Then after that! I fight Satsuki! She keeps repeating the same combo over and over which happens to be a convenient "KICK THE CRAP OUT OF MASU COMBO" AFter getting hit by it so many times I suddenly knocked over my laptop and shouted "BITCH!" and my little sister jumped since it was quiet save the melty blood music and me mumbling to myself.

Sorry I know you all dont care or anything but making these rant topics has helped me with my temper recently.

Edited by MaSu
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get a punching bag and/or puch a hole in your wall (i have done both)

I would prefer to punch a hole in a human. Any suggestions for a human to punch a hole in who isnt Named Masu?

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...What's your sister's name?

I would liek to punch a hole in a SERENES FOREST user.

But that was hilarious when i first saw that.

Edited by MaSu
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are you freaking kidding? 1st of all:hanz did nothing to me. 2nd of all:hanz is awesome. 3rd of all:If I tried, the awesome that hanz emits would burn my flesh off.

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:D his words are raindrops like they keep coming nomatter how much you want them to stop, and yet, while you hate them, you think they are magical and beutiful. Until there are billoins of them and they drown us all

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