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Frederick's Family Run: The Bear Meat-Filled Journey!


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Yep, I'm finally starting this run for real. lol

I'll reiterate the plan I described in the first thread (which is really dead, so that's why I didn't revive it). This is my first playthrough ever of a game where I use any kind of limitations. So I'll probably mess up once in awhile, especially since I'm no expert at Fire Emblem games. :P

In this run, I will only use Frederick and his family (meaning him, his wife, and his child) as well as the in-laws (the family of whichever kid Freddy's kid marries). For me, these units will be as follows:

Frederick (duh lol)

Kelli (Female Avatar and Freddy's wifey)

Morgan (their son, of course)


Stahl (Cordelia's hubby)

Severa (Morgan's wifey)

I will also use Chrom, but only in Risen spawns and stuff. I'd not use him at all, except he's forced in the Endgame and if I leave him weak, he'll have his ass handed to him. Cordelia, of course, will have to serve as the healer since she'll be going Falcon Knight, though I don't know how well that will turn out since her magic is kinda rubbish. :P

The difficulty of this run will be normal/classic, because as I said, I'm not an FE expert. I also will NEVER do casual because imo, permadeath was always the better idea. It's more realistic and it makes me care about the characters more. Sucks to people that complained about it. :P

I'll also be reclassing and giving the units planned skillsets. Their classes will go as follows:

Frederick: Great Knight (for Luna and Dual Guard+) -> Dread Fighter (for Res +10 and Aggressor) -> Great Knight (I'll have to do Lost Bloodlines 2 again for this, of course, but it's worth it for the sexy DREAD FRED ^^)

Kelli: Tactician -> Grandmaster (for Ignis and Rally Spectrum) -> Dark Flier (for Galeforce) -> Falcon Knight (for Lancefaire) -> Sage (for Tomefaire) -> Dark Flier

Morgan: Cavalier (he starts as this if Frederick is his father) -> Great Knight (Luna, as he'll be inheriting Dual Guard+ from Freddy) -> Grandmaster (for Ignis, as he'll inherit Galeforce from Kelli) -> Hero (for pseudo Aether (aka Sol to go with Luna) -> Great Knight

Cordelia: Pegasus Knight -> Dark Flier (Galeforce) -> Hero (Sol) -> Bow Knight (Bowbreaker) -> Falcon Knight (Lancefaire)

Stahl: Cavalier -> Paladin (Aegis) -> Great Knight (Luna and Dual Guard+) -> Swordmaster (Astra and Swordfaire) -> Great Knight

Severa: Mercenary -> Hero (Sol for more pseudo Aether since she'll get Luna from Stahl) -> Swordmaster (Swordfaire) -> Sniper (Bowfaire. Stahl has the Archer line, doesn't he?) -> Bow Knight (no need to go Dark Flier for Galeforce since she'll inherit that from Cordelia)

I won't reclass Chrom, he'll just sit with a maxed level once he reaches lv. 20 Great Lord. If he's looking screwed in any important stats though, I'll bring him back to lv. 1 Great Lord and give him more levels.

I'll also try to do some DLC maps that I haven't attempted yet, like the festival one (I've seen that Frederick is hilarious here), Golden pack (helpful for grinding), and Rogues & Redeemers 3 (Ike and Limit Breaker, two freaking awesome rewards! x3). Why am I doing this run though? Besides the fact that I love Frederick and the idea of making HIM the big hero, I really enjoyed the gameplay of this game and just felt like doing a special run of it. Also, this is celebrating the Avatar's inclusion in the new Smash Bros.! ^^

I'm also deciding to add my own dialogue like Sangyul did with his Avatar only run. Sangyul just made the run so entertaining to follow because of this and people seemed to enjoy how he portrayed Kelli in it, so I'm gonna take a crack at it! I don't know if I'll be as funny or anything as Sang was, but I can sure try! So let the bear meat-filled journey begin!


Kelli: *embracing Frederick* Oh Frederick, I'm sorry for worrying you so... But I had to deal the final blow to Grima myself. It was the only way to ensure that he would never return. Believe me, I missed you so terribly... It was so hard not having the man I love by my side for all those months... Not knowing if I was dead or not... *sniff*

Frederick: *sniff* I know, Kelli... I still wish there had been another way, as you probably can imagine how depressed I had been lately. I could barely function and do any of my normal duties. I would cry myself to sleep at night and hardly eat any meals. I've probably lost too much weight... But I'm so happy to have you back! I love you and vow to protect you for the rest of my days, no matter what it takes.

Kelli: Oh, Frederick! It sounds like you made yourself ill! Don't ever do that again if I'm absent for a long time for whatever reason. I want you to stay strong and carry on, for me... And Morgan.

Frederick: Well, I shall try. For you and Morgan. And any other children we may have.

Kelli: Heh, more children, eh? That actually sounds appealing!

Frederick: Oh...erm... (gods, why did I say that?!) I would vow to raise and protect all of them as well, regardless of the cost.

Kelli: Hee hee, that's my Freddy Bear! I love you so very much...

Frederick: (She WOULD use that nickname again...) I love you too, my sweet...

*the two kiss and don't part for a long time*

*suddenly, a dark mass appears and tosses the couple apart*

Kelli: Agh! What the--?!

Frederick: Nngh! ...Great Paladin's helm! What is that?!

Grima Kelli: Heh, heh, heh...

Kelli: WHAT?!

Frederick: N-No way... It can't be...

Grima Kelli: Sorry, but it is, oh Sir Frederick the Wary. Heh heh.

Frederick: Grima! You fiend! You should be dead!

Kelli: I destroyed you! How are you here?!

Frederick: If you're here to oppose Kelli, then you have made a grave mistake! I took you down once, and I can do it again!

Grima Kelli: Oh calm yourselves, you fools. Of course I'm dead. Which means I can't harm either of you. I am but a ghost of my former self.

Kelli: Then what are you here for?!

Grima Kelli: To commend you both, your hardass husband here in particular, for being able to defeat me the way you did. Thus, I offer another challenge.

Frederick: You dare insult me?! What lunacy is this?!

Kelli: Leave Frederick alone and get to the point, you flying purple people eater!

Grima Kelli: I would if you would both SHUT UP. ANYWAY, I challenge you to go through your journey again and defeat me once more--

Frederick: And where is the challenge in that seeing as we just killed you?

Kelli: Yeah, for a massive deadly dragon that's called a god, you suck at challenging people.

Grima Kelli: DAMN IT WILL YOU LET ME FINISH?! I'm challenging you to win against me again, but with only a select group of soldiers. They will be you both, that son of yours, and the family of the one he chooses to marry. Oh, and that baby-making prince. You need him to get to me, and he'll get his ass handed to him if he's weak.

Kelli: Are you serious?!

Frederick: You want us to go through that madness again? You really ARE a lunatic. We will never do such a thing!

Grima Kelli: Oh, but you have no choice. Heh heh... See, I can force you accept.

Kelli: What?! But you said you can't do anything to us!

Grima Kelli: I only can't HARM you. I never said I couldn't do other things. You'll be returned here if you manage to complete the challenge. However, you'll have to redo everything you already did, including growing close, getting married, ecetera. Good luck, and enjoy the trip! Heh heh...

*Grima Kelli pulls the couple into a dark void*

Frederick: Gaah! Damn that dragon!

Kelli: Oh, we'll defeat you again alright, Grima! We'll be even stronger this time, and my Freddy Bear will take you down just as before! MARK MY WORDS!!

Frederick: Um, Kelli...


Frederick: Kelli, please...

Yes, Kelli rhymed intentionally, and yes, she referenced a certain old song with her Grima insult. lol

The premonition needs no explanation, we all know it's just Chrom and Avatar defeating Validar. :P


Chrom: Okay, let's send these bandits to hell!

Kelli: You got it, Chrom!

Frederick: They will regret crossing paths with us!

Chrom: Wait, what?! W-Why can't I draw my weapon?! I'm royalty, the Falchion shouldn't reject me! THIS IS MADNESS!

Lissa: And I can't use my staff! What's going on here?! AAAH!

Kelli: I-I don't know! Frederick and I can use our weapons. Something tells me that it's some kind of spell though. And it can only be broken until a certain goal is reached.

Frederick: ...For some reason, I feel the same way. But I have no idea why. We'll just have to reach that goal.

Chrom: *growls, but would rather scream some more*

Lissa: But I don't want to be useless!

Kelli: It can't be helped, just let us handle these guys. We can do it.

Kelli got a crit on her second attack, aw yeah. ^^ Nobody leveled up though, grr. So everyone's still at base. Oh, and Kelli is +strength, -defense just like in my first playthrough. But she FREAKING MISSED ON A 98% HIT RATE, WHAAAT.

I didn't use either Chrom or Lissa, they just hung around. lol Frederick and Kelli took out the boss together and already gained some support points. :)

*after the battle*


Chrom: Hey, at least you can fight at all!

Frederick: Now let's calm down... We still won. And it's unwise to let anger cloud your judgement.

Kelli: Ugh. You're right, you're right. Next time, I'll do better!

And this is where I've left off. Until next time! ^^

Edited by Anacybele
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Why what? :P

And glad to see some people are interested in this! ^^


I wish you best of luck, and I'll be following this for Severa!

Yay. :D

I've heard that there are two groups of people. Those that like tsunderes and those that hate them. I guess I'm in the first group because I really like Severa. lol

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I've heard that there are two groups of people. Those that like tsunderes and those that hate them. I guess I'm in the first group because I really like Severa. lol

Almost. There are two kinds of people in this world: those that like tsunderes, and those that are wrong.

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yes i don't get it why would anacybele do a run which several people on this site including me have done and even have the audacity to document it, a procedure which is wholly new to serenes forest dot net

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yes i don't get it why would anacybele do a run which several people on this site including me have done and even have the audacity to document it, a procedure which is wholly new to serenes forest dot net


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Almost. There are two kinds of people in this world: those that like tsunderes, and those that are wrong.

Yay. :D

I've heard that there are two groups of people. Those that like tsunderes and those that hate them. I guess I'm in the first group because I really like Severa. lol

Definitely xD

So Ana, when do you plan on making updates? I'm excited to see Cordelia and Severa soon! (But getting to Severa might take a while).

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Just did chapter 1! ^^

Kelli: *munch munch slurp*
Chrom: Well, Kelli's sure enjoying that bear...
Kelli: I muft haf my stwenf for the nex battle!
Frederick: Erm... You do know that it's poor manners to talk with food in your mouth, right?
Kelli: *swallows* Ah yes, sorry. Heh.
Chrom: But what's this about a "next battle"?
Kelli: ...Uh, um, well... I'm not sure, actually. But surely this won't be the last time we ever fight.
Chrom: Well, I suppose.
Frederick: I can see right through that lie. Milord, it's as I said, I am not sure we can trust this woman.
Kelli: I'm not lying! And did I not just help save some Ylissean lives?
Frederick: Gaining our trust now does not mean you don't plan to betray it later.
Kelli: ...That is ridiculous. I can't remember anything but my name and Chrom's!
Frederick: So you say.
Kelli: Ugh... (such a hardass)
Frederick: What was that?
Kelli: Nothing, never mind it. *continues munching on bear meat*
Lissa: *giggles* You both are so cute bickering like that! If I didn't know better, I'd have guessed you were married! ...Say, maybe you SHOULD get married!
Frederick: Huh?!
Kelli: *catapults her food from her mouth*

*Kelli looks up to find half-chewed bear meat dripping down an irritated Frederick's face*

Kelli: Oh, gods! Frederick, I'm so sorry!
Lissa: *rolls over laughing*
Chrom: *chuckles to himself*
Kelli: *brings a handkerchief to Frederick's face* Here, Frederick, I'll help you clean up!
Frederick: I can do it myself, but thank you.
Kelli: *looks up again* Oh, alright then I--.

*the two now find their faces close together and both turn red as a tomato*

Kelli: *moves away* Ahem... (for a rude hardass, he sure is handsome...)
Frederick: *glancing away* (w-what was that all about,,,?)
Lissa: Aw, you blushed! You really SHOULD get married!
Frederick: N-Now I have no idea why that happened! I just met her for gods' sake!
Kelli: What he said!

*later, when the quake happens*

Kelli: Aaah! What in blazes was that?!
Frederick: I-I don't know, but for some reason, something tells me milord and milady are in trouble! We must go to their aid!
Kelli: Yeah, I agree! Come on!

I was forced to use Chrom here because an enemy went after him. Yeah, so for a moment there he was able to attack. lol BUT WHAT THE FREAK HE MISSED AT 85% HIT RATE. WHAT IS THIS MADNESS. On the flipside though, Kelli gained two levels, though Frederick hasn't quite yet gotten a level. Strangely enough, despite Kelli's flaw being defense, she gained defense in both level ups. Her stats now:

Unit     Level     HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LK   DF   RS
Kelli    --/03     21   09   06   07   06   05   07   04
Freddy   --/01     base

Both her levels were pretty good though.

Kelli: Ugh, those monsters were disgusting! Too bad I've a feeling we'll be seeing them again.
Frederick: I do too, somehow...
Chrom: Hey, how is it that you two can "sense" things lately?
Kelli: We can't explain it, honestly.
Frederick: I am at a loss, it's true.
Kelli: But we must press on. And Frederick, by the way, thank you for teaming up with me again back there.
Frederick: Of course. Somehow, even though I still don't trust you, I felt the need to aid you. I can't explain this either.
Lissa: Awww, you do care about each other!
Kelli: Lissa, be quiet before I care about slapping you with my tome.
Lissa: Aw, you're no fun.
Chrom: Ah, at least I was able to attack for a moment... (But why the hell did I miss?!)

This is all I'll do for today though. I'd like to still be playing this file when Freddy's birthday rolls around later in the month. :3

Edited by Anacybele
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I'd suggest using a code box to keep track of your characters' current stats and levels, it looks nicer and probably saves space. Here's a sample if you want to use it later.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LC   DF   RS
Kelli    --.--     21   09   06   07   06   05   07   04
Fred     --/01     base
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[ code]

Insert text here

[ /code]

Remove the space in the code boxes and that's how you make the table. You also have to make sure the number of characters in each row are consistent or your columns won't line up.

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...Erm, click the what on the what now?

Sorry if I'm sounding like a total noob. I'm just confused. ._.

1: quote boron's post

2: switch on the editor that's not raw text (the one that actually updates to show you what you're doing, idk what you use by default) and you can just edit what she posted

EDIT: you can actually do it with the raw text editor too (as i prefer) just remember that code boxes keep however many spaces you have between things, unlike regular posts

Edited by Integrity
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