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No Shops Run


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Okay, starting over. Sorry for stopping for two days.


MaMU Geir

Build 1/Face 1/Hair 2/Hair Color 9/Voice 1

+ Strength - Luck

Paired Lissa with Chrom, Fred with Geir. Unequipped Fred and killed everything with Thunder while keeping Chrom out of range. For the boss, I paired unequipped Chrom with the Avatar with Lissa and Fred below and left of him.

Thunder is at 24. Heal is at 27. Rapier, Silver Lance, Bronze Sword, and both Vulneraries are unused.

Level HP Strength Magic Skill Speed Luck Defense Resistance
Chrom 1.00 20 7 1 8 8 5 7 1
Geir 7.64 23 10 8 10 9 4 8 6
Frederick 1.00 28 13 2 12 10 6 14 3
Lissa 1.60 17 1 5 4 4 8 3 4

Thanks again for the table, Rey.

Edited by isetrh
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I suppose the code doesn't work in spoilers?

Unit       Level    HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Chrom       1.00    20   07   01   08   08   05   07   01
Geir        7.64    23   10   08   10   09   04   08   06
Frederick   1.00    28   13   02   12   10   06   14   03
Lissa       1.60    17   01   05   04   04   08   03   04

Unit       Level    HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Chrom       1.00    20   07   01   08   08   05   07   01
Geir        7.64    23   10   08   10   09   04   08   06
Frederick   1.00    28   13   02   12   10   06   14   03
Lissa       1.60    17   01   05   04   04   08   03   04

Weird... it works for me.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Up to Grima on Lunatic wouldn't be a huge deal. Many of my runs involve just using stuff pilfered off of the dead or the units that I'm going to be benching. When unit stats make up the greater majority of damage dealt, even Bronze junk is usable against even late game enemies (I routinely have Great Lord Chrom supporting with pilfired Iron and Steel Lances and that's typically overkill). The main thing it would change for the non-Grima parts of my own runs would be I wouldn't be able to buy mass Wind tomes and Hand Axes. +Def Avatar is pretty close to invincible against most enemies, though, so it would mostly just make the run a bit slower because 2-range enemies would need to be cleaned up on player phase.

Without Falchion, Grima would be a drawn-out affair. There's no enemies that drop brave type weapons, not even Waste, so the player would likely need to pick off all the healers to prevent Grima from getting healed. There's a very small timing window where waves don't contain healers, so Grima would need to be bursted down on one of those turns. I'm almost thinking a VV build would be necessary to even come close to putting out enough damage.

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Eh, if you could manipulate a Vengeance Crit he'd go down fast.

That's kind of the plan (I might have gotten a little overenthusiastic and started a run last night just to see), though it's not going to be particularly probable. Even using Ruin, I think I'm going to be playing the reset button a bunch. According to my calculations, I may need to score two crits on the same enemy phase in order to burst him and stop him from getting heals. It really depends on where the AI's threshold for starting to heal is.

The ideal sequence is that I Galeforce through a Zerker and end turn next to Grima with Valflame, then I want Grima to proc Ignis and Chrom not to guard it. This will allow some damage that hopefully won't push into the healing threshold. I'll also be in VV range, which should result in any of the mooks getting blown up. Next turn, swap to Ruin, use a Concoction, then pick a god and pray. Grima needs to land yet another Ignis, then one of my two counterattacks needs to be a crit and that should be just enough for a kill. If Valflame doesn't work out (triggers healing), both Ruins will need to crit.

Anyway, the run is almost definitely possible on Lunatic, even with semi-YOLOing on my part. I've got the run to chapter 19 and I think items drops should be enough to close up (especially after chapter 18 spewed a whole ton of med-high quality gear at me), so long as I Galeforce rush bosses when I can. The roughest was at the start when weapons drops were sparse and trying to level through Tactician, Myrmidon, Dark Mage and Sorcerer put a major strain on my sword and tome stock. I had to promote Chrom earlier than usual so he could use lances to keep the run going. I had to tap into part of my Ruin uses in order to get Sorcerer into range of reclassing to Dark Flier in chapter 15. I also wasn't planning on going through Hero, but being tier 1 for so long left my stats a bit behind, so I needed Sol to keep my healing item stock from imploding, not to mention all the untapped axe uses.

Hilarious thought: I'd never been so happy to see the paralogue 3 Log drop. :P

PS to TC: Sorry about going nuts on your idea like this. >.>

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VVing Grima is one of those funny situations where Lunatic+ actually becomes easier than Lunatic: you can Galeforce a mook with Counter to assist in setting up your HP.

Another thought about this run, you can get a Spd tonic in Owain's paralogue. That might come in handy.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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I've been humbled a bit by seeing all the thought you guys have put into this. So apparently the run isn't even all that hard with the restrictions I decided on. Really, I shouldn't have even tried Lunatic at first, considering I can barely do Lunatic at all. I think I have learned my place a bit from this experience. I will complete the run for fun, but I'm going to stop doing the playlog. Anyway, you guys are amazing. Maybe I'll try doing a playlog again at some later date, once I'm better at FE.

That's kind of the plan (I might have gotten a little overenthusiastic and started a run last night just to see), though it's not going to be particularly probable. Even using Ruin, I think I'm going to be playing the reset button a bunch. According to my calculations, I may need to score two crits on the same enemy phase in order to burst him and stop him from getting heals. It really depends on where the AI's threshold for starting to heal is.

The ideal sequence is that I Galeforce through a Zerker and end turn next to Grima with Valflame, then I want Grima to proc Ignis and Chrom not to guard it. This will allow some damage that hopefully won't push into the healing threshold. I'll also be in VV range, which should result in any of the mooks getting blown up. Next turn, swap to Ruin, use a Concoction, then pick a god and pray. Grima needs to land yet another Ignis, then one of my two counterattacks needs to be a crit and that should be just enough for a kill. If Valflame doesn't work out (triggers healing), both Ruins will need to crit.

Anyway, the run is almost definitely possible on Lunatic, even with semi-YOLOing on my part. I've got the run to chapter 19 and I think items drops should be enough to close up (especially after chapter 18 spewed a whole ton of med-high quality gear at me), so long as I Galeforce rush bosses when I can. The roughest was at the start when weapons drops were sparse and trying to level through Tactician, Myrmidon, Dark Mage and Sorcerer put a major strain on my sword and tome stock. I had to promote Chrom earlier than usual so he could use lances to keep the run going. I had to tap into part of my Ruin uses in order to get Sorcerer into range of reclassing to Dark Flier in chapter 15. I also wasn't planning on going through Hero, but being tier 1 for so long left my stats a bit behind, so I needed Sol to keep my healing item stock from imploding, not to mention all the untapped axe uses.

Hilarious thought: I'd never been so happy to see the paralogue 3 Log drop. :P

PS to TC: Sorry about going nuts on your idea like this. >.>

No need to apologize. You've spent much more time on this than I have. If you or anyone else would like to take the idea and do a playlog instead of me, please do. You will probably do a much better job than I would have.

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No need to apologize. You've spent much more time on this than I have. If you or anyone else would like to take the idea and do a playlog instead of me, please do. You will probably do a much better job than I would have.

All right, still, thanks for being a good sport about it. I've got some general notes I've thrown together that I can probably build into a skeleton resembling a playlog given time. This was mostly a proof-of-concept run for me, so I didn't keep much detail, although the greater majority of the run being "Get Robin to murder everything while minimizing weapon usage."

VVing Grima is one of those funny situations where Lunatic+ actually becomes easier than Lunatic: you can Galeforce a mook with Counter to assist in setting up your HP.

Another thought about this run, you can get a Spd tonic in Owain's paralogue. That might com in handy.

That is actually pretty funny. I ended up not needing it, though, as the mooks were only too happy to beat up on poor Robin. The Speed Tonic was also unnecessary because I ran a +Spd/-Luk Robin. Here's a quick rundown of what I used:

Sorcerer Robin with a skillset of Vantage, Vengeance, Hex, Anathema and Galeforce and wielding Ruin. This setup had 49 attack, which is 0 displayed damage on Grima. So I had to be injured to even do any kind of damage. 46% displayed crit meant I could reasonably depend on it, though.

Things didn't go down at all how I envisioned with the AI not behaving quite how I wanted it to. The successful run was really messy, but I don't care, because it worked.

Here's a general blow-by-blow, scribbled down during my post-victory high:

-Ran up and Mired a Zerker for no reason.

-Valflame said Zerker to Galeforce through.

-Moved beside Grima, swap to Ruin and Concoction to full.

-Grima attacked, landed Ignis for 48.

-Robin countered, landed a Vengeance crit, then a regular hit. Chrom hit for a whole 3 damage with Gradivus. Grima’s HP: 56

-Enemy healed Grima up to 86.

-Mooks converged on Robin… dunno what did what to her since I had action skip on, but she ended up with 18 HP left.

-I decided to go for broke and just flat out attack. Crit once for 39, then miss. Not sure if Chrom hit. The important thing is that he dual guarded Grima’s Ignis, though.

-Enemy phase, not sure what’s up with the AI here, as it usually tries to swarm Robin with mooks if she’s under half, but Grima decided to go in first.

-Robin VVs, crits for 39 again, still not enough for a kill.

-Grima attacked and… missed! (Yay, 66 displayed hit)

-Robin decides there is no kill like overkill and crits again. GG.

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Another thought: If Avatar passes Solidarity down to Lucina, she can be used as a pairup instead of Chrom against Grima for a free 10 extra crit.

Actually, she'll inherit decent Mag thanks to having Avatar as a parent, so she might have a Mag pairup boost as well, even untrained. And if you can spare a Second Seal for her, she can go Mage for even more +Mag.

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