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Return of the Emblem Chapter Thirteen: Revelations


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A Man Called Gar

"There's always hiring a ship and crashing it into the opposite bank..." Gar laughed.


"That would be true if I wasn't worried I'd get mugged when he learned I didn't actually contribute," Xenia announced.

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"Well, if you need to be drinking to have friends then, I'd say you should rethink who you want as a friend," Uniter said, simply. "And I'm not here for long, so in that sense, I don't care, But if you're lost and confused despite being in this group, I think you need to sit down and ask yourself why you're with the group, and if that still holds up now that Miss Valcyn's father has been retrieved. And go from there."


"... Yeah, I can see how that could be a problem," Ethan said, frowning. "You could still charge him for having to come here in vain, though."

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"...Alright, then," Ethan said, frowning. "Just letting you know though, that someone's already went to update the mercenaries. That might be a problem if your boss is one of them."

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“…I can wait a minute,” Kat replied, allowing Zach to remove her hand. Robin seemed to have the bottle opening taken care of herself, except not, then Uniter uncorked it anyway. Then they got into a discussion, and Veronika was still talking to Gar, and then Zach was talking to them too… This was going to take longer than a minute wasn’t it.

“Robin, if you’re not sure what to do… You could give that to me?” Kat suggested, gesturing towards the wine. It would probably be less problematic than the vodka if she wanted to stay down here and Weyland probably had the good stuff too.

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"Wouldn't put it past the bastard to extend this until she got injured again." Being on an adventure with Raj would be a nightmare but trying to rip him off was worse. "Guess I missed your messenger then. I don't think I crossed anyone along the way."

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Robin looked up at Kat. This was the moment. If she passed it off to the girl it seemed unlikely that she would get the bottle back and be sober for the rest of the night. Well...

"Here goes nothing." she said as she tilted the bottle back, taking her first swig. Her cheeks quickly chipmunked outwards as she didn't drink it all down, holding it inside of her mouth for a moment before sliding the bottle over to Kat to take a drink as she waited for a moment, hoping that, somehow, she'd get a final verdict as to if this was a good idea or not.

It was not. Almost instantly after the bottle slid over the sting of alcohol came down on her tongue with a heavy nip, causing her to lurch forwards as a small spray came forth from her mouth. She pushed away from the table out of reflex, only to try and breath in, and as the wine suddenly slid down her throat it also fell into her lungs.

Robin almost bent over to the floor, coughing hard as she tried to clear her lungs, but the deed was done. It... It wasn't as bad as she thought it would be though. The wine, despite having her almost on the floor coughing hard to get it out of her lungs, hadn't been that bad and had actually been kinda nice...


Except for when droplets were flying out of her lungs and onto the ground.

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"We should keep in mind that the Neviskotian navy won't like unidentified vessels coming their way either- it could get ugly," Veronika admitted, before her attention was drawn to Robin coughing and sputtering. Mercy watch over that girl... "Just take it slow, Robin," Veronika advised as best she could, although this was probably doomed to failure.

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"Woah there," Uniter said, all but about to run over to the other side of the table. Robin had clearly taken too large of a swig, due to the wine she was coughing up. "You going to be alright?"


"Sounds like you'll be stuck around her for a few days, then, because I doubt she'll be awake before then," Ethan said, before word of the messenger's absence was shared. "Huh. Maybe she went the other way, then."

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Dining Hall

Gabbie held out her finger in the direction she'd last sensed the scythe wielding bodyguard. Steinn had been on the roof, so pointing out his general direction would have been little more than confusing, but with the bodyguard, it seemed more appropriate. Gabbie had no trouble discerning distance, but she'd yet to visit every single room in the main building ... her knowledge of the layout wasn't truly complete, yet. Because of this, it wouldn't always possible to name someone's exact location. Fortunately the bodyguard seemed to still be out in the halls.

... and fortunately, for Gabbie at least, after Robin's spit and coughing fit, she'd seen enough to leave the scene and go deliver Connor's dinner. She hoped she'd get there before it got cold or ... some loose flying wine splattered it. Hers too. "That's it, I'm gone," she said, making for the entrance at a brisk pace.

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Gabbie only pointed, before departing, but it was all she could really ask for, Arietta figured. Exiting to the hallways in the general direction that the woman had indicated, she began looking for the scythe-wielder.


And after a short amount of time, Isabella had completed the food offering, though it appeared that Gabbie had walked off in the meantime... no matter, really. With Uniter here, keeping tabs on her wouldn't be an issue if it was necessary.

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"yes." wheezed out Robin as, with one final cough, she cleared her lungs. Pulled herself back upright, sliding back into the seat, her hands went up to her head, sliding into her hair.

"Sorry. I... I did not think that would happen." she said as her cheeks flushed a bright red from embarrassment. "I made an ass out of myself again, did I? I am sorry. I... I just wanted to try and change from the cranky old Robin who was always alone to try and be with you guys."

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“Or… not,” Kat mumbled as Robin took a swig straight from the bottle. “Oh!” But no! The bottle was then slid over to her, which Katrina picked up with all the grace of a normally graceless person made less graceful by the addition of alcohol. Once it was finally within her grasp though, everything else went to shit, with Robin nearly choking to death on the wine she hadn’t spit out over the table.

Katrina gingerly placed the wine bottle back on the table. “I don’t think I want it anymore. S'clearly cursed,” she stated simply.

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Luckily for Arietta, it didn't take her long to find the bodyguard in question, wandering about the halls seemingly at random, snacking on another plate of jerky... Arietta wondered just how many of those things this girl had gone through so far, but with how scarce supplies were over in fallen country, she couldn't really blame her...

"Aye, I heard that Steinn was up on th'roof... Boss n'Ernesta were wonderin' where he got to so I went t'look fer 'im, but... do y'know why he's up there?" She asked, catching Annelise' attention.

"He simply said that he wanted to get some air and relax, and that seemed a good place... would you like me to deliver a message to him?" Annelise replied, tilting her head slightly as she was addressed, as she stopped snacking for the time being.

"Mmm... didn't leave any specific messages 'er nothin'... I guess just ask 'im if he can atleast let Boss or one'a the zeroes know if he's gonna go off somewhere, aye?" Arietta responded... she wasn't used to people aside from executives being this... cordial. Well, it wasn't a huge deal.

"Very well, I can deliver that message. Was there anything else?" The scythe wielder replied, opening a nearby window to fly out of.

"Naw, that'd be all... thanks." Arietta concluded, giving a wave back at the woman as she took off, heading back towards the dining area.


It didn't take long to reach where Steinn was standing atop the roof, Annelise landing behind him, and clearing her throat to announce her presence.

"Lord Devlinos?"

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Sure enough, when she returned, Connor was neither passed out over his work, nor gnawing on any spare parts like a starving animal. Probably for the best, that latter one. "Oi," she tried to get his attention as she approached with the tray, two fresh paninis sitting safely on it. Suddenly something dawned on her and the realization caused her to stop for a brief second. Forgot some water, she irritably thought to herself. Gabbie had never really needed drinks to go with her meals, but making that assumption about Connor without even realizing it until now didn't sit well with her. It was something that could easily be blamed on her own haste, she supposed, and hardly worth worrying about, now.

Deciding to wait and see if the young heir to the estate and company would even notice or care, she took a seat beside him. "Take whichever," she muttered. "And then go to sleep," she added authoritatively, though it didn't come close to the tone Anna or Ernesta would have taken.


"Yes?" Steinn replied to Annelise, only tilting his head slightly in her direction. It wasn't exactly lonely up on the main building's roof. There was at least one sniper for every corner's edge, though usually two since the attacks on the estate began becoming commonplace. They had put up their own form of shade, what looked to him like cheap canopies made of a firm but flexible canvass, meant only to protect from the weather. The Fallen Prince hadn't bothered striking up conversation with any of them, though. They had their jobs to tend to and he had a lot of thinking to do: strategies, contingency plans, a future in which the kestrelii people were scattered all over the place, trying to eke out a living like the dark avians of old had to ... and not being even remotely welcomed by the general populace.

All of that could wait for a moment, though. "What is it?"

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"One of Sir Weyland's bodyguards approached me... it appears that they were wondering where you had gotten off to." Annelise replied, lowering her head in a bow before doing so.

"At the bodyguard's interpretation, it would be preferred if you were to inform Sir Weyland or one of his higher ups if you are to step out for refreshment, so that they might be aware not to expect you about, or so it would seem. It would also seem that the men perched up here did not relay that information back, so it was likely a more isolated search."

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"Well, you could always go talk to him about the job," Ethan offered. "If only because I imagine that group might gain other injuries in the meantime, due to their line of work."


"I wouldn't say that. Just use a glass next time," Uniter said, before returning to his observation of the dining hall entrances. Maybe the Wrathite had turned in for the night.

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"Oh, thanks!" Connor replied to Gabbie, taking the panini on the left and biting into it. "Thish ish pretty good," he said approvingly before swallowing. "What time is it anyway?" he asked Gabbie. It was morning when I started I think- but going to bed in the middle of the day would be weird...

Dining Hall

The matter of transport to Neviskotia did not appear to be resolving itself, so Veronika moved back to where Uniter was talking to Robin. I may as well talk to him now, he may not be around later.

"So you are 'Uniter' then? Isabella told me that you sent orders to watch over me," she said.

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"Yes, in the event that you ended up having to have to take up arms, she was there to cover you and the others," Uniter said, glancing towards Isabella. "Evidently that wasn't necessary, as you managed to leave without incident."

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"But why me? I don't believe we've ever met before- it seems like an odd decision," Veronika prodded Uniter. While I'm glad these people aren't our enemies, their reluctance to disclose their purpose fully makes me a bit suspicious...

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"I think it's after eight," Gabbie said, setting the tray aside once she had the last panini in hand. "I didn't bother checking the toime, though."


"Weyland had no reason to suspect I would be up here on the roof," Steinn nodded, "likewise, these men are only to report on suspicious activity; they know not to jump at the sight of us," he explained.

Looking out at the surrounding landscape, only other large estates were in view, though most of them were specks in the distance, all surrounding Europa, a little ways to the east. "I haven't seen a single structure to rival anything in Corvus. The construction materials probably prohibit anything larger than that 'grand cathedral' of theirs. It isn't going to take much to level the whole city once Valdimarr's armies are done with it," he noted with a remorseful shake of his head. The skyscrapers of Corvus were made of solid stone, with crucial sections bonded by dark magic. Even a brutal pounding by siege weapons caused little more than superficial damage. They were made to last indefinitely, and while they may have looked like mountain sized termite mounds, each was as strong as any castle erected by human hands. Each was essentially a serviceable fortress. That was why the Kigenese would never take Tartarus, and that was why no matter how many fallen fell by their blades and magic, they would keep rising again after only a brief period.

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"I'd disagree with never having met before," Uniter said, looking out towards the dining hall's entrance. "But more to the point, it isn't an odd decision when one considers that you're the second in command and I didn't know Miss Valcyn's condition at the time. I was somewhat busy at the time."

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