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Zeithri fthagn


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I am Zeithri ( Ways to pronounce; See-three, Se-i-tri, C-3, Ze-i-th-ri - Pick your choosing ).

I've been stumbling over this forum from time to time but I finally decided to register here yesterday. I think my main reason for this was sociability and perhaps gain better knowledge of how Fire Emblem hacking works as a tutorial I have is must mindbogglingly annoying. I'd like to get it out of the way that, I do have massive issues with the Fire Emblem series but I also obviously like it because otherwise I wouldn't look around for it every now and then and play the games. After all, no franchise is perfect (except perhaps Wizards & Warriors?).

My preferred class in the Fire Emblem games is the Dark Mage / Shaman to Sorcerer / Druid.

Much to my dismay, there's little to no interesting characters who tend to be these characters so I've attempted to use codebreaker codes to create my own unit...

This has gone.. with mixed success.

When it comes to my favorite Fire Emblem game, on a preliminary thought I can only say Genealogy of the Holy War ( Thracia is counted in here due to same universe and timeline ).

It's so dark it makes the other Fire Emblem games run away. And I love dark, depressing, melancholic storylines in games where the lines of good and evil is blurred.

Again, an issue with Fire Emblem games - Good guys are pretty, bad guys are evil. The bad guy in FE4? Hot. :D: As is the grey-zoned woman Ishtar.

Not only that, certain attacks have a much longer range in this game compared to many other games. I wish Archers had more like an 8-range to hit so they at least felt somewhat threatening as they should be.

But I ramble! Let me ramble about me instead.

I have a twitter. I write a bunch of crap there. Sometimes good crap. If you like reading crap, you should follow me.

I have a tumblr, I try to write more quality crap there and sometimes I even post something interesting.

I have a steam, but I'd prefer it if you wish to befriend me to first talk to me through PM's so that you don't add me, find out that you absolutely hate me, and then stop talking.

I have a youtube where I enjoy uploading video play through's of games. Voiceless so far but I've been thinking of making some let's play like videos. Just that I'm not terribly interested in making such.

I like dogs, my favorite dog is probably the Golden Retriever due to their characteristic cute smile.

I've had dogs all my life, from golden retrievers (grandmother) to collies (another grandmother), to wolf hybrid, waterdog hybrids and so forth.

Dogs see me as the Keeper of Om noms.

I like cats. Especially fluffy purring ones that are talkative with their meo-meows.

Again, had cats all my life. Even though I am allergic, I will pet them. Meow.

I have an interest in the Occult and that is something I do read into.

I am not religious. I accept religious people but not the religion itself. Can be interesting to read for stories I hear.

I am not an atheist and if people ask me if I believe in Gods, my answer is Maltheism.

My political standpoint is more akin to Anarchy, believing in the Good of people to do right and just.

But my belief in people themselves is far more negative so in the end, I just have zero care for politics.

My preferred music is, I guess, Melodic Metal or perhaps.. Let's call it Bardic Metal (Blind Guardian) and video game soundtracks.

Otherwise I listen to random stuff as well like Weird Al, funny dude. And just general 80's heavy metal. Always nice.

And I've played a lot of video games, and watched a lot of movies, and I do try to keep track of them in separate lists.

I guess that's all!

Don't be afraid of PM'ing me.

What you don't ask you'll never know.

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Wow, you really went out of your way to introduce yourself!

Though I gotta admit, Lyon is pretty hot, as are Selena, Brunya, Ursula, Limstella... Yeah, nice looking evil people tend to be gals in FE, don't they?

Anyway...[spoiler=I Welcome you]lvdVy1j.jpg

Edited by Sylveon Lord
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Very interesting. I shall be looking forward to any hack projects!

Welcome to Serenes Forest. Don't get lost and enjoy your stay!

I don't think I'm all that capable of hack projects but, it'd be interesting if I ever got to that level.


Welcome to Serenes Forest! You told a lot about yourself. Enjoy your time here!

Many thanks.

Hey there, and welcome. If you're trying to change a unit, then using Nightmare and modules may be easier instead of Codebreaker.

Yeah, I tried to use the whole Nightmare thingy, once, long time ago, aand a lot of numbers make my brain numb out.

It's amazing I'm capable of using codebreakers at all :P:

Wow, you really went out of your way to introduce yourself!

Though I gotta admit, Lyon is pretty hot, as are Selena, Brunya, Ursula, Limstella... Yeah, nice looking evil people tend to be gals in FE, don't they?

Anyway...[spoiler=I Welcome you]lvdVy1j.jpg

Oh yeah, Lyon's a favorite too. Perhaps primarily due to his class though.
Necromancy is an interesting but very very misunderstood school of magic that is always put on evil side.
I guess evil Females are more common as pretty due to them not wanting to make ugly Females. I mean Niime isn't per say ugly, just old.
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Welcome C3!

That's a very through intro.

Not only that, certain attacks have a much longer range in this game compared to many other games. I wish Archers had more like an 8-range to hit so they at least felt somewhat threatening as they should be.

I was disappointed with this aspect of the game myself, not only for ranged units like archers but for all classes using magic as well. As far as I know, range in FE depends on weapon/spells and not class but again that feels off to me.

But don't forget, they can shoot through walls! That obviously makes more sense to someone somehow.

Anyways, see you around and have fun.

Edited by Xyr
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Wow, you didn't exactly slack off with your intoduction. You're completely right with Golden Retreivers being the best. Be sure to watch out for the crazy people.

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Ia Ia, Zeithri fhtagn.






Not only do you seem have at least cursory knowledge of the Lovecraft mythos, I see some Caster up in that avatar, mentions of Poe and Stoker on your tweets, and you enjoy music the likes of Blind Guardian (Nightfall was their best album, prove me wrong). I think we'd get along splendidly.

Anyway, great intro, I feel like a heel for not having noticed it until now. I see you haven't been back for a few days, maybe all your questions were answered and you left again. That'd be a shame in my opinion, but I guess time will tell.

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Welcome! Lemme roll out the red carpet for ya.



Welcome C3!

That's a very through intro.

I was disappointed with this aspect of the game myself, not only for ranged units like archers but for all classes using magic as well. As far as I know, range in FE depends on weapon/spells and not class but again that feels off to me.

But don't forget, they can shoot through walls! That obviously makes more sense to someone somehow.

Anyways, see you around and have fun.

I keep asking myself; What's the point to even use Archers?

Then I remember the pesky fliers... Who die to my caster anyway.

I guess no one remembered to build roofs!

Welcome to the forest, child.


Thankies to both

Wow, you didn't exactly slack off with your intoduction. You're completely right with Golden Retreivers being the best. Be sure to watch out for the crazy people.

Many cute dogs. Maaany cute dogs.

Googled Dire Wolves yesterday and found American Alablasters or what they were called.


Ia Ia, Zeithri fhtagn.






Not only do you seem have at least cursory knowledge of the Lovecraft mythos, I see some Caster up in that avatar, mentions of Poe and Stoker on your tweets, and you enjoy music the likes of Blind Guardian (Nightfall was their best album, prove me wrong). I think we'd get along splendidly.

Anyway, great intro, I feel like a heel for not having noticed it until now. I see you haven't been back for a few days, maybe all your questions were answered and you left again. That'd be a shame in my opinion, but I guess time will tell.

I have a lot of Caster-avatars. It was my favorite Fate / Stay Night character. Gilles de Rais in Fate / Zero is entertaining too but not like Caster. She's also my favorite in Fate Unlimited Codes.

Actually I have a lot of avatars overall. Over my years, I have made ( with made, I mean cut into shape and such and maybe re-colored and made new background etc ) about 1170 avatars. I favor the magic users of my avatars.

Right now I have a bit of avatar decisiveless-ness in what to pick so my avatars change.

I do not know much of Edgar Allan Poe except for watching a documentary and what my significant other read to me ( Quoteth the Raven, Nevermore ), but it was a sad fascinating life. As did Lovecraft have, much fascinating.

Bram Stoker's Dracula is an amazing movie. Another great movie, Merlin with Sam Neill.

Nightfall, excellent album but personally, I adore At the Edge of Time more.

Personal favorite song; The Soulforged from A Night at the Opera album.

- My song.

No need to feel like a heel. Threads come and go, the wheel will turn.

Welcome to the Forest! Also, great intro, i feel that i know plenty about you without ever soeaking to ya!

Wat the heck does that mean O_o

I tell bits and pieces, few people know everything, some know a lot, but most know little.

The secret is to tell much, yet tell nothing - Just as a picture can say a thousand words about nothing.

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Welcome to the Forest! Also, great intro, i feel that i know plenty about you without ever speaking to ya!

Wat the heck does that mean O_o

"Ia Ia! X fhtagn" is essentially "Yes, yes! X dreams!"

The second one is a spell to raise the dead from their "essential saltes" after I substituted Yog-Sothoth's name out.

I have a lot of Caster-avatars. It was my favorite Fate / Stay Night character. Gilles de Rais in Fate / Zero is entertaining too but not like Caster. She's also my favorite in Fate Unlimited Codes.

Actually I have a lot of avatars overall. Over my years, I have made ( with made, I mean cut into shape and such and maybe re-colored and made new background etc ) about 1170 avatars. I favor the magic users of my avatars.

Right now I have a bit of avatar decisiveless-ness in what to pick so my avatars change.

I do not know much of Edgar Allan Poe except for watching a documentary and what my significant other read to me ( Quoteth the Raven, Nevermore ), but it was a sad fascinating life. As did Lovecraft have, much fascinating.

Bram Stoker's Dracula is an amazing movie. Another great movie, Merlin with Sam Neill.

Nightfall, excellent album but personally, I adore At the Edge of Time more.

Personal favorite song; The Soulforged from A Night at the Opera album.

- My song.

No need to feel like a heel. Threads come and go, the wheel will turn.

Caster is one of the more sympathetic antagonists, truly. I'm glad to see you were also entertained by Mr. Joan-of-Arc complex as well, though, he made me giggle. And I'm pretty familiar with the whole rotating avatars things. I've been on this ride for a number of years myself XD.

I have both Poe's and Lovecraft's Complete Works, though I've only half-finished both of them. One of my favorite Poems is Annabel Lee, and I think that The Black Cat is far superior to The Telltale Heart, in terms of execution on a similar theme. That said, I quite enjoy his Auguste Dupin works as well, as they basically invented the genre and paved the way for Holmes and others. Poe put in so much work in the literary department it's mindboggling. Get your SO (or failing that, somebody else) to read you some more, I think it'll be right up your alley. Perhaps Fall of the House of Usher? It's a shame when great artists die young and tragically.

I should give their latest albums another listen and a fair chance, but Twist in the Myth was underwhelming, and I sort of fell out of the "must collect and listen to music religiously" phase I used to be in. I tend to satisfy myself on old mixes of power metal, melo-death, and the like to get me through my commutes, and... that's actually kind of sad. I should spice it up a bit here and there. Soulforged was interesting, in that it was based off Raistlin, yeah, but it never really caught me, per se.

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Caster is one of the more sympathetic antagonists, truly. I'm glad to see you were also entertained by Mr. Joan-of-Arc complex as well, though, he made me giggle. And I'm pretty familiar with the whole rotating avatars things. I've been on this ride for a number of years myself XD.

I have both Poe's and Lovecraft's Complete Works, though I've only half-finished both of them. One of my favorite Poems is Annabel Lee, and I think that The Black Cat is far superior to The Telltale Heart, in terms of execution on a similar theme. That said, I quite enjoy his Auguste Dupin works as well, as they basically invented the genre and paved the way for Holmes and others. Poe put in so much work in the literary department it's mindboggling. Get your SO (or failing that, somebody else) to read you some more, I think it'll be right up your alley. Perhaps Fall of the House of Usher? It's a shame when great artists die young and tragically.

I should give their latest albums another listen and a fair chance, but Twist in the Myth was underwhelming, and I sort of fell out of the "must collect and listen to music religiously" phase I used to be in. I tend to satisfy myself on old mixes of power metal, melo-death, and the like to get me through my commutes, and... that's actually kind of sad. I should spice it up a bit here and there. Soulforged was interesting, in that it was based off Raistlin, yeah, but it never really caught me, per se.

She's still a somewhat awful person though when you get right down to it. In some stories, she killed and chopped her kids to pieces and stuff like that.

But yes.. Otherwise, very sympathetic. Assassin that she summons is perhaps the most worthy to get the grail when you actually think about it.

How could I not?


Gilles de Rais is interesting having read up about him before and in the end I guess I am torn between "Did he really murder them?" or was it just the church that didn't like him anymore so they framed him?

It is an amazing ride though. Always changing avatars, making people annoyed because of that and doesn't afraid of anything! :B): Or something like that.

I didn't know that they had Complete Works. Must be huge books! Eventually I do plan on getting around reading something about it. Just as I've been planning to read all Lovecraft books (or audiobook them) for years now.

I recommend the following songs in this spoiler tag.

Not liking any of those, there's always Hey there C'thulhu ~

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She's still a somewhat awful person though when you get right down to it. In some stories, she killed and chopped her kids to pieces and stuff like that.

But yes.. Otherwise, very sympathetic. Assassin that she summons is perhaps the most worthy to get the grail when you actually think about it.

How could I not?


Gilles de Rais is interesting having read up about him before and in the end I guess I am torn between "Did he really murder them?" or was it just the church that didn't like him anymore so they framed him?

It is an amazing ride though. Always changing avatars, making people annoyed because of that and doesn't afraid of anything! :B): Or something like that.

I didn't know that they had Complete Works. Must be huge books! Eventually I do plan on getting around reading something about it. Just as I've been planning to read all Lovecraft books (or audiobook them) for years now.

I recommend the following songs in this spoiler tag.

Not liking any of those, there's always Hey there C'thulhu ~

Oh, I didn't argue she was good, just... Sympathetic. Like, Ilya is sympathetic too, but she's still a murdersome loli when you get right down to it.

Yeah, I enjoyed Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder exploring Gilles de Rais too, to be honest. History will likely never know the full truth, but that won't stop people from their own takes on the matter.

Yeah, they're fairly largish books, here's some pictures for an eyeball estimate




I'll listen to these over the course of the day, probably, and check back in with you later. Though it might be time to send our conversation into a private message sooner than later, as we're sort of straying from general introduction material, and I shouldn't derail your thread too badly here.

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s n i p

Those are big books. Is it now one inserts a joke about size?

No worries, I feel this has been a welcoming post and not at all derailment but yes, feel free to honk over a PM whenever.

As for everyone of course.

Again, thanks to everyone for their welcoming.

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