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Streetpass Team: Reaper Knights

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So, I'm going to a few small-scale comic-cons (ramencon, youmacon, etc.) in the next few months, and know from experience this usually means a lot streetpass teams to fight.

Naturally, I can't just let this opportunity pass by.

I have ALL of the FE13 DLC. Meaning every unit in the team, will have limit breaker. Also the money to have all weapons forged. Your ideas aren't limited by my not buying the DLC. This what I'm thinking of right now:

MU: Invincisorc; Aversa's Night, Ruin, Mire, Elixir (x2); Limit Breaker, Armsthrift, Vengeance, Vantage, (Undecided, possibly Miracle to be even more annoying, or Tomefaire?). +Mag/-Lck

The kids, are a bit more special. Most of them have been given parents and a class to have the highest stat values of certain skills possible.

Champion of Strength: Berserker Gerome, with 67 strength. Son of Vaike and Cherche.

Champion of Magic: Sage Noire, with 62 magic. Daughter of Ricken and Tharja.

Champion of Skill: Assassin Severa, with 64 skill. Daughter of Lon’qu and Cordelia.

Champion of Speed: Swordmaster Cynthia, with 62 speed. Daughter of Gaius and Sumia.

Champion of Luck: War Priest Brady, with 62 luck. Son of Donnel and Maribelle.

Champion of Defense: General Nah, with 67 defense. Daughter of Kellam and Nowi.

Special Unit: Skillnigo: Hero Inigo. Armsthrift, Limitbreaker, Rightful King, Luna, Astra.

Haven't decided what Morgan will be, or who to marry for her.

Still room for other units on the list. Weapons will be brave weapons in most cases, and empty spaces filled with elixirs.

The rest, I'm not sure on. That's where I need your help. Don't forget to look for good places for Counter/Lethality, as against players in Classic (who are often the only ones that I've met who are often a challenge), you just need to kill at least one of their units to inspire them to try again.

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Lethality is out of style.

The best streetpass team I've seen so far, and the one I'm currently using, is Airship_Canon's Counter-Aggression team. Basically, ten of these guys:

Avatar-M (+Str/-Def)@Warrior/General/Hero/Wyvern (LB/Agg/Luna/Ignis/Counter), holding a +3/25 Brave Axe/Lance/Sword.

Streetpass is mostly futile because any good team won't let you get a single hit in. This team insures that, in the event that you do get a hit in, something dies.

By the way, AT does nothing on Streetpass units.

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Perhaps you should look at their weaknesses, rather than their strenghts. For example, while Nah's defense is very high, a sorrcerer/sage can just come along, and wreck it easily. Or what about if the other guy has a unit with a very high-crit ratio, and high avoid? He can kill your team in seconds.

But if it were me, I'd make your last skill Ignis/Astra. Always works amazingly for me. Also, just sayin', Nah is a Manakete, and she works best as one. Kjelle is a great General, and she's hard to break through on my team. Shame she can't be a dread fighter, so she can't get res +10.

I imagine Morgan is a female, so fer her, mine is a Grandmaster, and is kind of a mixed unit. She uses Pavise, Aegis, Sol, Ignis, and LB. She rarely dies, and acts as a vanguard to the team. Of course, this plan DOES have flaws. Aegis and Pavise only happen ever so often, and Ignis sometimes just doesn't do enough. But still, Morgan is deadly.

Also, what class is your MU? Based on Aversa's Night, I can imagine it's Sorcerer. Your last skill should be Tomefair, because even if Miracle works, odds are someone else will come along and finish the job. It can be very useful, though.

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Perhaps you should look at their weaknesses, rather than their strenghts. For example, while Nah's defense is very high, a sorrcerer/sage can just come along, and wreck it easily. Or what about if the other guy has a unit with a very high-crit ratio, and high avoid? He can kill your team in seconds.

Here's a what-if: What if the other guy is minmaxing? You have no Dragonskin and 80 HP, he has 100+ atk on his lead, 80+ atk on his support, 90%+ DS, 12 attacks per round and a ton of procs (and Galeforce!). All of his units have at least 2 more Mov than yours, and he even gets to go first. How do you patch that weakness?

Streetpass teams are at an incredible disadvantage and can only win if the opponent is unprepared. Since any measure of defense you can put up will be crushed, it's better to go with pure offense so that if the other guy somehow fails to kill you on turn one, you won't return the favor.

Funnily enough, crits are the one thing Streetpass teams generally don't have to worry about- their Lck (with LB) is about as high as your average Secret Apo goon. If the enemy isn't minmaxing, they'll almost never see crit rates above 10 without Ruin, and if they are it makes no difference.

Of course, you could always just make a shop team instead. Plenty of people will just buy all your stuff and not fight you, you might as well sell them something useful.

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Here's a what-if: What if the other guy is minmaxing? You have no Dragonskin and 80 HP, he has 100+ atk on his lead, 80+ atk on his support, 90%+ DS, 12 attacks per round and a ton of procs (and Galeforce!). All of his units have at least 2 more Mov than yours, and he even gets to go first. How do you patch that weakness?

Streetpass teams are at an incredible disadvantage and can only win if the opponent is unprepared. Since any measure of defense you can put up will be crushed, it's better to go with pure offense so that if the other guy somehow fails to kill you on turn one, you won't return the favor.

Funnily enough, crits are the one thing Streetpass teams generally don't have to worry about- their Lck (with LB) is about as high as your average Secret Apo goon. If the enemy isn't minmaxing, they'll almost never see crit rates above 10 without Ruin, and if they are it makes no difference.

Of course, you could always just make a shop team instead. Plenty of people will just buy all your stuff and not fight you, you might as well sell them something useful.

Well, I'm not gonna worry about Dragonskin that much, considering it's enemy-only...and besides, who's to say there won't be an enemy that will do just as I said? I've run into plenty of StreetPass teams where there's always that one enemy that just crushes everyone else.

Of course, you could just take the easy route and pair your units up and not actually use your StreetPass team. Fine by me, but it's not as fun.

EDIT:Also, for the OP, your team is great, but perhaps you would like to give yourself a challenge and only use first-gen units? Second gen units can easily be powerful, but let's see how far you can go with only first-gen. Frankly, it works pretty well for me. Lon'qu, Kellam, Vaike, Henry, they're all great. Of course, I mix in a few second gens, who I just can't go without. Laurent, Yarne, Gerome, and of course Morgan.

Edited by Torva
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Yeah, skills like Armsthrift, Galeforce, and Lifetaker are completely useless on Streetpass teams, since there's no point in conserving weapon uses and most FE players will reset after a single character dies.

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Well, I'm not gonna worry about Dragonskin that much, considering it's enemy-only...and besides, who's to say there won't be an enemy that will do just as I said? I've run into plenty of StreetPass teams where there's always that one enemy that just crushes everyone else.

No, the point is that since your units have no Dragonskin, defense is useless. You are guaranteed to be ORKOed before you can attack if the foe is prepared. Hence why I there's not that much of a point in defensive skills.

Of course, you could just take the easy route and pair your units up and not actually use your StreetPass team. Fine by me, but it's not as fun.

You fight enemy Streetpass teams using your own Streetpass team?

That sounds... Incredibly annoying. Having to change my entire skillset/inventories around from my Apo team to my Streetpass team whenever I wanted to fight someone is slow, and it's also a waste of Forges.

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