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What is your favorite/least favorite class costume design?

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Nor would I expect you too, I think his clothes look cool but that's not reason enough to bear his children.

There are four reasons why I won't marry him, but his clothes are a minor one.

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I like Lissa's sage outfit a lot. Myrmidon, Swordmaster, (Lucina) Lord, Tactician, Dread Fighter, and Taguel are all pretty cool too in my opinion.

I dislike...a lot. Knight, General, Conqueror, Great Knight, and most of all, Mercenary/Hero. Man, Mercenaries/Heroes disappointed me, they're usually one of my favorites.

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I like Dread Fighter and male Dark Knight and Swordmaster and Valkyrie

I don't like Knight/General and every female mounted class that doesn't wear proper pants and Fighter (I'm fine with Warrior though)

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I like Lissa's sage outfit a lot. Myrmidon, Swordmaster, (Lucina) Lord, Tactician, Dread Fighter, and Taguel are all pretty cool too in my opinion.

I dislike...a lot. Knight, General, Conqueror, Great Knight, and most of all, Mercenary/Hero. Man, Mercenaries/Heroes disappointed me, they're usually one of my favorites.

Sage Lissa = Emmeryn

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Makes sense. If you look at the art of Emmeryn when she was 14 (just barely younger than Lissa at the beginning of the game), she looks pretty much identical except a less expressive face and her ponytails are a bit closer to her head.

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There are four reasons why I won't marry him, but his clothes are a minor one.

Ha, I know. I'm just razzing you a bit. It makes sense in this context as it's a game but it's still wierd too see "his clothes look goofy so I won't marry him."

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Favourite: gotto be tactican, myrmidon & Nah!mankete, beeing adorable.

Least: Any armored unit not Chrom!greatlord or grandmaster, and Nowi & Tiki, and the Taguel, and I thought the mages were a downgrade(not braches, just mages), and the dark mages and sorcs.

there is probably more for both cathegories I can't remember.

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I'm still scratching my head as to how those pantsless female riders aren't having their legs fall off from all the chafing. It's not just unnecessary fanservice or even a bad idea in combat, it's flat out not humanly possible.

Oh, if individual character designs count, DLC!Micaiah's artist should be fired. I'm not too happy with DLC!Celica either, and DLC!Roy looks like a generic RPG hero.

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Oh, if individual character designs count, DLC!Micaiah's artist should be fired. I'm not too happy with DLC!Celica either, and DLC!Roy looks like a generic RPG hero.

They should've gotten someone else to do Ike's art too. His outfit is cool, but he was NEVER that scrawny and short, even in PoR. And that sword arm, wtf.

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Hey now, DLC Micaiah was done by the artist of Fate/Extra. That's some good art, right there.

He wasn't the one who designed the Black Mage outfit, after all.

Seliph and Celica's artists took some heavy liberties with the class outfits, no reason Micaiah couldn't have gotten those too.

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Oh, and as long as we're on the topic of DLC designs, I found Ephraim's to be the best by far. That armor is just SWEEET. :D And he's looking badass just standing there holding his lance with a face that says "Time to pwn this shit."

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Hey now, DLC Micaiah was done by the artist of Fate/Extra. That's some good art, right there.

He wasn't the one who designed the Black Mage outfit, after all.

Yeah, sure. If she'd designed Micaiah's DLC outfit it'd be even worse.

I mean, this is the same artist that gave us Passionlip.

[spoiler=May be considered NSFW]


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I still think the classes looked best back as 2D sprites in the earlier FE games. But, that's probably because the 3D FE games have had rather low quality graphics and were a bit unappealing. A 2D sprite has a unique art style I can appreciate. These 3D models are... meh... In that regard I really have no favorite class design, but I greatly displeased with how the general turned out.

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My favorite class designs are obviously the Swordmasters. They look like badass samurais. The thief branch classes are pretty cool too. The Dread Fighter is probably the coolest in my own opinion. For the females, I loved Miriel and Lissa's sage clothing (mostly because of that cut part showing their leg). That, and the Pegasus Knight and Dark Flier armor, mostly because I'm into skirts with garters or knee-high boots.

I've gotta agree that the knight/general designs were kind of a let down. No pneumatic chain axes or lances :(. Also, I hate the Male Dark Mage/Sorcerer garbs (mostly because I always see Spotpass people have Henry as one(no offense to anyone who likes Henry)). It's like they're into some weird BDSM as well as stockings with a kilt... like some Sadomasochistic Irish.

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the fate/extra artist is a good colorist, but has an awful grasp of human anatomy

stylisations happen when the person knows what they're doing and it looks coherent, bad anatomy just looks bad

As far as mounted units go and certain foot units (as shit as Lucia is as a unit, I love her design) I like tellius the best, personally

artistically though I appreciate FE8 artwork the most, the color usage is absolutely gorgeous and there's only like, 1 case where I can see a significant mistake

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Ha, I know. I'm just razzing you a bit. It makes sense in this context as it's a game but it's still wierd too see "his clothes look goofy so I won't marry him."

Yeah I figured that was the case -despite it being tricky to read emotions through a screen.

And I'm weird by nature (some call me a Cloud Cuckoolander(?)) so it's nothing new from me. x)

While we're talking about designs and Chrom though, can we talk about his Great Lord design?

First time I saw it I thought, "Chrom…are you seriously wearing the emblem as a shield?...That's just asking for it to get stolen."

[spoiler=Game Spoiler!]Aaaand wouldn't you know it, it did get stolen -when he was still GL too. x'D Sorry Chrom but not really my fault.

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the fate/extra artist is a good colorist, but has an awful grasp of human anatomy

stylisations happen when the person knows what they're doing and it looks coherent, bad anatomy just looks bad

As far as mounted units go and certain foot units (as shit as Lucia is as a unit, I love her design) I like tellius the best, personally

artistically though I appreciate FE8 artwork the most, the color usage is absolutely gorgeous and there's only like, 1 case where I can see a significant mistake

I know. I like Takeuchi's promotional art for EXTRA far more than Wada's official art.

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I'm a huge fan of Takeuchi's artistic style.

I personally like my beloved Cordelia in Falcon Knight attire. Also, Frederick's GK armor is pretty boss.

I don't like the Wyvern Rider (and promos) armor, because it looks a bit awkward.

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I don't think anyone is going to dispute that the GBA games had the best sprites/models and also probably the best character design.

While the GBA character designs had a nice sense of functionality, the Awakening character designs did a great job of showcasing character personality. It depends on what you preferm but I like Awakening's character designs more.

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I don't think Sully's or Kjelle's designs suit the characters outside of their hairstyle for starters

perhaps you're thinking of their in-portrait postures, most of the outfits don't really do much for the personality considering they're mostly glorified class outfits anyway, but poses go a long way in showcasing personality. You can't quite do that with the mugshots in GBA due to space limitations unfortunately and it's a lot harder to convey personality with just a bust shot than having the full use of the upper body and arms to further convey body language.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I'm still scratching my head as to how those pantsless female riders aren't having their legs fall off from all the chafing. It's not just unnecessary fanservice or even a bad idea in combat, it's flat out not humanly possible.

Oh, if individual character designs count, DLC!Micaiah's artist should be fired. I'm not too happy with DLC!Celica either, and DLC!Roy looks like a generic RPG hero.

On the topic of DLC I gotta hand it to DLC Katarina. She really looks badass. Oh wait, wasn't it Awakening's original artist that drew her? I love his art. I think the characters designs in this game are straight up amazing buuut the Armor itself is severely lacking.

DLC Ephraim is great too.

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