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Frederick's Family Run: The Bear Meat-Filled Journey!


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Finished chapter 4! That was actually pretty easy. Maybe I've overleveled everyone a bit. lol No Risen spawns appeared this time though. Of course, I've unlocked the barracks and the Outrealm.

Kelli: Wow, if the kahns like battling more than talking, they must be big, tough strong men!

Flavia: Am I, now?

Kelli: WHAA! What in the--?!

Chrom: YOU'RE the kahn?

Flavia: I am, Prince Chrom. The east kahn, to be exact. But I'm afraid I can't give you any aid.

Kelli: Then we came all this way for nothing?

Chrom: What? But why?

Flavia: I'm only ONE of the kahns. Two kahns rule, but only one holds complete power.

Kelli: That's...kind of strange. (two people rule this country, but only one holds complete power? How do I make sense of this?)

Chrom: I see. So there's nothing we can do?

Flavia: Actually, you could be my champions and battle the west kahn's men in the upcoming tournament. That way, the balance of power would shift to me. We hold such tournaments every year.

Chrom: Oh. I see...

Kelli: (we have to risk our lives just to get more allies? Ugh... Why does everything have to boil down to kill or be killed?!)

Flavia: Hm?

Kelli: Oh, uh, nothing, sorry! I guess we have no choice. Chrom, let's fight.

Chrom: Right!

Freddy got a good level up! Strength, skill, speed, and defense (along with HP of course, as that's a given for him)! He also took down "Marth" with a bit of aid from Kelli. But I passed on getting them more support points. I'll get to that a bit later. Also gave Stahl a C support with Donny for the heck of it lol. And speaking of Stahl, he got a nice level up as well! Kelli also gained speed yet again, so she's seemingly getting out of the speed screwiness, but she's still fragile, errg.

Chrom's rapier made short work of the armors as did Freddy's hammer (I can't remember where he got that thing, it must've come off an enemy). Stahl also managed to find himself an Eirika's Blade on an event tile and BOY does he kick ass with it! Freddy also got Luna while Kelli learned Solidarity.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LK   DF   RS
Kelli    --/10     27   12   10   12   11   10   08   05
Freddy   --/05     33   16   02   14   12   06   17   05
Stahl    --/07     27   12   01   10   10   08   11   02
Chrom    --/08     27   13   03   12   13   09   10   04

I must've forgotten to update some HP stats earlier because they look like they've jumped a couple points on people not named Frederick. o.O Anyway.

Kelli: That Marth person was a good fighter.

Chrom: Yeah, but what I can't understand is how he has a Falchion and fights a lot like I do!

Frederick: That IS rather odd.

Chrom: Could he be a long lost relative or something?

Frederick: That's a possibility. I shall have researchers dig into this matter and find out for sure. And I will send a search party to find Marth and get more answers. I'll also have posters made asking for anyone to give us any information they know about the Exalted bloodline and---

Chrom: Frederick! I don't think that will be necessary. Let's just go.

Frederick: But milord! If there's another member of the family, I have to bring them here so I may serve them as well! It's my sworn duty as a knight!

Chrom: I know, Frederick, but right now is not the time.

Kelli: *giggles*

Chrom: What's with you?

Kelli: Oh, nothing... Frederick is just so funny sometimes.

Frederick: I...was being serious.

Kelli: Oh, I know, handsome.

Chrom: *bites lip again* (gods... Is she in love with him? Am I really competing with Frederick of all people for her heart...?)

Frederick: *blushes* (she's giving me that warm feeling in my stomach again... Is this...affection? But Chrom has shown signs of feelings for her too lately. In fact, much of the group has noticed except for Kelli herself for some reason. Just...why must I compete with Chrom of all people for her heart...?)

This is all for today. ^^

Edited by Anacybele
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Stahl looks like he's doing well. That's a good start for Severa :D:

Can't wait until Chapter 7! Your first Pegasus Knight that you'll actually be using! Who needs Sumia? And then at the end, Kelli will also be a Dark Flier but that's a LONG time from now.

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Heh, yep! Besides Galeforce, the other reason I make Kelli a Dark Flier is for a cavalier knight x Pegasus knight pairing between her and Freddy. I always love at least one of those pairings in each game lol.

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A Risen spawn showed up when I loaded my file, so more level ups! Well, not for Freddy yet lol.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LK   DF   RS
Kelli    --/11     28   12   10   13   11   10   08   06
Freddy   --/05     33   16   02   14   12   06   17   05
Stahl    --/09     29   12   01   10   11   10   12   02
Chrom    --/09     28   13   03   12   13   10   10   04

Yeah, Chrom's level sucked. :/ But damn, Stahl is still amazing! Gotta swap his bronze lance out for an iron lance though, since his lance level went up.

Also C-supported Kelli with Stahl. With such a small group, it helps to give them all supports with each other. I've also unlocked a C support for Kelli and Chrom, but of course, that won't be done until Kelli and Frederick reach S support to ensure that it won't interfere with Chrom x Olivia.

Frederick also picked up a Shockstick (first time I've seen this one lol), which I'll hang on to for Kelli when she's a Dark Flier.

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That's a good sign! Can't stop now, we haven't reached Cordelia yet!

Shocksticks should be 1-2 ranged. I find them to be the lance-variant of the Levin Sword.

A Risen spawn showed up when I loaded my file, so more level ups! Well, not for Freddy yet lol.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LK   DF   RS
Kelli    --/11     28   12   10   13   11   10   08   06
Freddy   --/05     33   16   02   14   12   06   17   05
Stahl    --/09     29   12   01   10   11   10   12   02
Chrom    --/09     28   13   03   12   13   10   10   04

Even better! I actually hate Stahl, but if it's for a better Severa, I love it! xD

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Aw, I think Stahl is adorkable and I especially love him as Cordelia's hubby. :P

My favorite line from him is "I love this part!" lol

But yeah, I'm glad Stahl is looking great here, his speed was terribad in my first playthrough. Frederick outsped him by a lot, even before I reclassed him. XD

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Stahl isn't that bad a guy. I'm sure he'd turn to be an amazing unit, that is if I'd ever bother to use him xD It's just... his hair color. It gives me bad vibes.

I don't know why, but I feel like doing a Nobles Only Run of this game now.

Only Chrom, Lucina, and [insert sibling here]?

That'd be quite the challenge. Unless you mean something else.

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They're not the only nobles. Maribelle, Ricken, and Sully are also stated to be of noble birth. Frederick definitely has vibes of being nobility as well.

Yeah, Stahl does have a weird hair color, but I love him anyway. XD

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Only Chrom, Lucina, and [insert sibling here]?

That'd be quite the challenge. Unless you mean something else.

Actually, Chrom, Lissa, Maribelle, Lucina, Owain, Virion (I'm sure he counts as a noble, he was referred to as "Duke Virion" in the intermission before Ch. 12) and anyone else of noble birth if I can figure out who is who (please help if I'm missing anyone, I didn't unlock all the supports).

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Anyway, back on topic, do you plan to use the Shockstick? It isn't really too useful of a weapon to be honest.

Well, maybe if you don't half good magic. But Ana is saving it for when Kelli is a Dark Flier.

But the thing that really bothered me was that it wasn't 1-2 ranged. In the animation, the unit doesn't even go up to the enemy and stab him/her. iirc, it's the same animation as the Levin Sword.

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I did another Risen spawn and chapter 5! I was forced to use Ricken though. Otherwise, he would've gotten killed. xP

Frederick: (I have to make a move soon... Before Chrom does. Kelli compliments me, but she's also friendly with him. But I just don't know how to go about this... It's so hard! Gods, help me! I'm very much in love with her!)
Lissa: Hm? What are you mumbling to yourself for, Frederick?
Kelli: Yeah, are you alright? You look a little sweaty.
Frederick: ...Oh! Er...it's...just my armor. You both need not worry.
Lissa: Oh, Frederick, I can see right through that fib!
Kelli: Yeah, I've never seen heat bother you like that even during training!
Frederick: Well...uh...
Chrom: Guys, over there! I see King Gangrel and his lackey!
Emmeryn: So it is. Let us make peace.
Frederick: (...I can't believe Gangrel of all people just saved me from a moment of complete embarrassment)

*Gangrel notices the group*

Gangrel: Ah, you showed up! Well guess what? The only "parley" I'm willing to accept is a trade! The Fire Emblem for the blonde brat! Or else you die!
Chrom: Damn you! Gangrel, you monster!

Got lots of levels from this chapter and that Risen spawn! Mainly for Kelli and Stahl. Kelli got more speed too, yay! Frederick also got a pretty nice level! And man, I need to give Stahl more weapons that can let him attack up to four times! He hasn't gained anymore speed lately, but his strength and defense just keep going up. Kelli also got herself an Eliwood's Blade and Freddy found a Superior Lance (right when his Silver Lance broke too, what amazing timing). Funny thing is though, Kelli gained more defense again. Why does her res remain complete crap (at least compared to her other stats)? xP

The bad thing right now? Kelli actually has the highest res of my team, at 6. lol Also, Stahl got Outdoor Fighter and Chrom got Charm.

Unit     Level     HP   ST   MG   SK   SP   LK   DF   RS
Kelli    --/14     31   15   11   16   13   11   09   06
Freddy   --/06     34   17   02   15   13   06   17   05
Stahl    --/11     31   14   02   11   11   11   14   02
Chrom    --/11     30   14   03   12   15   12   11   04

Also, wedding bells are set to ring! Freddy and Kelli reached S support. ^^ Also gave a C support to Chrom and Kelli a little while before that (so what's written below can work). :P

Lissa: Oh, I'm so relieved Maribelle is alright!

Chrom: So am I. She IS your best friend, after all.

Lissa: Aw, thanks, Chrom!

*Kelli comes running over, a big smile on her face, followed by Frederick*

Kelli: Chrom, Lissa! Guess what, guess what, GUESS WHAT?!

Chrom: Whoa, Kelli, calm down! What's up?

Lissa: Yeah, what's so exciting? And right after we just started a war, no less?

Kelli: Look here!

*Kelli holds out her left hand, on which a beautiful ring envelopes her ring finger*

Chrom: *freezes and feels his stomach lurch*

Kelli: Frederick proposed to me! HE PROPOSED TO ME! We're going to get MARRIED!!

Lissa: Wow! That's so exciting! Is this for real? *jumping up and down*

Frederick: *smiling* It is, milady. I could no longer deny my feelings for Kelli, and I finally drew up the courage to buy the ring and propose.

Kelli: That's right! Oh, this ring is so lovely too! I just love it!

Lissa: That's so amazing! Congrats! I'm so happy for you two!

Kelli: Aw, thank you so much, Lissa!

Frederick: Yes, many thanks, milady.

Kelli: How about you, Chrom? Isn't this just amazing, or what?

Chrom: ...Oh, uh... Yes, I'm very happy for you. Sorry for not saying anything earlier, it just caught me off guard.

Kelli: Oh, that's alright! I'm just glad to hear it!

Frederick: (Sigh... He's lying. Forgive me, milord...)

Kelli: Ah, Lissa! We need to plan the wedding! I'd be honored if you could help!

Lissa: Heh, help plan a wedding? Now how can I say no to that? Of course I'll help!

Kelli: Great! Thanks! Chrom, would you like to help too?

Chrom: I...guess I'll consider it. I think I'll go train for right now though. We did just go to war, after all...

Kelli: Oh, okay then. See you later!

*Chrom walks away*

*later on, inside Chrom's tent*

Chrom: *lying in bed* I'm a moron... The idea that I stood any chance is ridiculous. Of course she would choose Frederick... She was attracted to him almost from the moment we met. And I had to go and offend her earlier. Saying she was not ladylike and didn't care about beauty! What the hell was I thinking?! Yet now, my heart is in a thousand pieces...

*tears trail down his cheeks*

I think that will be all for today. I want to do a bunch of other things, so yeah. Don't worry about Chrom though, remember that he's getting Olivia. ^^

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Chrom sounds like a pathetic baby, it's rather annoying to see him like this ;/

Um. he just had his heart broken. Wouldn't you cry if that happened to you?

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