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Gerome by Vaike or Frederick? (and help on my pairings xD)

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Ive been going back and forth for this one: but can anyone suggest which father, from the two, would be the best choice for Gerome?

Sorry Im new on FE a bit and my pairings so far are


LibraxLissa (should I do a Ricken ?)


MirielxLonQ (already married)

DonnelxSully (already married)




MuxLucina or Aversa?

I cant do anything for the ones who are married now xD but please give me some extra insight. I just want to understand and also find a final decision rather than charging into my doom xD

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Unless you have some REALLY SPECIFIC use in mind for Morgan having Dark Blessing... what the hell was it in English... Shadowgift?

Or looking to have a good time if you know what I mean...

...then you're better off marrying MaMU to Lucina for the 100% Dual Attack Rate and Aether.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Vaike as a father for Gerome gives huge Attack and HP boosts to Gerome. Seriously. Pair them up in battle in addition...my current unpromoted Gerome has 47 Attack in that case.

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Unless you have some REALLY SPECIFIC use in mind for Morgan having Dark Blessing... what the hell was it in English... Shadowgift?Or looking to have a good time if you know what I mean......then you're better off marrying MaMU to Lucina for the 100% Dual Attack Rate and Aether.

Oof I need to read more on this ugh, honestly I didnt think FE was going to make me this frantic xD

Would you by any chance, have input on FredxGerome or vaike?

(Maybe a good time was wHt I was look for with Av---

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Vaike as a father for Gerome gives huge Attack and HP boosts to Gerome. Seriously. Pair them up in battle in addition...my current unpromoted Gerome has 47 Attack in that case.

Oh wow okay thank you so much xD

What final class did you leave Gerome at?

I would go for Vaike, for Berserker!Gerome.That configuration, IIRC, has the biggest non-MU STR mod.

I saw this before t n t until someo darn argument on gamefaqs went off about Gerome being better as wyvlord t n t

It totally threw me out of focus xD

Would Frederick still be of any use to anyone now?!?!

Oh wow okay thank you so much xD

What final class did you leave Gerome at?

Wait sorryxD just noticed yousaid "unpromoted" sorry xD and thank you once again! Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I used Frederick since Vaike gives Mercenary as a inheritable class to females, if you want someone with Armsthrift who is a female character and/or Sol. Vaike is the best father. Otherwise Gerome would benefit from the modifiers.

Edited by Zephyr
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I saw this before t n t until someo darn argument on gamefaqs went off about Gerome being better as wyvlord t n t

It totally threw me out of focus xD

Would Frederick still be of any use to anyone now?!?!

GameFAQs users aren't terribly reputable, FYI. Whoever said he's best as a Wyvern was either talking about a niche scenario, and aesthetics run, or has very strange priorities.

Vaike!Gerome is pretty much universally better because Frederick!Gerome has no Faires. His final class is usually Berserker.

I used Frederick since Vaike gives Mercenary as a inheritable class to females, if you want someone with Armsthrift who is a female character and/or Sol. Vaike is the best father. Otherwise Gerome would benefit from the modifiers.

And who exactly is going to inherit Vaike's AT? He can't go on Cynthia or Lucina, Severa and Morgan already have it, and putting him on Kjelle/Noire robs one of them of Galeforce, and Nah is almost always better going magical.

Vaike's female inheritance set is certainly awesome, but there's nobody who can actually use it. Severa comes the closest (she gets Luna, Axefaire and high Str) but she still has Merc overlap.

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I used Frederick since Vaike gives Mercenary as a inheritable class to females, if you want someone with Armsthrift who is a female character and/or Sol. Vaike is the best father. Otherwise Gerome would benefit from the modifiers.

Oof but I read that Vaike would only be good for Sully if I dont pair him with Cherche? Or is there another optimal pairi--- wait I did see a Vaike and Nowi. Is a Merc Nah good?? O.o

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Vaike can go on Cherche, Nowi, Cordelia, and Panne without any ill effects (though Severa won't get Wyvern with Vaike). All other pairings for him (including Sully) either have major modifier conflicts or are missing some critical class.

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Vaike can go on Cherche, Nowi, Cordelia, and Panne without any ill effects (though Severa won't get Wyvern with Vaike). All other pairings for him (including Sully) either have major modifier conflicts or are missing some critical class.

Thank you so much :) noted

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Both Fred!Gerome and Vaike!Gerome lack accuracy boost.

For power, Frederick!Gerome (Str+6, Class+0, Faire-5, Total+1) < Virion!Gerome (Str+4, Class-2, Faire+0, Total+2) <<< Vaike!Gerome (Str+7, Class+0, Faire+0, Total+7)

So Vaike!Gerome is definitely better.

Edited by MelonGx
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