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What was your Reaction, in Smash bros tralier?

Tide of Waves

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All my YES to Robin.

Lucina is nice, but i was expecting her to be a clone and she seems to be so far.

Still hoping Lyn would get in there, she could be iaido styled to give her a different playstyle. And with a bow she could have some mix up going on.

Edited by Deshiva
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Still hoping Lyn would get in there, she could be iaido styled to give her a different playstyle. And with a bow she could have some mix up going on.

She was confirmed as an assist trophy months ago. :/

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I'm not sure why people keep expecting the FE characters to use their secondary weapons when they're only ever portrayed as their base class. Ike is his Hero form and Lucina is base Lord; why would they use the weapons that they acquire on promotion when they take the appearance of the unpromoted class? That's a bit silly to me. Nah, they're known for their one weapon, and that's probably all they would use if they were in.

Edited by BANRYU
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Maybe because PoR Ike, despite being in his Ranger outfit, wielded Ragnell in Brawl when he never actually used it in his game until he promoted?

Edited by Anacybele
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I'm not sure why people keep expecting the FE characters to use their secondary weapons when they're only ever portrayed as their base class. Ike is his Hero form and Lucina is base Lord; why would they use the weapons that they acquire on promotion when they take the appearance of the unpromoted class? That's a bit silly to me. Nah, they're known for their one weapon, and that's probably all they would use if they were in.

Robin uses Nosferatu. Sakurai specifically stated that he sometimes goes a bit further than a character's base abilities to better represent aspects of their game (something like that). FE characters using weapons from promoted classes would be nothing in comparison.
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It's a shame I havent been on this forum in awhile. My reaction was complete joy. I got both characters I wanted from FE, and my two most wanted characters to boot. Sure, Lucina's a clone, but that won't stop me from using her as my main.

I think it's the best trailer by far and it elevate Robin and Lucina in its reveal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Robin uses Nosferatu. Sakurai specifically stated that he sometimes goes a bit further than a character's base abilities to better represent aspects of their game (something like that). FE characters using weapons from promoted classes would be nothing in comparison.

I suppose that's true, but in the case of characters like the ones I listed, it also makes sense for them to only use the weapon that they're known for, since every FE character BUT Robin has a legendary weapon exclusive to him or her-- that's what they're known for, right? I could certainly be wrong, but nothing we've seen so far (at least as far as current characters go) seem to suggest that I might be, at least as far as physical weapons are concerned. And even though Fire Emblem treats tomes and swords basically the same way, ultimately magic and swords aren't the same thing, so that strikes me as the kind of thing that's more likely to happen with magical characters (and it has).

When you're designing a moveset for someone who wields... for instance, an axe, ultimately they're bound to wind up feeling similar to Ike in terms of weight and strength. Do axes and swords fight very differently? Of course, as someone in this topic or some other one discussed a while ago, but sword/axefighting IRL is a different story than designing characters for a 2D fighting game. Since we already have a heavy-sword user, I question whether an axe-user would bring anything unique (and we know from Chrom's disclusion that Sakurai IS looking for characters with a unique gimmick or playstyle that can add something new, as I think all of the newcomers 'cept Lucina prove).

A spear-user might be slightly more varied and original, but I can't help but wonder the same thing nonetheless.

Ultimately, I think it really depends on the character: whether or not they're relevant enough to be added in the first place, (as Hector and Ephraim seem to have been decided not to be) and whether or not they can bring anything unique to the table in addition to the weapons they wield. (That's why Robin was in after all, right?) *shrug*

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