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How do you choose your wife/husband?


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Not sure if this has been made before or not, but one of my friends and I were talking about this earlier and I thought it'd be a nice discussion thread. (No bashing please. Let's try to act at least half our ages.)

EDIT: Sorry, my brother decided to be a jerk and takeover my laptop when I was on the phone. -_-+
Feel free to delete this or whatever.

Edited by Rohesia
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I like to think about a potential wife's positive qualities, such as if she can cook and keep quiet for long enough every day to not drive me completely insane. Crocheting is a plus, and I suppose looking kawaii is a thing too. I'm more into pettanko than big chest though and- wait, this is FEA marriages? Oops.

Edited by Kloknihater
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There is an identical thread to this not halfway down the firsr page of the Awakening boards.

No, there are dozens of topics down this page related to this exact subject. It's stupid how rehashed the topics in the FEA section are getting.
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