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Frederick's Family Run: The Bear Meat-Filled Journey!


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Necroposting is actually a month after and it's gone from the first page.

So I was still in legal territory.

Regarding that though... I'd evaluate what you wanted to write/do this run for in the first place.

From the way I saw it, Boron honestly taking apart what they feel is wrong with your writing and ragequitting (in a sense)... means that you were writing/doing this run for the wrong reasons.

It's natural to want positive reception... but sometimes you have to earn it and roll with the punches. Not just expect people to like your writing when they feel it's off.

Edit: For the record, I'll stop posting.

Florina/Loki already said what I was going to say.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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OBVIOUSLY, I didn't mean SF policy dead. I meant dead as in it's not being continued regardless of how much time has passed since it was last posted in.

And I discontinued it because while I didn't expect to be praised as much as Sangyul was, I turned out to be worse at this than I thought I would and that doing this sort of thing is just not up my alley. So I thought it best to quit. That is all.

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