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Maximum Attack?


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Just for funsies, I tried to work out a build that would give the highest effective strength (before damage calculations). I did a search and found nothing recent about this topic, and nothing close to the number I came up with, so here's what I did:

Berzerker Vaike!Gerome!Morgan: 71 Str (LB included)

+23 (Forged Hector's Axe (5/15/0))

+10 (Support Bonus)

+10 (Rallies)

+10 (Aggressor)

+5 (Axefaire)

+4 (Barracks)

+2 (All +2)

+2 (Str +2)

+2 (Tonic)

+2 (Special Dance)

=141 Effective Strength!

Does anyone have a build that would give higher effective strength than 141? How about highest effective magic? Just curious if it can go higher. Also, since this is my first post, I apologize in advance if this could have gone in a better place.

Edited by Oni
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It's an interesting curiousity calculating the max damage and the like. The one that's usually calculated is the maximum damage you can deal, and I always misquote the damage (I'm gonna say it's about 630ish... hopefully?) but it's basically doing what you just did, then using Parthia as a Warrior on Florina with a Vengeance (1/85 HP) crit.

Anyway, what you've calculated there seems to be, uh, actually not quite precisely defined. Aggressor and your weapon don't increase your strength, and while your weapon increases your might, including aggressor gives you no real argument against including, say, weapon triangle advantage. Possibly also Vengeance, although that won't be factored in pre-battle. If you're interested in your true might in combat, might as well get a 100% Vengeance with 1/85 HP against a Lance user, and also inclduing A rank Axe bonus in there instead of STR+2, bringing you up by 41 damage to 182. If you're interested in displayed might, there's no point in having Aggressor as that won't be factored in until later, so use Defender instead for +1 displayed might, giving 134 mt. And if you actually want to calculate Strength, I think you just exclude the weapon and use a Double Bow as a Warrior for... uh, 113 STR?

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For Magic, I think it would be Ricken!Laurent!Morgan with Valflame.

66 Magic as a Sage with LB

+21 (Valflame)

+8 (Sage pair-up)

+10 (Rallies)

+10 (Agg)

+5 (TF)

+4 (Barracks)

+2 (AS+2)

+2 (Mag +2)

+2 (Tonic)

+2 (Special Dance)


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That's Atk, not Str (otherwise you wouldn't factor in weapon mt and Agg). If pure Atk is what you're going for, see Parthia vs Florina. If you're looking for an incredible amount of Atk that can actually do something useful, King Marth@GK (LB/Agg/SF/Vengeance/All+2) with Exalted Falchion is your man. Vs Lunatic+ Grima with all applicable boosts, he can get an OHKO through Pavise+.

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Yes, I was going for atk, not str, but I wasn't sure what to call it exactly because from my experience, agg doesn't show up for atk until you select a target for an attack, and that also takes into account def for displayed dmg. I was also somewhat going for displayed atk, as in the pre-battle screen, and I thought it would be cool to see how high that number would go. I included weapon and WTB because that didn't account for WTA yet. I also wanted it to be more of a general senario instead of a specific case with Grima or Florina, so maybe including barracks bonus isn't right. Sorry for not being so clear. I also don't know if this would be practical at all, like for an apo run. Probably not. Just a curiosity

Didn't know about that case with King Marth, I'm going to have to try that sometime.

For Magic, that build looks right, except he would get +10 from S support for 134 atk, ya?

Edit: Updated topic title to correct topic.

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+9. Sage gives 4(base) +3(stat bonus) +2(support bonus).

Maximum Atk isn't that useful because Braves hit twice and thus cream any single hit (except in the case of Longbows/Double Bow). It's just there for showing off.

Stat definitions:

Str/Mag = base Str/Mag (class cap + Mods + LB) + static bonuses (Tonics/Rallies/Supports/Weapon stat buffs). It's the number that affects Ignis.

Atk = Str/Mag + Agg + weapon mt(*3 if super effective) + Weapon Rank Bonus.

Damage Dealt = (Atk - enemy Def/Res + Weapon Triangle boost/penalty (- WRB if at Weapon Triangle Disadvantage as well) + damage from player procs - enemy defensive procs)*3 if critical.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Berzerker Vaike!Gerome!Morgan: 71 Str (LB included)

+23 (Forged Hector's Axe (5/15/0))

+10 (Support Bonus)

+10 (Rallies)

+10 (Aggressor)

+5 (Axefaire)

+4 (Barracks)

+2 (All +2)

+2 (Str +2)

+2 (Tonic)

+2 (Special Dance)

Aggressor doesn't increase ATK.

The maximum is 132 (Agg -> Defender).

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