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Specific Battle Conversations

Master Awesome

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Hey y'all.

This is by no means a specific question, so prepare yourselves. So yeah...I don't really get how to "do" specific battle conversations. I get event ID's and all that jazz. Bottom line is I want to simply add specific battle conversations (make some more along with fe7's). It's hex editing right? Maybe? No?


So how do I do it? I've read tutorials n' stuff, but I seem to be missing the big picture. Some points in the right direction would be much appreciated. (Or if you could just slap me awake, that would also work).

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You'll need to use a Nightmare Module called the "Specified Battle Convo Editor". Looks like this:


Fairly self explanatory. Just set who the conversation is between and in what chapter. The text id is the text slot that'll get pulled up (Edit that with FEditor). The trigger ID is the event ID that's tied to the conversation (if it's 0x00 the convo will play every time those 2 characters fight). Don't ask me about the event data pointer though. Never used it and it's not necessary for a basic conversation.

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Hmm... Well, I'm familiar with that. I know how most of the module works. My question is how do I add more "slots"? If I'm already using all the ones in the module, can I create more conversations? I'm assuming there's a way to do it outside of the module, but maybe there isn't.

Thanks for your help Primefusion. Any further stuff would be much appreciated.

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