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Ooh, you even got Lyn in there. Nice!

lol Jokes aside, your battle sprites are pretty cool. The 3rd one is the best imo.

Keep going at it, man.

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I was hoping nobody would notice.I should get some fixes done tonight. Does anything else stand out particularly badly? Something about the chestplate irks me but I can't quite put my finger on it.


It's about done for now.


Woooww man, that guy just keeps on getting better each time you work on him. ^^ The work on the spaulder and breastplate is pretty amazing.

I think the horns on the shoulders (and the cape) are still the weak point. Using all the colors in equal amounts like you've done there isn't typical FE-shading, and it doesn't seem to have worked out the same way it did for the helmet horn. (Might just be a matter of finding the right curves for it to work out). Still great work~

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hahaha, imo you should just improve shading on the cape, it looks like plastc atm. horns are fine, but maybe since they share the cape's colours, it's all a matter of palette.

use more of the outline colour on the blue armour btw

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Oh man lookin' sweet.

I think what you aren't liking about the chest plate might be that it is looking pretty narrow?


Dragged some of the pieces out, it just seemed overall too small to me, and I think the far shoulder could also stand to be a bit further out. Are you using ref for it (assuming this is based on a WoW DK) ? Because imo WoW has some bizarre proportions, T11 in-game gives the characters a really silly huge head and the chest armor is usually skin-tight, which doesn't make a ton of sense for plate like this :D

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